Spirit Bone

Skull:(Internal )Draconic Man Faced demon spider (65000 years old) let the owner permanently do multiple thing at the same time .

torso:(internal)Coming from a 1750 years old Wind draconic Python empress it increase Speed and defense by 50% permanently.

Arm:(External)Golden dragon king arms (110000 years old) Any attack at the same rank or lower than yours can besemt back to the opponent

Left leg:(internal)5000 years old Scorching dragon king left leg spirit bone .increased speed and body strenght permanently by 25% and give the ability "Dragon step" which let move at fast speed while leaving illusion of a majestic dragon behind each 3 steps .

right leg:(Internal) 30000 years old Spacial dragon rabbith. Let the owner execute Spacial move as long as the owner already went to the place , any number of person can be transpirted as long as there is physical contact

Spine (back):126250 years old( External)Evil Tempest phoenix Wing from the fusion of the wings of a 1250 Years old tempest Wyvern and a 125000 years old Draconic evil phoenix it permit to fly , increase wind,fire,darkness and thunder abilities power by 30%. Give also the ability to sense danger and the body automaticly send phoenix flames to burn the danger sensed.