The Hero and the Dungeon

Alex was still admiring by the sights of everything on his way through the city when he witnessed a pair angels dancing on a podium before a large crowd of people. Their wings flapped through the air as their movements were full of grace, their expressions harmonious with the atmosphere and singing voices mesmerising to the ears.

The wings could have belonged to some kind of avian exotic race, but the large crown like golden halos circling above their head told him otherwise.

"Irene! Are they angels!?"

"Sigh, I have told you several times to call me Irie, young hero. Yes, they are angels, emissaries from Heaven who man the catholic church and recruit followers from the people."

"Is that… okay?"

Irie didn't say anything, but an entrancing voice sounded out from behind them on the carriage, "Of course."

The sudden voice shocked Alex as he nearly jumped out of his seat in fright. He didn't even know when, but somebody else had boarded their open carriage without him hearing or seeing a thing.

Flicking his head around as he felt his heart about to jump out of his chest, he saw not just one, but two women whose beauty was greater than the last.

The first, who had spoken, had long green hair and deer-like antlers growing from her head. She sat with an innocent smile that made Alex's heart jump.

The second was a woman he could only describe as flawless perfection. She had wavy black hair and long wolf ears atop her head. He clothes hugged her busty figure while a long wolf tail could be seen swaying behind her.

This was where her beauty ended though, as the aura she gave off caused Alex to feel unbridled fear. He had seen strong people before, even powerful demons from afar during their training, but this level of intimidation was on an incomparable level.

"Breathe," Irie said as she clapped him on his back, causing him to realize he had stopped breathing. "Aura, My lord has already said you will cause trouble if you don't restrain your power in public, and Ygralea… why are you here?"

The wolf girl simply continued watching Alex with an unnerving and expressionless stare, but her presence diminished and the intimidating aura around her shrank as well. The other woman smiled sheepishly before responding.

"I heard that these heroes came from the same world as Styx, so I wanted to see them for myself. Perhaps they would be as special as he was."


"To sum it up, weak in both body and mind. A typical person from a semi peaceful world right after it is pulled into the myriad planes and pitted against others."

Being called weak prodded at Alex's insecurities and caused him to flinch.

"Then go play with the other heroes."

"Maybe later, there is no rush."


Alex was brought into a deep cavern where the man called Styx awaited. He sat on an oversized throne whilst all around were smaller thrones where a group of woman sat. Both Irie and Aura, whom Alex had met earlier, also sat on these thrones.

The man called Styx had wheat colored skin and long black hair. He looked human, just like Alex, but more primordial and much more masculine than the high school boy cum hero.

"Hero Alex, do you know why I called you here?" Styx's deep voice reverberated through the cavern.

"Because… Umm, you are at war with the kingdom?"

"Incorrect. Would you like to try again?"

"..I don't know?"

"Why is that a question?"

Alex saw one of the women holding up a piece of paper with a house drawn on it while winking towards him. Rather than sitting on her throne though, she was instead floating above it in a seated position.

His mind still had difficulty processing information, so even though she was hinting the answer for him, he couldn't comprehend it.

Styx rolled his eyes at her before answering the question himself, "I had you brought here because you were summoned from Earth. A world yet to be dragged into this world of myriad planes."

Alex nodded his head whilst not being able to formulate any words. His heart was racing and anxiety restrained his mind in a vice like grip.

"You have heard on the way here, but I too came from a world called Earth. Of all the planes that have been brought into this world, not one of them went by that exact name, at least, not one with the same countries and history."


"What year was it over there when you were summoned?"


"Suddenly thrust into a world of conspiracies and war, each side always looking for weakness in others. A world where you can level up and become so strong that not even a nuclear missile could threaten you. Does it excite you?"

"That… Well, I guess… it did."

"But not anymore?"

Alex averted his eyes and looked at the ground, or over the spider lilies on the endless lake surface, anywhere but towards Styx. He fumbled with his fingers and his nervousness was clearly identifiable on his face.

"No. I don't like it."

"I have seen your journey, you know?"


"You were ostracised by your classmates, bullied. They didn't value you, because you were weak, and your skill was weak. Do you not resent them?"


Styx smiled as he watched Alex bite his lower lip and hands shake. He didn't need the boy to answer to understand that he resented them.

"Do you want revenge?"


His voice was quiet, speaking his true thoughts even though he knew such feelings were incorrect with the morals he grew up with. His had long since harbored dark feelings towards the former classmates. His only restrained was the laws that he grew up with, but even that was weakening since coming to this world.

"Or do you want to return home?"

"Eh? What? I can?"

"Of course. If you want, you can even have both."

"I… I have a question."

"Go ahead," Styx gave a friendly smile whilst sitting in a relaxed posture, which was mimicked by most of the women in the room too.

"Why? Why would you offer to do something like this for me? What do you want from me?"

"Many reasons. First of all, your skill set is in production, similar to myself. Everyone has strength, but I value the ability to create much more, which makes you the most valuable hero to me. Secondly, and most importantly, you are someone from my own world. Naturally, I will want to look after and protect you."

Styx of course had many reasons, but he chose not to speak them aloud. He only told the Alex what he felt the hero needed to hear in order to come onto his side.

He didn't lie, he indeed wanted to protect the hero, even if it wasn't for the same reasons that he stated.


Alex had been in discussion with Styx for several hours before he was dismissed. Styx had promised him to help send him home, but the fallen angel amongst the women had informed him that it would take time to prepare.

In the meantime, he was to train his skills and help in research of new materials and the understanding of heroes. He would have not just a home, but countless other opportunities to grow his skills and levels.

He felt like there had to be more to the agreement than what was said, but he had no qualms selling out his former comrades, and secretly even held dark and resentful feelings towards them and the Maple Dragon Kingdom.