Chapter 06

The days go by so fast that you don't even realize it, well for a university student things are somewhat different, if you leave them an assignment for a month, they see it as a short time, although those responsible see it for a long time but of course, I I belong to the second group who despair to deliver the work on time, although there is also a third group that does not even care to do the work and still pass the course, do they sell their ass to the teacher or what? James and I share a class, thank heaven that I managed to get into that course because otherwise I would have already been waiting outside his classroom like a madman in love, although hey, who am I kidding I'm capable of that and even more.

Returning to the current situation, now we were walking towards the food court, a twenty-minute break that should be taken advantage of at all costs, although in all these days, I know there have been many but I already lost count, I have gotten to know it better , like his gestures, when something bothers him he tends to wrinkle his nose, when he gets bored he tends to sigh or roll his eyes, so cute, he has so many gestures that I try to memorize them all or even write them down so as not to forget any of them, yes, I'm already crazy but crazy about him.

A clear example is this, how now that he feels harassed when looking at people who saw us as strangers, I did not care much but it bothered him, you could tell from a distance that he wanted to start a fight right there with whoever mentioned something , I spotted Marcos sitting alone at a table and I took his hand leading him towards him, my two favorite people should know each other whatever.

—Marc, it's good that I found you, he's James.

The brunette was happy to introduce his boy to his best friend, the most important people for him, of course after his parents, so much was the happiness that he did not realize the obvious, Taemin analyzed the "intruder" on his feet At the head still corresponding the greeting with a grimace, he continued without taking his gaze even when they had already sat down, he looked around noticing how the others looked at them with disgust or only laughed softly, he was not going to allow that undesirable person stained him, his friend was already a hopeless case but he not yet.

—Nice to meet this Anthony, I must go, I have classes.

—Oh, don't worry, I'll take James home in the afternoon, we have work to do and ...

—No! I mean, they can't, I also have a job and I'll bring several colleagues, I don't want to bother them.

Anthony made a face, nodding and seeing how his friend collected his things, leaving quickly, he did not understand the reason for his attitude, although sometimes he can be so strange that he could not decipher it, the more he was scared by the scream he had given as if not I would like him to go to your house, what was wrong?

—I don't like your friend.

—Eh? I don't think so, it must be because of something else, lately I see him somewhat distracted, I don't think that's why, besides ...

—Thony I can be anything but not an idiot, I know when someone doesn't like me and that look from your friend confirms it.

To say that he was disappointed was not enough, all he wanted was that they would get along, even if they could become friends so that they could spend their Fridays at movies or homework afternoons, but he already realized that that would be impossible, he could not do nothing, he knew Marcos very well and when he said no or he disliked something he couldn't make him change his mind.

He sighed in denial, staring at his backpack, he began to look for some things, while the blonde looked at him carefully and yes, blonde, when they met his hair was brown but a radical change does not hurt anyone and according to the brunette, He looked beautiful, fantastic, precious and an endless number of more adjectives that he had said and that although he denied it, he had blushed at those beautiful comments.

—I brought you your banana milk and some sandwiches.

—I don't know how you find out what I like. Are you spying on me? Because if so, I hope you don't have cameras in my bathroom, I need my privacy.

—A magician never reveals his secrets.

—You're a pig Yang.

He looked at him annoyed, opening his precious milk while he took the sandwich from his hand and began to eat, saying that he was hungry was not enough, because with the tasks in other courses that he had he did not even have time to eat but there was his only friend who was He was in charge of watching over his feeding, Anthony when he saw him eat, he just smiled looking for his blackberry yogurt, James's angry attitude seemed so sweet that he just wanted to kiss his cheeks and take refuge in his neck.

—Stop doing that.

—Do what?

—Those things that appear on your cheeks when you smile.

—Are you talking about my dimples?

—Yes, they are very annoying because they look so cute that I want to put my fingers in them.

Anthony smiled widely at the comment so much his, for them he received a hit on the arm that only made him laugh, they both laughed slowly, the food court had never been so happy and everyone present looked at the couple with curiosity, who only they laughed and ate quietly as if they were the only ones in that place.