Chapter 563: Is Xia Yangyang Getting Married?

Xia Yangyang didn't hold back and shattered the pretense.

She laughed radiantly, "What, President Gu, despite all your efforts, you couldn't find anything about Brother Li's background, could you?"

Gu Qichen frowned, "Brother Li?"

She even called him with such intimacy.

"He's not my boyfriend, so you don't need to investigate him, but I guess you couldn't find anything even if you tried, so save the effort."

Hearing Xia Yangyang put it this way, Gu Qichen inexplicably felt relieved.

In the hotel last time,

When Xia Yangyang said she had a boyfriend, it had been like a thorn digging into his heart, keeping him awake at night.

Now that he had heard it directly from Xia Yangyang herself, Gu Qichen felt as though the thorn had finally been removed.

He rationalized that Xia Yangyang was probably just trying to provoke him at that time.

He didn't believe that the past he couldn't forget over the years could be so easily let go by Xia Yangyang.