Force Kiss

"What are you doing?!" Ai Zhiyi was shocked and almost screamed. Fortunately, he still had the sense to hold his voice in his throat. It would have caused great trouble if Chu Weixu awoke and found them in a position where anyone could misunderstand.

Ai Zhiyi tried to break free from the man, but Qing Hua didn't let him go easily and instead tightened his hands around Ai Zhiyi's waist even more. Qing Hua then said many things, teasing Ai Zhiyi who looked like he was struggling to suppress his emotions.

"Isn't it obvious that I will kiss you in front of Weixu? Don't pretend to know anything. Or, perhaps, do you want something more than just kissing you? Do you want to be embarrassed by me in bed? Naughty."

Qing Hua laughed coldly.

There was an intimacy to his words that made Ai Zhiyi feel twice as disgusted as hearing his words. "You bastard! Your words are as disgusting as yourself!"

However, Qing Hua was like a person who had lost his mind. The words immediately made him laugh in amusement. "What do you think? I can make you as disgusting as me if you want. If you like dirty things, I can make you even dirtier than you are now," paused for a moment, and a cold smile suddenly appeared on his face. He brought his face to Ai Zhiyi's ear, gave a gentle bite to his earlobes, then whispered words that could make the wind even feel disgusted too, "Oh, I forgot. Aren't you a dirty one already? Now, try to compare yourself and me right now, which one do you think is dirtier? Also, what if Weixu found out that the lover he loved the most turned out to be a slut back then? I still remember vividly how you moaned that night. It made me— "

"Bastard! Go to hell!" Ai Zhiyi pressed his scream against the neck so that it sounded like a pig being choked.

Ai Zhiyi was disgusted by the words. Irritation swelled up in his heart. He used all his strength to be able to punch the face of a sly man who was trying to be intimate with him, but he was helpless when his hands were locked back and gave in when Qing Hua pressed his lips with his.

Ai Zhiyi felt like dying right then and there when someone else snatched the kiss from his lips by coercing him, right in front of a lover who had never even treated himself that way in public.

However, Ai Zhiyi was already trying hard enough to run, but this little rascal didn't even sweat to prevent him.

Seeing Ai Zhiyi's persistence, made Qing Hua want to tease him even more. But, Qing Hua immediately changed his mind when he saw Ai Zhiyi's teary eyes. A sudden pity arose in his black heart, so he parted their lips and smiled with satisfaction. He laughed as he kept tightening his grip.

"Look, you can't even do anything. How can you save yourself from the past?" Qing Hua said in a condescending tone.

Qing Hua was superior when he competed in physical strength with Ai Zhiyi. Apart from his posture which was taller than Ai Zhiyi, Qing Hua also had greater strength than himself. So, because all the struggles were useless, Ai Zhiyi stopped struggling like a wild cat had been tamed.

Yet, Ai Zhiyi was also not at a loss for his wits, he immediately bitten Qing Hua's arm when he let his guard down, causing him pain, and releasing Ai Zhiyi's body without a choice.

As soon as Qing Hua let go of his grip, Ai Zhiyi immediately pushed his body away, so Qing Hua staggered back a few steps.

Qing Hua touched his arm which had been bitten hard, complaining, "It hurts, stupid, what the hell are you doing?!" he paused, glanced at his arm, and was surprised as he saw a bite mark over there. It made Qing Hua look irritated, and couldn't hold back his anger while showing his slightly bleeding arm. "Look! What just did you do? Do you want to tear my arm?!"

Ai Zhiyi glared at him fiercely. Even though he was about to cry, he seemed stubborn with such a gaze. Clenching his fists, Ai Zhiyi spoke firmly, "Get out of here! Don't ever show your face again!"

This was too compassionate already. Ai Zhiyi had suppressed his desire not to throw that little bastard out of this place earlier, but it seemed that Qing Hua couldn't be a man of manners, so Ai Zhiyi couldn't hold back any longer and immediately said the words.

Not surprisingly. Qing Hua was a person who had lived on the streets with them. When Ai Zhiyi and Chu Weixu managed to get a job, Qing Hua chose not to come with them.

However, one day Qing Hua came back, but even in a worse state than he thought. Although Qing Hua's life had improved materially, he had a background in criminalization.

Now, he was just a drug user, who was very familiar with the police. He was also an excellent con man. His words and face were a good image to trap anyone.

After all, he was the only person who caused Chu Weixu to spend three years in prison. Then, he took the chance when Chu Weixu wasn't around to trap Ai Zhiyi in the prostitution business.

Ai Zhiyi felt his hair flutter as the bad memories flashed through his head. He thought in his mind that there was no reason to allow that little bastard to get along with them.

After all, Qing Hua had never looked better in Ai Zhiyi's eyes, and even Qing Hua never truly apologized for his faults.

No truth could make Ai Zhiyi trust him a second time.

Meanwhile, without them knowing it, Chu Weixu woke up and heard them argue. As soon as Chu Weixu heard Qing Hua talk harshly to Ai Zhiyi as if Chu Weixu wanted to punch that bastard's face.

But, Chu Weixu was too weak at this time. He had lost so much blood that he could only close his eyes while hearing them argue. Chu Weixu clenched his fists so tightly that blue veins protruded from the back of his hand.

Chu Weixu felt embarrassed at this time. The person who was supposed to protect his lover couldn't do anything for him now. Besides, someone he had forgiven, now very boldly said many things to Ai Zhiyi. He couldn't tolerate any of that. He was angry as if the intravenous fluid flowing in his veins was boiling with his blood.

However, it was a fortune for Qing Hua because of Chu Weixu's current condition. If not, then Chu Weixu would go on a rampage regardless of where he was or would he be arrested by the police again.