Flamer's Staff

Lu Yang's eyes were green at that time. If he hadn't refreshed the bison, Lu Yang could jump right away.

In the settings of "Second World", the equipment is divided into whiteboard, bronze, black iron, silver, gold, dark gold, epic and legend.

Generally speaking, ordinary mobs only drop white boards and bronze equipment. General elite monsters explode bronze and black iron. Boss-level monsters explode black iron and silver. Gold dragons belong to special bosses in the novice village. The arsonist's staff made Lu Yang look forward to it.

After spending an hour cleaning up the surrounding monsters, Lu Yang jumped down the rope, quickly picked up the arsonist's staff and other equipment and returned to the mountain.

Flamer's Staff (Gold)

Attack 4-8

Constitution +2

Intelligence +10

+24 Spell Damage

Spell critical strike chance +12

Spell Hit Chance +12

Incidental Spell: Fire Wall

Looking at the superb attributes of the arsonist's staff, Lu Yang couldn't help laughing, "I knew that my life would be very good when I was born again."

Among all the equipment in Xinshou Village, the equipment of other professions are all bronze or black iron, the highest is silver. Only the mage has a gold-level staff, but the explosion rate is less than one in 100,000. Lu Yang did not expect that he actually So lucky to hit this staff.

The attribute of this staff is almost against the sky at this level. 10 intelligence is equivalent to a magician adding two levels of intelligence and 24 magic damage. Normally, the bronze magic staff of the same level only has magic damage. Add 4 points, which is already very powerful, and his staff has increased 6 times.

More importantly, the final skill attached to the Burner's Staff is Fire Wall, which is the only ranged attack spell in Novice Village.

"Wall of Fire"

Type: Fire Spell

Cost: 30 mana

Duration: 30 seconds

Distance: 30 yards

Description: Release a 2 * 2 fire wall to the place, inflicting 36 Fire spell damage each time.

With this skill, Lu Yang believes that his upgrade speed can definitely be improved a lot. Excited, Lu Yang hurriedly equipped the staff to his body, and the spell damage was immediately increased to 77 points.

Walked outside the concave area of ​​the valley and found a place full of bison. Lu Yang raised his staff, released the fireball to gather the bison under himself, and then released the wall of fire. Before long, dozens of bison below At the same time, the wall of fire was lit, and a "-71" appeared from the top of the bison's head.

When group-type spells are released, if there are too many monsters, the spell damage will be scattered. In fact, the formula for spell calculation in "Second World" is not only basic skill damage + spell damage, but actually (basic skill damage * skill level) + Spell Damage) * Spell Factor.

This spell coefficient is a floating value, which depends on the number of monsters. If there is only one monster, the spell coefficient is 1. When there are many monsters, the minimum spell coefficient is 0.6.

While releasing the spell, Lu Yang opened the equipment bar and looked at the other things that the golden baby dragon burst out.

Hex Ring (Black Iron Grade)

Spell Damage 2-5

Intelligence +2

Equipment level 3

I did not expect to have another master's little superb product, which was just Lu Yang's level enough. After releasing a fire rain, Lu Yang equipped the hexagonal ring to his body with 3 more spell damage.

Continue to look at other equipment, but just looking down, Lu Yang's eyes widened again, Lu Yang couldn't believe it, he was so lucky to play the young dragon shield, and it was still a silver grade.

Drake Shield (Silver)

Defense 7-22

Strength +2

Constitution +3

Block value +8

The sales price of the shield in "Second World" has always been high, especially in the early days, the purchase price of this shield by major guilds even exceeded the arsonist's staff in their hands, because they want to pass the high-end copy, the main force Defense must have a good shield, and in Novice Village, the Dragon Shield is not one of the best shields.

Black Iron Helmet (Black Iron Grade)

Defense 3-6

Strength +1

Constitution +1

Although the attributes are average, it is definitely one of the best equipment at this stage, and you can sell it for a good price when you return to Xinshoucun.

Among the remaining things, a fire skill book "Burning" burst, which was directly used by Lu Yang for learning.


Type: Fire Spell

Cost: 12 mana

Cast time: 1.5 seconds

Distance: 30 yards

Description: Release a flame to the target, making the target's whole body more enveloped by the flame more vulnerable to fire damage. Stack 5 layers each, increasing the fire spell damage by 15 points and causing 10 fire spell damage for 30 seconds.

This skill is currently useless, only effective when killing bosses, the other things are 6 bottles of small instantaneous healing magic potions and 7 bottles of small instantaneous healing potions.

Small Life Recovery Potion: Instantly restores player's 60 health

Small Magic Recovery Potion: Instantly restores 80 mana

Compared with other things, Lu Yang cares more about these 13 bottles of red and blue instantaneous potions. His total blood is only 100 points. A small bottle of life-recovering potion can make him recover more than half of his blood. Things that reversed the role of the war, carefully placed in the medicine column, Lu Yang continued to fight monsters ...

Lu Yang's leveling is crazy here, but what Lu Yang doesn't know is that the outside world is crazy again.

When Lu Yang spent two hours killing the young golden dragon, Lu Yang was overtaken by other players, and once fell out of the ranking list 100, when the golden young dragon was killed, only Giving Lu Yang 1100 points of experience, he still did not let Lu Yang catch up with other players, but when Lu Yang upgraded with the fire wall technique, he attacked 20 to 30 bison at one time, which is equivalent to 20 to 30 people helping him to fight alone Strangely, the speed of the upgrade immediately increased rapidly.

An hour later, Lu Yang returned to the top 100.

Three hours later, Lu Yang became 10th in the rankings.

Five hours later, Lu Yang returned to the first place in the rankings. At the same time, Lu Yang reached the fourth level, leaving the second place to dominate the entire rank.

If at the beginning everyone saw Lu Yang as the first place in the ranking list and thought he was a fluke without much attention, now everyone can be sure that Lu Yang must have found a pretty good bug, allowing him to upgrade quickly.

At this time, the upgrade speed of the bosses of the major trade unions and other major unions has slowed down, because the level 3 monster is very difficult to kill, and the experience required for the upgrade is also 5 times that of level 1. More importantly, his level has risen, and his level Did not mention it.

In the face of this situation, Xiongba said to the people around him: "Immediately find a way to find this Lu Yang. The first place on the first day's ranking list is the facade of our union beckoning high-level players. We must not let other unions take precedence. We take it in one step. "

The oldest man in the Zijin Dynasty union, the old man, issued the same order.

The same is true of other unions.