Rebecca's Return

Within the dungeon, Rebecca Euklid stood beside her mother with a strained expression. Duchess Euklid wore a nightgown and her brows were heavily creased. She had tied her hair up above her head whilst waiting in the dungeon, watching her daughter out of the corner of her eye as her brows creased.

Rebecca was modestly dressed, her long blonde hair in perfect order whilst her vivid green eyes were wide awake. Even though the dungeon had its own internal ducted heating from the magmaforges, she crossed her arms under her voluptuous breasts whilst avoiding eye contact.

"Becca, explain to me exactly what is going on. Why are you being kidnapped by a Monster Lord back into this particular dungeon, and why have you dragged me into this?"

"Mother… I think it's best if the, um, dungeon lord, explains…"

As the two were watching the underground reconstruction taking place and stunning subterranean flora and fauna everywhere, Aura appeared in front of them again and stated, "Follow."

Rebecca was familiar with the dungeon layout, so she was confident in where they were, but her mother was doing all she could to hide her anxiety.

They walked through fields of grass with blue tips and underground plateaus of vibrant colored large flowers and exotic animals that the duchess had never seen before. They were all mutations of common species, so there was still resemblance in their appearance.

Deep underground, the three women entered into the throne room and walked along the endless bridge just above the lake and between all the pink and white spider lilies.

On the square platform was one main throne and thirteen smaller ones made out of the same black stone the pillars around the platform were. Eight of those thrones were taken up by and elves and a human, but some of those elves had traits that certainly weren't elven.

Despite the fact they were all of the Second Step, Duchess Euklid didn't dare belittle them in the slightest. This was especially so as behind Styx's throne stood a giant 14 foot woman with pure white hair and glowing red eyes. She didn't know who this woman was, but the pressure she gave off was undoubtably that of a Monster Lord.

"Aura, take your seat," Styx commanded and the wolf-eared woman left the two Euklids without a word before sitting in one of the empty thrones.

"Will you please explain to me what is going on, now?" The duchess adopted her regal demeaner and directly asked Styx.

"It's very simple, actually. Your kingdom attacked me, which you are well aware of."

"…I am…"

"Your kingdom failed, and even the goddess got involved."


"As you are trying to puzzle out, it did not turn out the way she intended, and she was even injured in return. As for how seriously, I'm not sure."


"It is reality, so it isn't impossible at all."

"That still doesn't explain why I am here. Stop skirting around the bush and tell me."

"There is no rush. Are you aware of what occurred when your daughter stayed here?"

Duchess Euklid was visibly enraged by this point and clenched her hands so tightly her nails pierced her Third Step skin and drew blood.

"You kept her imprisoned against her will and as a shield to protect yourself from attack."

"Rebecca, would you consider your conditions as imprisoned?"

Rebecca Euklid was visibly torn in how to answer but soon responded timidly.

"Yes… and no…"


"Allow me to elaborate. She wasn't kept in any cell, but had a home of her own and was free to move around the dungeon as she wished. She became a bit reclusive due to everyone keeping an eye on her, but she wasn't imprisoned beyond having to stay in the dungeon."

"That's still being imprisoned!"

"Indeed, but it is different from what you were meaning. On to the next item, she wasn't captured to be a shield, that was just a bonus. She was captured because she saw what she should not have due to her gift."

"What gift?" Duchess Euklid tried to play dumb, but Styx could tell she was worried.

"Rebecca, if you would say it?"

"…My inborn mana sight."

"Rebecca! I have told you never to say that to anyone!" The duchess cried out in shock that her daughter would state on of their most closely guarded secrets just like that.

"It doesn't matter," Styx's slovenly said whilst rolling his eyes. "Every adult woman in this dungeon can see mana."

"That's impossible."

"You once again refuse to accept reality. This will truly be difficult to stomach then, but whilst your daughter was within the dungeon, she submitted to her own desires and gave herself to me."


"She submitted to me and became my woman. Ever since then, she has been mine. My eyes, my ears, everything."

"Becca, what is he saying!?"

"Mom, it's not like that… It was an accident."

Rebecca immediately tried to refute Styx's statement, but he immediately rebutted her.

"Such a thing is impossible to happen on accident. You must accept me with your whole being for the bond me to be able to create the bond. You gave into your inner desires, and it was a decision that you cannot revoke."

"Mom… I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Becca. As your mother, I will do everything I can to protect you."

Duchess Euklid stood in between her daughter and Styx defensively, but the latter merely looked at her as if he was watching a theatre performance.

"Is that what you should be worried about? This is the moment where you need to act politically, Duchess Euklid. Your city is in dire straights right now. The goddess is no longer present and I'm certain that there are many Monster Lords who will set their eyes upon your citizens once they learn of that."

"…What do you want?"

"You, your city, your people, your knowledge, everything."

"Your greed knows no bounds. I refuse!"

Duchess Euklid's tone was icy and her resolution firm. She was prepared to lose her life before she submitted to Styx and the dungeon that affected her daughter. He was demanding her full surrender, which she simply could not accept.

Amongst the thirteen thrones, Irie cleared her throat and spoke in a business manner.

"Are you truly in a position to refuse his highness? Think of your people, your daughter, your other children. You are in a position to continue ruling over your city, all that changes is you are under us instead of the Maple Dragon Kingdom."

"Mother… please…"

"…!! Rebecca, why are you taking his side?"

"Because that's why I wanted to bring you here. Our people's lives are depending on this."

"And are you making this claim based on your duty or your feelings? Can you still tell them apart?"

"For once… both…"

The duchess turned away from her daughter and stared at Styx. The two looked into one another's eyes as silence pervaded the enormous cavern, the only sound being the faint hum of mana being released by the water lilies on the ocean-like lake.

"…Take us back home. I will… talk with my husband, who is in direct control of the dungeon core…"

"Tomorrow. I still need to arrange for you to do other tasks."

"…Such as?"

"My dungeon lost a lot of residents in the recent war and they need to be replenished."

"I will not give you my people to serve as breeding pigs."

"That is entirely up to them, not you. Once they understand the benefits, there are many who will fulfil this important role… But no, this is not what I intended. There is a dungeon city just nearby with over several hundred thousand people. Humans, beastmen, beastkin, elves, and all kinds of exotic races too."

"And you expect me to do what?"

"Convince Duke Ashburn to surrender. It will make this process go a lot smoother and save many of his forces in the process. I can guess that he will not reason with me."

"You killed his eldest son."

"There is no evidence of that."

"Evidence is not required. Just because someone can't prove something, doesn't mean they can't know the culprit."

"Either way, he needs to surrender, and convincing him is your job. If he does not, his walls will be razed to the ground and soldiers slaughtered. Civilians will undoubtable also be caught up in the battle too."

"I will… discuss it with the duke. I cannot promise any favorable outcome though, his wound is a deep one…"

"If he refuses after that, there is only one recourse, and that is the forceful one. It will all depend on how well you perform. Do this task well, and I will ensure your own city remains safe and secure."

Styx then shifted his gaze onto the daughter.

"Rebecca, it has been long enough. I have told you that you will return here, now step forth."

Rebecca Euklid stepped out from behind her mother and nervously approached Styx on his throne. He had her continue getting closer until she was forced to sit on his lap, her face bright red in shame from both the intimate position and the fact that it was in directly in front of her mother.

"You!" Duchess Euklid raised her voice in protest, her anger boiling to the surface again.

She watched as her daughter was completely welcoming to Styx's advances. One of his hands slipped under her shirt and held her waist, the other supporting her back as he leaned over and stole her lips.

The duchess' daughter's mind instantly blanked as her thoughts were swept away by euphoria. She tightly clung onto his shirt and reciprocated the kiss, welcoming his tongue into her mouth and meeting it with hers.

Duchess Euklid watched this exchange with a tight chest, only fully coming to realize how deep her daughter had fallen to the dungeon after seeing the look of pure bliss on her face as she layed in his arms.