First Contact

The dungeon began digging more and more, one piece at a time. His miners were excellent for helping him dig faster, although he did need to feed them to keep them alive. They didn't consume much biomass though, and he was getting more from animals wondering in than they were eating.

He dug out a large cavity behind the three rooms. It took an entire day and was sized 20 meters wide, 30 long, and ten high. He also dug out a new stone variant called ardonite as he dug deeper, which had a slightly bluish-grey texture and he thought looked kind of nice, but he had no idea what it could be used in.

He made a mental not to remember to experiment with it later.

During the process, his mining skill increased to which was a pleasant surprise. He found leveling up the skill to be relatively easy, but the distance between levels appeared to be increasing. His mining speed got slightly faster as well with every level, but he was still held back by his mana regeneration speed.

He also sent the elf off on several trips with two buckets, to collect and bring back water, which he stored in his internal storage, successfully increasing it to from continuous usage and double his maximum storage amount to 200 units. Liquids were stored in the same units as solids, 1 cubic meter equalling 10 units, and also due to them being liquids, 1,000 litres.

If he were to store just water in his internal storage, he could store a massive 20,000 litres.

When he had spare time, he would use his mana tendrils to explore the elf's mana network and understand her better, but he still had zero understanding of anything she said. Perhaps if he kept trying, he would learn a translation skill.

Her mana network channels were much wider due to the dungeon's meddling and intimacy while exploring her body. Her mana circulated faster and more powerfully, but there seemed to be a limit, as her channels felt strained.

Fearing causing damage, he stopped stirring her mana and began massaging them, filling her with his own mana he could control. She had already grown accustomed to the intimate sharing between the dungeon and herself, and her gave no resistance to his mana, treating it as her own.

As he was doing so this particular time, he focused his mana in her mind and suddenly his sight was overlapped with another.

Just like how he could see through the eyes of the miners, or villagers as he liked to call them. He could now see through the eyes of the elf, even hearing what she heard.

"Ohhh, what's this?" The dungeon said while examining the elf closer, especially how his mana curled up in her mind and shared an intimate contact with hers. He could retract it if he wanted, and she could likely push it out, as the bodies own mana reigned dominant against foreign mana, although it appeared it could still be used to cause damage if one really tried.

Unexpectedly, the elf maiden shot to her feet and looked around in surprise, calling out into the darkness with a twittering voice. She only used her candles sparingly, as they appeared to be a valuable commodity and only used when necessary.

"Elf, are you trying to talk to me again?"

"ahosaijhohga as ihhg s" the elf tittered in response while looking around her room, clearly responding to the dungeons voice.

"As nice as your voice is to listen to, I can't understand what you are saying! Speak English!"

"asbdueir English aslk ohifa"

"So, you can understand me, right?"

"An" The elf said before realizing the dungeon couldn't understand her and nodded her head briefly.

"Excellent, this makes things much easier. Now I don't need to point and click, I can just tell you what to do. Ahh, voice commands are the best~"

The elf looked puzzled but soon made some flamboyant gestures and pointed at the breeder in her room.

"Yes, it is about time you complete your duty. Hurry up and make me new villagers."

"ASDfi oajfe as ofjfe" The elf was evidently taken aback and started yelling at the dungeon and shaking her head.

He simply dropped a stone block next to the breeder and simply said, "Move."

The elf looked at the breeder with enmity before she bit her lip and stood up, slowly taking off her clothing and folding them at the end of the stone bed. She walked over and sat back into the breeder completely nude.

The dungeon controlled the tentacles to massage and relax her muscles while simultaneously fondling her erogenous zones. He curled around and squeezed her breasts, another tentacle through her hair and wrapping around her long pointed ears.

It turns out her ears were quite a bit erogenous for her, but also ticklish, as the touch of his tentacles both made her face flush and squirm at the same time.

Her legs were tied up by more tentacles in a wide M shape. The penis tentacle rubbing up and down her vagina, which began excreting its oily fluid much quicker than last time, as if expecting the rod on it tip to pierce into her depth.

The dungeon was getting very excited and pushed the penis into her vagina, which stretched out between her thighs as the penis tipped tentacle forced it was into her vagina. Her vaginal walls tightened and gripped the faintly familiar rod shaped organ entering her.

She wasn't a virgin this time, so without the hymen, she was filled with waves of ecstasy immediately.

The dungeon controlled his p-tentacle to piston in and out of her vaginal depths. He mentally moaned at the tightness wrapping around him, the elf also moaning in her own fast approaching climax.

Instead of simply pushing onwards until he came, the dungeon was curious. The elf's body was like butter in his tentacles as he slowly made long, deep thrusts. He slowly extracted the p-tentacle, now covered in the natural lubricant her vagina produced, and thrust it back in, this time a little lower.

The tip of his penis pushed open and slid inside the button sized anus of the unsuspecting elf. Her eyes instantly shot wide open in shock, and her anus tightened around the p-tentacle dangerously tightly as she tweeted like a panicked bird…

"aaasgo paope!!!"

He couldn't understand her, but he knew she was definitely not happy. She fought against her bonds and ever shook her hips to get it out of her back door, but her efforts were inevitably in vain, even causing it to slide a bit deeper inside.

"Stop struggling, idiot elf. What are you so panicked about? It is just a bit of side pleasure. Close your eyes, I take care of my things."

Although though she didn't seem to be soothed, she stopped struggling and tightly forced her eyes shut. Even her anus begun to relax slightly, albeit still unbelievably tight.

A new p-tentacle extended from the breeder and wet itself on her vaginal fluids before pushing its way deep inside and completely filling her up. It pistoned slowly, causing the elf to start moaning and further relax her muscles, allowing him to begin softly pushing and pulling the p-tentacle with its tip in her anus.

The ass penetrator slid a little deeper under the natural lube still covering it, but was met with fierce resistance, and could only slide in and out of the shallow depth. It was able to slide further inside with a couple or stronger thrusts which caused the elf to tweet in surprise and contract the muscles in her anus and vagina.

The powerful constrictions around himself cause the dungeon to reach his climax very quickly, pushing as deep as he can and releasing thick white seed deep into her womb and ass simultaneously.


Insemination begun.

Please select seed to implant:

• 3x Miners – Burden (1) – 1h incubation

• 2x Shroom Gnomes – Burden (1) – 1h incubation

• 1x Forest Goblin – Burden (3) – 2h incubation

• 1x Stonerat – Burden (4) – 2h incubation

• 2x Forest Goblin – Burden (5) – 3h incubation


This time, instead of choosing 2x Miners, he chose 2x Shroom Gnomes. It was a different type of basic monster he was interested in discovering what it was.


2x Shroom Gnomes selected – Incubation 59:58


The elf apparently didn't reach her climax, but she still felt a strange sense of fullness as the dungeon filled her up. She moaned in pleasure and relaxed in the breeder as the two p-tentacles slid out of her, allowing white goop to flow out of her two holes.

She felt incredibly uneasy as some goop flowed out of her asshole and raised a voice in complaint, but the dungeon couldn't understand what her problem was.

'Good work, it will be over in an hour. Let me ease you,' he soothed and massaged her, intimately filling her mana network with his mana tendrils.

He carefully felt all through her network, which had grown in size and flow considerably after several sessions while he was waiting for his mana to refill. The 'walls' of the channels were still felt frail, so he simply massaged them while wrapping them inside his mana to prevent any accidental damage. He wasn't sure what would happen if they broke, but he felt like it would be bad, and wasn't about to test it on his loyal elf.

The elf in question hummed a tune to herself in sorrow as she pulled her long golden hair over her shoulder, combing it with fingers and platting it in fancy designs while occasionally checking on and rubbing around her gradually swelling stomach.

'Elf, why are you sad? Do I not look after you?' He asked, only resulting in the elf softly shaking her head with a forced smile, which just confused him.

'Stop being sad. Come, teach me your words.'

"asfe tifl ope"

He had no idea what she said, but he could guess based on her body language and expression.

'It is simple. You understand what I am saying, which is enough. I will ask you certain words, and you say it in your language.'

As their conversation in attempted translation continued, the elf finally reached the end of the incubation period and nervously gripped onto a tentacle with each hand, while another came across her face, allowing her to bite into it.

She groaned in pain and bit deeply into the black tentacle, while giving birth to the new monsters, one at a time. The entire process was over in ten minutes, but it left the young elf woman sore and exhausted, as she weekly rested while panting.


Skill Level Up: Dungeon Facility Construction ->

+ New Facility: Storage Crate

+ New Facility: Blast Furnace


The dungeon core gave a celebratory spin and hop as an important skill levelled up after a lot of usage and unlocked a storage crate and blast furnace facility. Although he found it difficult to understand why a crate was described as a 'facility'.

Creating a new crate cost 1 unit of any physical material, and an increasing amount of mana depending on how much storage it had, starting at 10 mana. He wasn't sure on any other specifics at the moment, and would need to experiment first.

A blast furnace costs 20 units of stone and 100 mana to make, although he felt like a smeltery made of stone wasn't the greatest of ideas. He worried that either the stone would crack or melt under high heat, or have a low maximum temperature.

While he was contemplating the two new The elf soon got up and brought over the bucket from her burnt down village as well as a cloth rage.

"Water." She demanded while pointing inside the bucket.

After fulfilling her request, she soaked and wrung out the cloth rag before using it to wipe the messy mix of her own fluid and dungeon seed off of her vagina and inner thighs. She then used a bit of beggar's soap to sanitize and do a final clean before getting dressed again.

"Outside. Toilet!" She demanded next.

The elf had pleased the dungeon greatly, so he was more than willing to remove the bars of her room. He also didn't send an escort with her as he felt no issues with trusting her, whether this was wise was left undetermined. He already viewed her as his, and that his dungeon was her home. Even if she ran away, he could see through her eyes, and still talk to her.


Therina was shocked and frightened when the dungeon had spoken to her in her mind. It appeared that the warm embrace she felt was the dungeon somehow entering inside her body, and now a piece seemed to be attached to her permanently. This allowed the dungeon to speak inside her mind as it willed, but apparently couldn't read her thoughts, as this form of communication was unidirectional.

"If you are the dungeon, get rid of this evil thing from my prison!" She demanded while indicating towards the breeder.

Her purity had been lost in a way she would never forget, and she was barely keeping her mind together.

'Yes, it is about time you complete your duty. Hurry up and make me new villagers,' the dungeon's voice rang in her head, a distinctly masculine voice.

"That is not what I said! I will not allow that thing to defile my body again!" She resolutely shouted, but her confidence rapidly collapsed when a giant block of stone threateningly dropped on the ground next to it.

It was some terrifying form of persuasion he called "pointing and clicking", whatever that meant. He had a bunch of foreign concepts in his speech which she assumed only a dungeon would understand.

'It… can't understand me…' Therina thought to herself in depression.

With no more confidence to defy the dungeon, she took off her clothes and sat into the evilest device a dungeon could make, the breeder.

The breeding session, as she referred to it, was a large mix of pleasures she felt utmost guilt in admitting felt good. There was none of the pain of losing her virginity again, the broken hymen healed from her mana and natural regeneration. However, the penis tentacle was intimidatingly large, so there was a bit of pain as it spread her wide open as it penetrated inside her.

After a while though, the euphoria filled her mind and everything was white, allowing her to escape from her pains into a world of lust. She desperately clung to this feeling in which she could escape from reality, and was also her greatest guilt.

Things abruptly changed however, when the penis slid out of her and thrust into her ass. It didn't tease or loosen it up first, instead catching her when she was unaware and struck the bullseye like a bolt of lightning.

She instinctively clenched… hard.

She was dumbstruck, not even reacting to the burning pain at the start. She very quickly started struggling against her bond to pull the thing out, even trying to wriggle out of it, but the evil thing even slipped in further.

"Out! Get it out! Such a filthy, vile thing!" Any fear of the dungeon had vanished in this moment as she shouted in outrage.

"Stop struggling, idiot elf. What are you so panicked about? It is just a bit of side pleasure. Close your eyes, I take care of my things."

The dungeon's voice responded in her head, rendering her speechless.

'It called me an idiot? And its thing? A bit of side pleasure?' Therina thought to herself in shock, unsure whether to question its sanity or be even further outraged. Perhaps both.

She forced herself to calm down and forcibly shut her eyes, following the dungeon's commands for now. Struggling wasn't going to make this breeding session go any quicker.

Another penis tentacle invaded her vagina again, the other one still inside her ass. Her front and rear doors were stretched to their maximum, the tentacles moving at different speeds which gave a strange sense of pleasure. The ones playing with her ears and c-cup breasts only adding to the stimulation.

The tentacle in her ass couldn't move much due to the tightness, but when it did, it gave her a shiver of pleasure she determined to never reveal felt enjoyable, not even under pain of death.

After the session was over, she felt the dungeons seed seeping out of both her entrances. The goop sliding out of her ass however felt particularly bad, as if she was soiling herself.

To keep her mind off of it, she grabbed the hair she used to take much pride in and began platting it while humming an elven song. There was a trace of deep sadness in the song, not from the origin of it, but from her loss of her home, family, friends, and life as she knew it.

The dungeon was evil, no, it had no concept of evil and good. At least, not one she could understand. It seemed to view things completely differently from the rest of the world and was incompatible with her thought process.

She was unhappy with the dungeon, but for some reason could not find it in herself to hate it. Humans were different however, she truly hated them with every fibre of her being. It didn't matter to her whether there were good humans, or they hadn't participated in raping, pillaging, and murdering her village, she hated them all.

It spoke to her after that, demanding she not be sad, a phrase she almost found depressingly laughable. It then proposed the idea of her teaching it elvish, so it could understand what she said.

Therina was actually very keen on this idea. This way, she could properly communicate with the dungeon and hopefully teach it sense. Although she was weak, so she wouldn't be too pushy.

During the teaching and learning process. The dungeon filler her with its mana, just like the feeling a warm and comforting embrace that told her everything will be all right. It brought a gentle and mesmerising smile to her face, one which she thought was already lost to her.

Even though it didn't seem to increase her maximum mana any more than the 128 points it capped at, she desperately cherished this feeling. Regardless, this was in fact a monstrous amount for someone who was only .

Afterwards, she gently asked for some water in the bucket, which she used with a toilet rag to clean herself off, washing herself a second time with soap.

She then asked to go outside to go to the toilet, which the dungeon surprisingly removed the bars on her prison and allowed her to walk out without supervision.

Therina walked to a nearby tree, pullet up her skirt, undid her cloth undergarment, and pushed out all the excess dungeon seed while also urinating.

After cleaning herself with the toilet rag, she washed it out in the bucket and poured out all the water dirty with her and the dungeons filth. The dungeon wouldn't take back dirty water, which she already discovered even before it could talk to her.

She looked around deeper into the forest, the bird chirping and underbrush rustling. Even without the elven village she called home, life carried on regardless. She gave a sad smile toward a bird she saw in the nearby tree, flirting with a potential mate.

The forest, and freedom from the dungeon, was directly in front of her.

There was no guard beside her to stop her fleeing.


She still decided to turn back and return to the dungeon.

It was a terrible place, but it was also the only sense of stability in her current life.

'I will teach it elvish first. Maybe then, I will be able to talk to it and make things better. He does view me as… his, after all.'