
Styx automatically collected the flowers littered all over the dungeon floor where the battle had just taken place. This was the second wave of enemies and had earned him nearly double the points of the first wave for a total of 11,559p.

He still had no casualties among the monsters nor the elves, and he felt like he could easily handle even more monsters, but information from Irie caused him to halt in his tracks.

He was already at risk of attracting a Tortured Soul Devil Flower, which was not only a Third Class enemy, but also extremely dangerous and would directly steal peoples' souls, causing instant death.

The only way to combat these resentful souls was with magic or another supernatural type ability because they were completely immune to physical attacks. They even had a high level of immunity to the standard magic elements too.

The only two people in the dungeon that could effectively combat these soul based enemies were Kale and Aura. As strong as she had become, Kale was still only at the First Step.

"Go keep an eye on the prisoners," Styx commanded to the elves before heading off to his and the girl's bedroom where Aura was sleeping.

The wolfgirl was curled up in a ball underneath the cotton sheets. She had awoken before he even entered the room but chose to remain in the position she had found comfort in.

Styx reached under the covers and grabbed her arm, trying to pull her out, but he may as well have picked up the entire bed with how stubbornly she refused to move.

"Come on, get up. I need you."

Aura finally allowed Styx to pull her out from under the covers and looked at him with an accusatory gaze that made him feel quite the danger from.

Seeing her silence, he explained to her, "I need to protect the girls and destroy any Third Step enemies if the enter the dungeon."

"I smell humans, several of them…?"

Aura sniffed the air as her nose twitch and she looked directly toward where the captured humans were being kept in a makeshift prison.

"Would you like to come with me to visit them? They are currently plotting escaping and have been quite rebellious, so I plan on turning a few of them into experience and quietening them down."

"Can I have a few?"

"Of course, so long as you let me kiss you and you do as your told."

Although she could easily simply take what she wanted and nobody save the humans' goddess could stop her, she had already grown fond of Styx and as such, played by the rules he set.

Styx ran his fingers through her long, thick hair and planted his lips over hers. She also opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to explore her mouth, being careful not to accidentally bite it off. No matter how tempting it may have been.

"You're meant to… close your eyes," Styx said in between kissed and even used his hands to cover her eyes.

Her mouth truly was burning hot, and even her saliva singed like small droplets of lava. Despite the pain, the heavenly feeling he had while kissing her made him keep wanting to do it despite that.

He could tell how much she was looking forward to "seeing" the humans by how much she was salivating in her mouth.

After a foiled attempt to grope her boobs through her shirt, he led Aura down to the deeper area where the humans were being held.


There were approximately 50 humans, 40 male and 10 female, locked away in ten stone holding cells. Vivy, Klair and Therina were currently serving as prison wardens and keeping them all in line.

Vivy entered one of the cells where there were several men with a lascivious gaze.

"Which one of you wants to become mine?" She directly asked them as if being influenced by Styx's influence. "Oh, except for you four, you're simply too ugly."

There were five men in this cell, so she effectively was only demanding for one of them. She wasn't all that smart though and didn't understand the human language, so she only spoke in elvish. The humans on the other hand, didn't understand elvish.

"What is this bitch saying!? Who here understands?" One of the humans spat on the ground while looking at her warily.

"Therina! Come translate for me, what did they say?"

Therina rolled her eyes and also entered the cell and begun translating for them.

"Hmph, bitch, so you want to be fucked, I'll help you with that!" One of the humans jumped at Vivy and tried to grab her.

A dagger flashed before the human knew it and the hilt crashed against the side of his temple with a sickening crunch. The mercenary crashed into the ground and kicked up a small storm of dirt and dust.

Vivy then stepped on the side of the man's face and begun crushing it between her foot and the ground, prompting him to futilely flail his body.

"Human, she didn't demand you. Know your place," Therina spat at the semi conscious man on the ground.

Seeing their attempts at resistance fail, the other humans in the cell immediately backed off warily while those in other cells watched in silence.

The better looking man in the cell, with a gruff beard and sharp, chiselled features stated, "What do you want."

With Therina's translation, she curled her finger with a grin and called him over.

"I've only ever imagined having a human with a beard before. I truly wonder how it feels. Start by licking my feet, when they are clean, move upwards. Keep doing this until I tell you to stop."

Vivy seductively raised the hem of her skirt and revealed her plump thighs, eliciting the man to swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Everyone watched as he gradually bent down and begun licking her feet, causing the perverse elf to giggle in an oriole like voice and wriggle her toes in pleasure.

The man moved up to her ankles, then shins, knees, and thighs. His head was just starting to go up her skirt when Styx and Aura entered the prison.

The wolf-eared woman's large tail was slightly waving behind her as she walked, a subtle giveaway to her excitement. The elves all broke out in a cold sweat at her presence, while the humans had a strange reaction of not reacting at all.

Some of them partially felt the aura of danger she constantly sent out and cautiously backed away, but most had very little response other than staring amorously at her. It was understandable for the man with his head between Vivy's legs and was currently single-mindedly focused on the prize at the end of the tunnel, but that didn't excuse the rest of them.

"Could it be that their mana sensitivity is too low, and as such, simply can't feel your presence?" Styx asked Aura, who clearly wasn't listening.

Vivy panicked and quickly pulled the man out from between her legs, whom had a confused expression on his face. Aura seemed to take this as an offering and appeared directly next to them without a sign.


Ivanor (Novice Sword Dancer ) slain by Phantom World Devouring Wolf!

+ 59 exp


Aura's eyes glowed with a faint violet light and begun chewing, the sounds of bone being effortlessly broken and ground up coming from her mouth.

The human who had previously had his head between Vivy's thighs looked down with a queer expression and saw his entire left arm and half of his chest missing, blood pouring out without end.

Even at the last moment, he didn't realize what had happened nor that he had already died. His body began to fall but a phantom of an enormous wolf head appeared for a single moment in time and bit everything that remained of him from the knees up, leaving only two bloody stumps of legs on the ground as Aura happily chewed and swallowed.

The other humans were instantly terrified to see someone eaten in such a simple matter and shook like leaves in the wind. All strength left their bodies and what remained, was used to crawl away from the monster in the skin of a heavenly beauty.

Aura bent down and casually picked up the two leg stumps and they too vanished into her mouth.

'Well, that's a pity,' Vivy secretly grieved but didn't dare complain aloud. 'I guess I will have to find another decent looking human with a beard. It wasn't… too bad at all.'

"Sigh, you need to be a bit cleaner when you eat." Styx said as he approached her.

Aura still had traces of blood on her lips, which she stood still and let Styx wipe clean for her.

Once clean, she then appeared in another cell and a female civilian who had entered the forest seeking a profit turned limp after her head vanished alongside chewing sounds. Her remaining body then also vanished completely in a couple more mouthfuls and everyone in the cell began whimpering in the corners.


Joanna (Seamstress ) slain by Phantom World Devouring Wolf!

+ 37 exp


Her giant tail waved from side to side rhythmically as she contemplated with males or females tasted better. She went back to Styx and let him clean her mouth for her again, an action she oddly liked.

"Okay, that's enough. I can't have you take all my experience away from me. Now go wash your mouth at, I don't want to taste human."

Aura gave him a look of grievance, prompting the dungeon to sigh.

"Fine, wash it out later, but for now, help me capture a few of these devil flowers alive in the meantime, I want to experiment with them."

Styx then heartless killed several of the humans himself, which with all the minute amounts of mana from thousands of enemies during the festival and previous accumulations, caused his total dungeon experience points to exceed 30,000 experience.

He was currently , but dungeons required a staggeringly high amount of experience to level up the higher level they became. With his current experience points, he could only level up three or four times. When he killed all the humans, it would be another huge influx of experience points, and there was still six days of the festival left.

All his monsters had also levelled up an average of two levels from killing the devil flowers too. He even had the minors and gnomes kill the weaker ones under the protection of the more powerful, battle oriented monsters.

With his business here temporarily completed, Styx then departed the prison with the Fifth Step Monster Lord happily trailing behind him, the trace of a heavenly smile on the corner of her lips.