An Excellent Partner

Lan Jiao knew what Mi Lai was thinking without even looking at him. So, she consoled him.

Mi Lai trusted everything that Lan Jiao said. Since she was able to convert rot-eating rats into such a delicious dish, any disgusting thing could turn into something extraordinary as long as Lan Jiao was the one dealing with it.

Mi Lai sighed. He needed to control his revulsion at this moment and continue with his task of catching the insects, all for the sake of good food.

As for the insects they just caught, maybe he would not be able to eat them even if it was Lan Jiao who was cooking them. They looked horrible.

Surprisingly, Mi Lai's nauseous feelings regarding these worms vanished after seeing Lan Jiao's insects banquet! But that happened much later.

Mi Lai and Lan Jiao were about to go back to their residence after capturing two bottles full of insects.

Suddenly, a hissing sound appeared in the grass in front of them.

"Shhh…" Lan Jiao turned around and whispered to Mi Lai. They ceased their steps simultaneously, making no sound.

Mi Lai was a bit nervous.

He knew the reason for the residing soldiers' existence on Planet Trash. One was to guard the exiled criminals and other was the clearing and controlling the reproduction of the low-level star monsters.

On every Planet Trash, star monsters were the only other things which were valuable apart from the trash.

In Alliance, there were hundreds of Planet Trash like this one. Although the star monsters on Planet Trash belonged to the lower level, they were still of some value.

Flies were meat too.

Star monsters were dangerous things. Even the low-level star monsters could possess enough force to overpower Mi Lai and Lan Jiao.

Could the hissing sound in grass have been uttered by a star monster?

At this moment, Mi Lai felt his heart skip a beat.

For him, rot-eating rats were already a dangerous existence, let alone star monsters!

Even star monsters in the lowest level posed a huge threat to him.

Lan Jiao also seemed to have lost her composure. But she was trying to force herself to calm down.

Quietness dominated the entire space with only the sound of wind whistling past them. The hissing sound from earlier was gone as well.

The warm wind seemed to carry the stench of rot which was the trademark of Planet Trash, along with some other smells as well.

Lan Jiao inhaled deeply. Her sharp nose had managed to distinguish a slight coppery sweetness which was blending with the rotting scent, and after that…

What a strong smell of blood!

It was a wonderful feeling. For the first time in her life, Lan Jiao found the stench of blood to be appealing. She could not help herself and started walking in that direction.

Mi Lai failed to grip her clothes from behind to stop her steps.

Lan Jiao swiftly reached the spot where the hissing sound had come from.

The bloody smell was becoming increasingly strong. She brushed off the withered, dried grass only to find a man dressed in silver military uniform lying motionlessly on the ground.

His ear-long hair covered half of his eyes, and he had blood on his face, which covered his looks.

Judging from the amount of blood on the ground, he must have passed out due to a heavy blow on his head.

Mi Lai caught up with her and spotted the man on the ground instantly.

His eyes widened in shock. "Is he dead?"

"Still alive." Lan Jiao said and approached that man. She squatted down and started to check his injuries carefully.

As long as he was not dead, it would be a good thing for them.

Mi Lai let out a sigh of relief and recovered from the surprise. He came next to Lan Jiao and stared at the man. "Judging from the outfit he is wearing, he must be a Mech Soldier from Alliance."

"He can't be a local from Planet Trash. He might have got himself here by some mistake?"

"He has Light Head on his wrist. His companions would locate him soon based on the Light Head and take him away."

Mi Lai could not tell how much longer it would take until that happened.

It was also not certain whether the smell of blood would attract star monsters in the vicinity and land him in danger.

What Mi Lai said coincided with Lan Jiao's thoughts as well.

The blood on the man's head had already coagulated. His condition wouldn't worsen within a short period of time. After being found by his fellow friends, he would be cured quickly with the advanced medical technology available in the Interstellar Age.

Hopefully, his fellow friends could find him as soon as possible, so that he could avoid becoming the food of the low-level star monsters or starving to death.

Thinking of this, Lan Jiao instantly took out some bottles of nutritive solutions from her pocket and fed one bottle to the man, who seemed to be in a coma. Then she stuffed the rest of the bottles into his arms.

Hopefully, the nutritive solutions would be enough for him to get through the waiting period until his friends arrived. There was nothing more she could do for him at the moment.

Mi Lai watched Lan Jiao's moves calmly, feeling lucky on behalf of the comatose man.

It was his fortune that he met Lan Jiao who was kind-hearted, and was also the richest criminal amongst all the exiles here on Planet Trash.

Else these low-level nutritive solutions wouldn't have landed in the injured man's arms so easily.

Food was, afterall, the most valuable thing on Planet Trash!

The man seemed to have sensed the movement around him. His long and thick eyelashes were trembling like butterfly wings. He was at the edge of waking up at any moment.

That assured Lan Jiao. It seemed that this injured man was no longer in danger.

As she calmed herself down, she started to wonder why the smell of this man's blood was so tempting.

It seemed that his blood was different from that of others, and gave the feeling of being pure.

In the meanwhile, Mi Lai had discovered something else during this short period.

"The Light Head which he is wearing is the latest version developed by Alliance! It is a high-end technology that has not been out in public. There are only 100 such limited versions available in the whole Interstellar! So he can't be a low-ranked person in Alliance Mech Warband!"

Hearing what Mi Lai said, Lan Jiao looked shocked. "What??"

How did Mi Lai have this kind of extensive knowledge?

At this moment, Lan Jiao moved her focus away from the man and onto Mi Lai, instead.

Where exactly was this little buddy of hers from?

"Someone is here." Mi Lai said suddenly.

Having said the words, he gripped Lan Jiao's wrist and retreated to the other side of the grassland.

They placed themselves hundreds of meters away from the man when they saw a few Miniature Vehicles appearing in the sky. The vehicles landed by the injured man's side.

Soon, some people came out of the Miniature Vehicles and took the injured man away.

Lan Jiao could sense that Mi Lai had let out a sigh of relief after those people left.

Lan Jiao was becoming increasingly confused and curious about this little pet of hers.

Mi Lai not only had deep knowledge about the limited version of Light Head, but also possessed the ability to sense the presence of those Miniature Vehicles before they even appeared. What an extraordinary sense!

She suddenly realized that she might have been mistaken about Mi Lai before. He was not a cute, gentle and an easily bullied guy.

His real identity might end up giving her a big shock!