Chapter 389: Master Gao's Bead

The string of beads scattered on the ground were the bodhi beads that Master Gao had just given to Xia Yangyang today.

When Brother Hou attacked with his knife just now, he accidentally broke the string holding the beads together, now they were spread all over the ground.

Brother Hou's mouth was trembling.

The gangsters around him had lost their souls in fear. "Brother Hou, this seems to be Master Gao's phoenix eye bodhi. This string contains a "heaven-reaching" jade bead, engraved with Master Gao's seal. No one else can or dares to imitate this. This girl has Master Gao's string bead, what do we do, Brother Hou? We're in big trouble."

Brother Hou himself was terrified and shouted at the crowd in trembling voice: "Quickly, find all the beads for me, 16 in total, not one should be missing."

Then, everyone kneeled on the ground to start looking for the bodhi beads.

Xia Yangyang, already exhausted, thought she would not escape this ordeal.