Jasmine, the Fate-Seeking Flower

When Ai Zhiyi slowly started to lose consciousness, he faintly felt a big and strong body hugging him from behind. He could feel Chu Weixu's warm body on his back, which was gradually becoming more and more integrated into his body. He didn't know obviously whether he was dreaming or not, which felt so real when he was asleep. He forced his watery, slightly red eyes to open, then found out that the touch was real.

At first, Ai Zhiyi was just silent with his eyes opened like a lifeless statue, but as Chu Weixu pressed him down more and more, the pressure made him feel uncomfortable. He tried to move, hoping that the heavy man would move away from his body, but things beyond what he had planned. Chu Weixu, who was currently filled with lust in his head, wasn't concerned if Ai Zhiyi wasn't in a good mood at having sex.

Chu Weixu touched Ai Zhiyi's face with his big hand, yet filled with incomparable tenderness, then kissed his forehead gently. He stared at Ai Zhiyi's eyes, which always looked bright in his eyes fixedly like a stamp as if there was something he was looking for in them but it was too deep for him to reach.

Under the dim light, Chu Weixu looked at Ai Zhiyi's face beneath his body without blinking. Ai Zhiyi's eyes, which were black like dark pearls sparkled as the reflection of the moonlight from outside the window, fell on his white face with blushing cheeks out of the cold air.

In Chu Weixu's view, Ai Zhiyi was a beautiful moon that always shined at night and was as bright as the sun all day long. He had a babyface, thus nothing was intimidating and disguising the fine wrinkles under his eyes.

However, the longer and deeper he stared at this beautiful man, the more he felt guilty. He knew that Ai Zhiyi had thought too much of himself all this time, but he just never wanted to admit that he was wrong. He knew how Ai Zhiyi had thought about the continuity of their relationship in the future, always smiling in front of his stubbornness, and never even complaining about anything. He even always thought that if one day Ai Zhiyi asked to leave, then he would be willing to kill him and then himself instead of having to suffer out of losing him.

Chu Weixu could feel the turmoil in his heart. He wanted to apologize but his fear of facing Ai Zhiyi was completely beyond his senses, even though he knew that Ai Zhiyi would never do something as cruel as he thought. So, to show how guilty he felt, Chu Weixu could only hug Ai Zhiyi under his body tightly as if Ai Zhiyi was going to leave him and he was just trying to keep ensnaring him to always be by his side.

"Xiaoyi ...."

Ai Zhiyi could hear a deep and deep Chu Weixu's voice echoing in his ears. No one had ever called him that but Chu Weixu. It made Ai Zhiyi feel nostalgic about their past, which was filled with twists and turns story. Without knowing it, his two hands moved slowly, hugging Chu Weixu's body above him. He closed his eyes and felt the fragrance of the soap on Weixu's body.

While Chu Weixu also did the same. He couldn't lie to himself that he liked the scent of jasmine on Ai Zhiyi's body, like ecstasy that made him addicted.

Chu Weixu seemed to be carried in memory of the past, where he would never forget that back then, Ai Zhiyi's family had a jasmine garden in their backyard. Every day when they came home from school, they would stay to pick some stalks and take them to the river. Holding hands, they said a prayer for the good of their relationship and kept hoping that the red string would continue to be connected for an eternity that would never be broken even if death did them apart.

Afterward, they would throw the jasmine into the stream, and let it flow to find something good at the other end.

However, when people found out about their relationship, Chu Weixu had to be locked up like a prisoner, while the jasmine garden in Ai Zhiyi's backyard that they had always visited became an empty yard.

It made him give up on their frequent pleas.

Chu Weixu thought that Ai Zhiyi had razed it because of their relationship, so the emptiness gradually filled his heart and mind. People even thought that he had a mental disorder because of just a man, which they thought was a disgrace.

But, one day, a stupid thought occurred to him and made him awake instantly like someone who had just experienced apparent death. It was the day when he ran away. He crushed the window glass in his room, then jumped out, running as hard as he could to meet Ai Zhiyi and ask him to elope.

Now, twelve years had passed long ago. There were many things that they had gone through that finally became a strong bond between them, and Jasmine whom they threw into the river with great hope back then gradually answered.

At first, Chu Weixu thought that it was just the behavior of two teenagers who had just gone crazy over each other. However, as time passed and their age was getting older, many things made him believe that the jasmine that they threw away as a prayer was looking for their fate right now.

Chu Weixu smiled, feeling a warmth gradually reaching his heart. He then kissed Ai Zhiyi's eyes with tenderness straight from the affection in his heart. He could even feel the scent of jasmine in Ai Zhiyi's eyes.

He realized that from then on, he knew that the scent of jasmines had blended into Ai Zhiyi's body as if he had grown up with them. After all, Chu Weixu was already crazy about that scent and him.

Chu Weixu kissed Ai Zhiyi's neck where the Jasmine scent gathered, giving small bites repeatedly so that the dark red love mark almost filled Ai Zhiyi's neck.

Of course, Ai Zhiyi was in pain from the bites, plus tomorrow he still had to work. He didn't want people to see him as someone's private whore, so he tried to put up a bit of resistance as he said, "Weixu, stop! Don't bite me like that. I don't want to do it tonight either!"

However, Chu Weixu was displeased by his refusal. He had strange thoughts about his lover, who he considered both as valuable and as the only owner. He was the owner of Ai Zhiyi and Ai Zhiyi was the patent right. So, as soon as Ai Zhiyi refused to be given love bites, Chu Weixu's true nature, which was ferocious while on the bed, appeared like a hungry beast.

Ai Zhiyi knew that he had said something wrong, so he tried to apologize. But, as soon as his mouth opened slightly, his trembling lips were immediately clamped up by lips which caused a sudden pain that took him by surprise. He knew that he was too late to apologize and could only stare at the ceiling with misty eyes.