Well Concealed

There were three groups of people who were besieging Kong Ximeng and Fey at the moment. They could be clearly distinguished.

Lan Jiao did a headcount. There were 11 people in total. As Zhao Qingyan had mentioned earlier, those who were able to make it to this place were not stupid.

It was easy to predict what would happen to Kong Ximeng and Fey when they were confronted with so many competitors.

As passers-by, neither Lan Jiao nor Zhao Qingyan had the intention of putting their hand into this situation, especially since they already had enough nutritive solutions with them.

After spending a day together, there was already some tacit agreement established between the two of them. They exchanged a look and understood one another's thought process.

Zhao Qingyan found a large tree and reached up with just one poke against its trunk. Then she crossed her legs and sat on a sturdy branch leisurely. She was here to see a good show.

Lan Jiao was not as skilled as Zhao Qingyan. She thought that if she put in all her effort and managed to attain perfect hand-feet coordination, she might be able to make it to the top of the tree. But she would ruin her image in this way.

Instead, she looked around and sat down on a stone which was placed nearby. She said to the group of attackers, "Please continue, we are simply here for the show."

The reaction of these two girls made those participants let out a sigh of relief.

They didn't hesitate any longer.

All three batches of people knew that they would run into someone better than Zhao Qingyan, if they delayed it any further.

As for Lan Jiao, everyone thought that she was simply a person from Planet Trash. She had a terrible outfit and tanned skin.

She might be with Zhao Qingyan, yet no one considered her to be a threat. She was completely ignored.

The chaotic fight started instantly. Although the ball-shaped robots removed the storage devices of the participants at the beginning of the entry examination, some people still had weapons with them.

Some had daggers, a few others managed to hold onto their laser swords.

Some had robbed others of their weapons during the process of stealing nutritive solutions and shutting down the signal button.

As a result, almost all the 200 people, who had crossed over to the jungle, were equipped with some weapons.

Even Lan Jiao managed to find an alloy-made dagger when she was with Zhao Qingyan the day before.

As a double A-level owner, Kong Ximeng was fast. But Lan Jiao soon noticed his flaw.

Lan Jiao had watched many Wuxia series and Kungfu movies, so even if she did not know how to fight, she could tell who would be the winner.

Kong Ximeng had excellent physical quality, but he was not a fighter. He was just moving around, defending and slashing in the air without a proper technique.

They were fighting with weapons, but this was just an examination. Everyone was being careful not to get anyone killed. Otherwise they would be punished by the Alliance Law.

Kong Ximeng could handle the pressure. He was wounded but it was nothing serious.

But Fey was much worse compared to him. He had been hiding behind Kong Ximeng right from the beginning. Just as he had told Lan Jiao, he was not capable enough to defend himself. That was the reason why he had to gang up with Kong Ximeng.

The chaotic fight did not last for more than ten minutes.

Kong Ximeng was robbed of his weapon and nutritive solutions.

Due to the tussle, his white tuxedo was ripped apart. He looked like a mess!

What was worse, the winners snapped at him after sharing the nutritive solutions. "We told you that if you hand in the nutritive solutions, we could skip the fight."

Standing opposite them, a short guy with chestnut-brown hair and a white, short armor threw a look at Fey. With confusion in his eyes, he said, "Why do you look so familiar?"

As the words were spoken, the gentle-looking boy's eyes sharpened.

The change happened within one moment's time. Fey stopped looking gentle and weak, and let out an invisibly fast gaze.

Lan Jiao could see the entire shift.

She sighed inwardly - one should never judge anyone by their looks. The proverb was proven correct in this situation!

Who could tell that such a gentle-looking boy was not actually as simple as he looked!

Judging from Fey's demeanor, Lan Jiao figured that he was not an ordinary person.

Unlike the well-known strength of Zhao Qingyan, Fey seemed to be a harmless 13-year-old boy. But he had a deeply hidden skill.

And that made him the most dangerous person in a critical moment.

When Fey had said that he was teaming up with Kong Ximeng, he was actually using Kong Ximeng as a shield to hide his true self.

Fey smiled and touched his face. "Maybe it is because I possess a common-looking face."

At this moment, he was not behaving like a loser.

Compared to the sorry-looking Kong Ximeng, Fey did not seem to care about losing nutritive solutions.

His clothes were filthy and full of dirt, but they were still intact.

He purposefully received a kick by someone in the fight, and had pretended to be in deep pain.

As a result, Kong Ximeng was left alone facing the rest of the gang!

Seeing the defeated Kong Ximeng and the calm-looking Fey, Lan Jiao found the pair to be very interesting.

They were actually extremely dangerous people. One was dressed up like a knight and behaved like a stupid person whilst the other looking naive and innocent.

The chestnut-brown haired boy, who found Fey to be familiar, said with a slight hesitation in his voice, "Probably."

He could not believe that he spoke those words.

There seemed to be something different.

But that thought was gone from his mind when he caught sight of Fey's bright eyes.

"We don't have any nutritive solutions with us, so please let us go now." Fey addressed all of them.

Moments later, everyone nodded. "You can leave now."