Good Luck

Unexpectedly, a large-sized screen created from a projector appeared in the sky. On the screen, Dean Ferrero, a man with grey hair and grey beard showed up in front of the tens of thousands of well-prepared young participants.

"I am Dean Ferrero from Second Military School of Alliance." He was seated on a red wooden office chair with carvings, with his elbows placed against the table and hands supporting the chin.

He was not very young, yet he spoke with a very firm voice. His words reached each of the participants in the desert, loud and clear.

"As per the rules of the entry examination, from this moment on, you are going to stay for one month on this planet. Those who still manage to remain on this planet after a month would be accepted as the students of Second Military School!"

So simple?

Lan Jiao did not believe what Dean Ferrero's words.

She had spent one whole day safely on this planet already!

If staying safe for one month meant gaining access to the school, then at least half of the ten thousand participants on site would be able to enter the school.

"Now, you have to hand out your individual space storage device. The school will provide each of you with nutritive solutions that will last for three days along with a signal button.

As Dean Ferrero was speaking, the sand below everyone's feet started to vibrate, making buzzing sounds.

Something was popping out of the sand!

With wide eyes, Lan Jiao looked at the movement below her feet in surprise. In a few seconds, numerous fist-size, round robots sneaked out of the sand.

The shining, silver colored robots had long, slender arms. Each of them was holding a black metal box. They were bumped up under the anti-gravity system and arrived in front of each of the participants. They gave the golden box to each participant whilst taking away the storage space device from them.

In the meanwhile, Dean Ferrero was not done with his words.

"Missions will be given to you during this time period. In case of fatal danger, just switch off the signal button so you can extract yourself from the crisis. But the cost is that you will have to leave the planet."

On the screen, Dean Ferrero gave them a wide smile.

"And have fun in the examination!"

How could an exam be fun?

Lan Jiao felt that Dean Ferrero was speaking contradictory words.

This examination was going to be conducted under the personal supervision of the Dean. It seemed that he was going to have a good time.

Dean Ferrero disappeared from the large-sized screen after giving the instructions. After a moment, Lan Jiao finally realized the key to this examination.

They had been given nutritive solutions for three days only, but they were supposed to remain on this planet for one month!

So in order to stay for one full month, they were supposed to rob each other of their nutritive solutions.

In this way, there would soon be only 1,000 participants left out of this crowd.

That was just an approximate count. The actual number would vary slightly depending upon the circumstances.

Each day, there would be nutritive solutions consumed by the crowd.

Taking other factors into consideration, Lan Jiao estimated that within three days' time, only 500 - 800 people would be able to remain on site.

Therefore, the locals from Planet Trash were actually here as the supply source for participants from other planets.

After three days, there would be more than twenty days left before the deadline. The competition between the participants would get even more fierce.

It could be predicted that after one month, the number of survivors would become even smaller.

Lan Jiao felt that this kind of entry examination was more than a test of one's personal abilities. It was also an assessment of one's interpersonal relationships and a smart brain.

If you managed to forge a good relationship, you would gain capable allies. Under such a situation, nutritive solutions would not be easily stolen from the person.

If you had a smart brain, you would be able to dodge the danger and hide from the fiercest competition during the first three days, sparing enough energy for a counter strike later.

Lan Jiao was still thinking when the examination already started.

More than 3,000 participants rushed towards the locals from Planet Trash like wolves attacking a flock of sheep. They had started robbing them already.

Some smart people must have thought through the rules and rushed away from this dangerous spot.

The locals from Planet Trash did not unite to defend themselves against the enemies. Instead, they started an in-fight among themselves. They were stealing from their own fellow locals!

Lan Jiao was startled. But soon she realized the cause of this situation.

The locals from Planet Trash were no match against the other participants who were truly qualified to enter the school.

Since these locals were not capable enough to crush the opponents, they had to defeat their own comrades first.

The result of this battle was predictable. All these people were bound to fail.

Lan Jiao tried her best to escape the fight.

She could not stay here for too long. She had set herself a specific goal - to get rid of the chaos!

She was lucky enough to dodge some participants who had equal abilities than she was in the process of running away. They did not manage to get the nutritive solutions and the iron box from her.

She was almost at the edge of the chaotic battlefield when a huge shadow covered the bright space in front of Lan Jiao.

Lan Jiao looked up and saw a man standing in front of her. He was almost 2 meters tall, and was dressed in an army suit which was blue and silver in color. It was similar to the casual sportswear which people wore on her planet. He was tall and strong, and had short hair.

"I have been paying a great deal of attention to you, pretty girl. I am going to get you now, haha!"

Lan Jiao was shocked. "What??"


"My name is Chen Cheng. Remember me! I am the one who is going to steal the supplies from you!"

Having said the words, the tall and strong Chen Cheng lunged at Lan Jiao's iron box.

At first, Lan Jiao was shocked looking at his height. Yet seeing him pounce at her, she recovered quickly. She turned around and scurried off, despite the fact that she was heading towards the center of the chaotic battlefield.

"What? Don't run away. I just need your nutritive solutions, not your signal button. You won't be disqualified!"

Seeing Lan Jiao sprint away, Chen Cheng clarified immediately.

Hearing his explanation, Lan Jiao was certain now that this man was dumb.

There were so many locals from Planet Trash, why was he targeting only her?!