Did Chu Weixu Hear Everything? (1)

It was like when they went to school before, where people could praise them with many good things, but besides that, also many things that could make people feel scared.

At that time, Chu Weixu was an active student on the basketball team and also an outstanding student in academics, so many people admired him, especially girls. With his perfect body and handsome face, it's no wonder that many girls even wanted to sell themselves to him. It made the boys at their school feel jealous of him. But, because Chu Weixu was a student of high status, no one wanted to talk about their complaints.

However, out of all of that, Chu Weixu was a cold person who barely even glanced at anyone else except Ai Zhiyi. Even, when someone teased Ai Zhiyi, no matter if it was just a joke, he would never hesitate to hit that person's face. It made people think that the perfection he had was just an attempt to cover up his bad behavior.

Then, he also always deliberately disappointed the girls who liked him, by not allowing any of them to be with him while he was on the field except for Ai Zhiyi. Ai Zhiyi was the only one he was allowed to watch and keep all his necessities when he was playing with his team, only to make the girls in their school feel jealous. However, the moment the girls expressed their jealousy towards Ai Zhiyi, Chu Weixu would immediately scold them without guilt.

Ai Zhiyi once asked him, why did you do that? However, the answer he gave was what made him speechless, apart from seeing the girls give up and stop bothering him, he also said that Ai Zhiyi was the only one who deserved to be with him, not anyone else. So, from then on, Ai Zhiyi felt that Chu Weixu was indeed a little narcissistic and cunning when they were teenagers but sometimes made Ai Zhiyi laugh at the thought.

With a big and tall body that looked so athletic, people saw him with flawless perfection. However, Chu Weixu had always used that advantage against anyone who dared to disturb Ai Zhiyi in their school. Even though he knew that it would be quite dangerous when he was injured, he was too stubborn to even listen to anyone, not even concerned about his congenital illness.

People in his family also admitted that Chu Weixu acted like a young gangster who often got into fights even though it was just a trivial matter.

His father often got letters from the principal. However, his father simply ignored the letter and asked Chu Weixu's sister to come as a formality.

At that time, his father was a father who was always proud of him, so Chu Weixu never got into trouble in his family, and never even cared about how Chu Weixu behaved at school, except for his older sister who always scolded him.

However, as Ai Zhiyi knew, Chu Weixu would never want to hear any advice, and always thought of it like a breeze. Until one day, Ai Zhiyi scolded him for his overprotective attitude towards him. Beyond his expectations, it made Chu Weixu gradually changed from his behavior of always wanting to protect Ai Zhiyi using violence.

At that time, both of them were best friends and Ai Zhiyi believed him. But one day, when Chu Weixu said that he liked him, Ai Zhiyi was shocked and didn't even want to talk to him for days. However, he also couldn't lie about how he felt. He knew that all this time he liked Chu Weixu as much as he liked himself, and just didn't expect Chu Weizu to have the same feelings as him.

One morning, Ai Zhiyi came to him and made the thugs promise that he would always do what he said so that they would become lovers. Chu Weixu certainly agreed without the slightest hesitation as he thought that Ai Zhiyi was the only one he had to indulge in his whole life.

Since then, Chu Weixu, a wild tiger turned into a little cat that Ai Zhiyi always wanted to raise. Chu Weixu became very obedient but didn't take away his true attitude which was always pleasant.

However, still, Chu Weixu was a wild tiger that could run wild at any time, like an instinct within him. It's just that, all this time, he was different from his old self when he was a kid. When they were teenagers, he was fearless and wouldn't forgive anyone until Ai Zhiyi told him to stop. Now, Chu Weixu can control his emotions. But, still, everyone else who deliberately stirred up a scene with him would end up with a punch to his face.

Fortunately, Chu Weixu had never been rude to him. As of now, Chu Weixu felt like his heart was burning but there wasn't much he could do other than hugging his lover whom he loved the most. No matter how much jealousy or anger it was, it would be nothing more than arguing and then ending up hugging Ai Zhiyi as he believed that only then he would feel better.

After a long silence, still in the same position, Ai Zhiyi finally made a voice, "Weixu, I'm also doing the same thing right now."

Ai Zhiyi gritted his teeth as he said the words. He was as open up to Chu Weixu as Chu Weixu was. However, it didn't rule out that there was something that he was hiding, and afraid that his lover would find out and make their relationship completely. He wouldn't be able to stand if that happened in the future.

When Ai Zhiyi finished his sentence, he could feel Chu Weixu's hands tighter on his body before he heard Chu Weixu's deep, deep voice in his ears once again.

"Earlier, I overheard your conversation at the hospital. I know that there was nothing between you two, but my heart still feels irritated. I heard how he talked to you. He sounded angry about something ...," paused for a moment, he continued, "It's not that I don't believe you, but you do look like you're hiding something from me."

Chu Weixu could no longer hold back what he had been trying to say. It would only bother him. So, after the words stuck on his tongue long enough, he felt a little more relieved by saying all of them. At least, it could make him feel a little calmer.

"Weixu ...," Ai Zhiyi muttered softly. He wanted to speak, but because he knew what he was trying to tell was a lie, all the words could only hang in his throat like painful thorns.

After all, his heart felt like it was pumping his blood so fast that it almost exploded. Ai Zhiyi froze and felt his body stiffen with a pale face. He was worried that Chu Weixu had heard everything.