Nature Food

After Ken finished tasting those two kinds of insects, he asked Lan Jiao instantly. "What is the deal this time? Can I get some more? I like the second kind more, and I can offer many nutritive solutions for that!"

He had just said the words when he heard many soldiers expressing their excitement. "No extra deals, no extra deals!"

Honestly, if Ken got a large number of insects, the rest of them would be left with very little!

Lan Jiao was not surprised by this situation. She had always been confident about her cooking skills.

But this time, she wanted something else. After all, she already had many bottles of bad-tasting nutritive solutions.

"I want Nature Food, anyone up for that?" She smiled at everyone.

Nature Food was not on the same level as low-level nutritive solutions. One bottle of low-level nutritive solution cost 15 Alliance Coins, but the price of Nature Food was hundred times higher!

Nature Food included fruits, vegetables, meat and eggs. These things required a specific growing environment and each item had to be carefully cultivated by the biologists to harvest them properly.

Nature Food was, after all, extremely good for physical growth and development, if eaten on a long term basis. Therefore, in the Interstellar World, only noble families could afford these kinds of food.

Commoners would never have the money for even one meal of Nature Food, even if they worked hard and saved judiciously for a whole month, not even for one strawberry or an apple.

Lan Jiao's request silenced the soldiers. Her cooked insects tasted great, but if the price was Nature Food…

There were very few who were willing to do so.

Apart from the high price of Nature Food, those who lived on Planet Trash would have to pay extra delivery fees for what they booked online. After all, Planet Trash was a planet that was far and highly polluted.

Sometimes, the delivery fees might even exceed the price of the Nature Food itself!

In this way, the total price for Nature Food would end up being really high.

Lan Jiao had expected this reaction. But she was not in a hurry. Compared to Nature Food, her insects were quite rare too.

Also, she was confident that not everyone was able to resist the food which was in front of them that looked good and smelled great.

Ken, who had tasted the delicacies, paused. Then he took a deep breath as if he had made a big decision.

He asked Lan Jiao. "Miss Lan, what Nature Food do you need? Can I get the whole plate of the insects if I get you Nature Food?"

Ken pointed at the iron plate that held the crispy insects.

"Sure." Lan Jiao replied without hesitation.

These insects were the most commonly-seen things on Planet Trash. Catching them might take some effort, but if she was able to get Nature Food in exchange, she would be willing to face that small difficulty.

"I would like to get some flour, 200 - 300 gram will do. One apple, and hopefully one sweet potato as well."

Lan Jiao had thought through what she needed much earlier.

Each of these things would cost numerous Alliance Coins, so she put out her request carefully, one by one.

She knew that if she asked for too much, Ken might not be able to afford it.

Lan Jiao's demands made Ken hesitate. What she was asking for, exceeded his budget…

But the next second, Ken heard Lan Jiao add. "Apart from this plate of insects that you like, you can get the other type as well. Also, you will have the priority to do the deal with me every time I make good food."

"Excellent, done!" Ken stopped hesitating after hearing her promise.

Although the flour, apple and sweet potato would cost as much as half a year's income, yet for the sake of such delicious food, he was willing to take the deal!

One day later, a package was delivered by the spaceship that transported trash. On the second day, Lan Jiao got to eat an apple pie and oil-fried sweet potato pancakes.

Lan Jiao was able to make full use of the Nature Food with the cooking skills she had!

Mi Lai, who was her good friend, had the good luck to taste the dishes too.

The apple pie was crispy on the surface and warm inside, absolutely delicious. The sweet potato pancakes were sweet and soft, little burned on the top yet tender inside.

Mi Lai's eyes teared up when he finally got to eat the Nature Food.

He made up his mind to follow Lan Jiao sincerely and forever. He was going to be a loyal soldier, who would not show any hesitation in obeying her order.

This way, he would be able to taste all kinds of delicious food!


Due to the limited ingredients, Lan Jiao did not get to make a large quantity of apple pies or sweet potatoes.

She took a couple of bites from each for a moment of pleasure, and then she sold the remaining ones.

Unlike rot-eating rats and insects on Planet Trash, the apple pies and sweet potatoes were made with Nature Food.

The standard of producing Nature Food was that the radiation degree should not exceed 1%, meaning that the dishes Lan Jiao made this time had a much higher value.

Although Lan Jiao gave Ken the first priority, Ken did not do the trade with her.

Compared to the desserts, he was more willing to eat the crispy insects that Lan Jiao made.

But he spread the word. Hence, Lan Jiao's apple pies and sweet potatoes were an instant sell-out.

By this time, Lan Jiao had gotten to know the real identity of Ken. He was the nephew of the Captain of District Nine!

The kid belonged to the rich and powerful family!

Lan Jiao had managed to sell the food to Ken's uncle, Captain Kite.

Although these were just apple pies and sweet potatoes, Lan Jiao got a lot more Nature Food items in return.

With these ingredients, Lan Jiao felt that she would be able to make even more delicious food and her food business would thrive.

With more and more ingredients in the future, she would finally be able to fill her stomach with Nature Food rather than with the horrid tasting low-level nutritive solutions!

What a smart and pleasant decision!

Lan Jiao set the first goal for herself - to be able to eat delicious food for every meal on Planet Trash!

But she had not expected that this goal, which she thought would take ages to realize, was actualized just after 24 hours!

District Nine on Planet Trash 101.

As the main chief of District Nine, Kite was not experiencing a difficult time unlike those ordinary soldiers.

Normal soldiers received two bottles of low-level nutritive solutions every day for food, but as the captain of the whole district, he was provided with middle-level nutritive solutions!

This kind of nutritive fluid cost ten times more than those low-level nutritive solutions, and was priced at 150 Alliance Coins for one bottle.

Apart from the much better texture, it contained some other elements as well. It might not be as nutritious as Nature Food but it still helped with the growth of one's basic strength.

He had just undergone a physical test yesterday with the Light Head. His report showed that his physical quality had reached B+, and his energy strength was at Level 8. With this, he was ranked highest among all the district captains residing on Planet Trash.