
Soon, Chen Cheng understood what the girl from Planet Trash had done with the color bird!

Lan Jiao removed the iron ring from the rooster as she was pulling out the feathers. She took a look at the iron ring but saw no number there. So, she tossed the iron ring aside, ignoring it completely.

Also, her focus was upon the rooster. She did not care much about the affiliated thing, the iron ring.

She ripped open the belly of the rooster, and washed it properly. She stored its heart, liver, intestines in the iron box for later use.

Lan Jiao was very satisfied with the weight of the rooster, which was about 4 kilos after the feathers and the intestines were removed.

She could not wait to start a fire next to the brook, and put the rooster up on a wooden frame to start roasting.

Zhao Qingyan was confused…

Chen Cheng was quiet.

The quickest way to cook it was to roast it. Lan Jiao could have made a different dish but that would take much longer. The truth was that she just could not wait to eat it!

Roasting chicken was not easy. The fire needed to be controlled properly, and the rooster had to be flipped constantly, to ensure that the chicken was not burnt.

For a delicious and crispy roasted chicken to be made, there was a proper technique involved in the cooking process.

Since roasted chicken was a large irregular mass, good culinary skills had to be used to roast the chicken evenly. It wasn't enough to just control the fire.

Lan Jiao kept flipping and moving the chicken over the flame, so that every side of the chicken could be touched by the fire. In the meanwhile, Lan Jiao asked Zhao Qingyan to help her to make some long and thin wooden sticks.

She put the chicken heart, liver and stomach over the wooden sticks. Now, she was roasting the chicken with one hand and doing the intestines with the other. She was quite focussed and immersed in her task.

Soon, the chicken liver, which took the least time to be cooked, was done.

She sprinkled a small pinch of salt evenly over the surface of the chicken liver, and rolled it over the fire three times so the salt melted and stuck to the surface. Finally, the chicken liver was ready.

Since the rooster had been big, the intestines were larger compared to those of normal roosters.

The chicken liver, which was the size of an orange, smelled like a delicacy, invading everyone's nostrils.

Lan Jiao became so hungry just by the smell.

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and handed the roasted chicken to Zhao Qingyan.

Out of courtesy, she had to take care of others before she could eat it herself.

Seeing the food, Zhao Qingyan hesitated for a moment before accepting it.

Holding the wooden stick with the chicken liver in her hand, Zhao Qingyan felt that this small cluster of chicken liver seemed to weigh much more than it should.

This was the liver of a color bird, which had been cultivated by the research institute. It was also a challenge to be solved as part of the entry examination of the Second Military School!

Eating it might attract the Dean's wrath!

But seeing the glittering red color and inhaling the tempting smell of the roasted chicken liver that was glistening with oil, Zhao Qingyan hesitated for a few seconds.

She closed her eyes, made a decision and took a big bite of the chicken liver!

The wonderful taste spread in her mouth. The meat was soft and had a strong flavour that stimulated her taste buds.

Zhao Qingyan stopped hesitating any longer.

She would regret it for the rest of her life, if she did not eat this delicacy.

Zhao Qingyan could not control herself any more and finished the entire thing.

She looked at the empty wooden stick with some regret.

It was so delicious that she should have relished it little by little rather than finishing it in a few hurried bites.

What a shame!

With a gurgling sound, she heard someone gulping down a mouthful of saliva.

Zhao Qingyan turned in the direction of the sound and saw Chen Cheng. He was sitting like a hill, next to her with muscle exaggeratingly bulging. He had seen her chomping on the wooden stick with hungry eyes.

Seeing Zhao Qingyan's gaze upon him, Chen Cheng hesitated for a moment before asking her with slight bashfulness. "Did the liver taste good?"

Assuming that Zhao Qingyan might not be paying attention to his words, Chen Cheng added on a mumble. "It must be very tasty. I would have finished it faster than you."

He turned his gaze towards the wooden frame, where the girl was roasting two other parts of the intestines of the color bird.

Lan Jiao was very good at her job. The heart and the stomach were slightly smaller compared to the liver, so she was handling two wooden sticks at the same time without much difficulty.

She was roasting the heart and the stomach whilst taking great care of the big chicken.

The snowy-white chicken skin had turned slightly yellow because of the roasting, and was making a sizzling sound.

A drop of hot oil slid down the juicy chicken, causing a sputter as it fell into the fire.

The smell of the roasted chicken was spreading gradually in the air.

Lan Jiao was not disappointed with the result. After all, it was a rooster chicken of the highest quality.

When she had been pulling out the feathers, Lan Jiao could already tell how tasty this rooster was going to be!

But for the limited spices she had with her, she would have definitely brought out all the flavors of this rooster.

The more Lan Jiao thought about it, the more regretful she felt.

If only she had some honey!

She would have brushed a layer of honey over the surface when the meat turned yellow, another layer when it was half done and the last coating when it was almost done. In this way, the roasted chicken would have not only tasted much better but also looked a lot more tempting.

But she didn't have any honey. All she could do was to make do with what was available.

But even if the ingredients were limited, this roasted meat would be extremely tasty judging by how the chicken was bred.

At the least, it would be the most delicious dish she had eaten since she came here a few months ago.

As soon as the chicken liver and stomach were roasted, Lan Jiao placed them into her own mouth.

The first bite of the chicken liver revealed a crispy texture and tasted rather tough.

She relished it after chewing it a few times. The texture and flavor were great.

The big guy gazed at the other string in her hand which held the chicken heart. He was beginning to drool, with his desire to taste the dish apparent in his eyes.

"Well…" Chen Cheng finally asked. "Could I get one stick too? I can offer you the nutritive solutions in exchange!"

Chen Cheng had nutritive solutions with him, but they were not enough to last him half a month.

But he did not care any more. He wanted to taste this delicious food now. He would think about the future later.

Hearing what Chen Cheng said, Zhao Qingyan glanced at Chen Cheng in disdain.

"We have got enough nutritive solutions."