The Medicine were His Sister's Gift

Ai Zhiyi held a lot of thick white juice in his mouth, making him feel like he was gagging. He reached out, hastily picked up a few sheets of tissue on the table, then spit out all the juice with nothing left except for the distinctive smell that still lingered.

Ai Zhiyi would normally swallow the juice because Chu Weixu was a person who had never gave him the chance to go to the bathroom when they were about to make love. However, now there was no reason for Ai Zhiyi to act stupid.

Ai Zhiyi slowly lifted his gaze, secretly looking at Chu Weixu who smiled with satisfaction as he closed his eyes. In Ai Zhiyi's mind, there was nothing bad, only he felt that he had spoiled Chu Weixu too much for so many years and in the end, he always whined like that.

After Ai Zhiyi thought he was done, he immediately got up from his position, then walked towards the sink, turned on the faucet to rinse his mouth, washing his mouth which felt a little sticky.

Chu Weixu apparently was following Ai Zhiyi as he heard light footsteps getting further and further away. As soon as Ai Zhiyi turned off the water faucet, Chu Weixu immediately hugged him from behind.

Being Hugged all of a sudden, Ai Zhiyi was shocked and immediately turned his head back. He said frantically, "Weixu, not anymore. I don't want to do it no matter how hard you insist. Let me go now."

Hearing words like he was a hooligan, Chu Weixu chuckled. He sniffed the scent of jasmine on Ai Zhiyi's nape and denied, "I didn't mean to do it. I just want to hug you like this. that's okay, right?"

However, such words made Ai Zhiyi feel even more suspicious, thinking that Chu Weixu must have the intention of seducing him to make him melt so that in the end, they had sex as if both of them wanted it.

Ai Zhiyi snorted, thinking that he had been deceived too many times.

Not wanting Chu Weixu to take the chance this time, Ai Zhiyi immediately turned his body backward and pushed Chu Weixu's body back to give some space between them.

Chu Weixu backed away slightly, but he didn't let go of his hands-on Ai Zhiyi's waist. He kept staring at Ai Zhiyi in silence with a charming smile that could captivate anyone.

Frowning, Ai Zhiyi said in annoyance, "Don't be ridiculous. You were too clingy when you wanted me to scream under your body. You must be intending to seduce me now, right?"

Chu Weixu giggled. He sneered, "But you enjoyed it too, didn't you? So don't pretend you don't like it."

Ai Zhiyi instantly froze as he looked at Chu Weixu. His eyes opened, revealing bright eyes that were gradually getting cloudy, but he didn't say anything, letting silence fill the gap between them.

But, the words put him in a bad mood. He pulled the corners of his lips so that an ironic smile appeared on his beautiful face.

Seeing that something was wrong, Chu Weixu immediately noticed that Ai Zhiyi might just get mad. Besides, he felt confused. When he thought again, Ai Zhiyi wasn't usually like that, so Chu Weixu assumed that Ai Zhiyi was in trouble.

"Xiaoyi, tell me, did you get a problem in your class?" Chu Weixu asked seriously, "Has anyone said anything bad to you?"

Ai Zhiyi frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Hmm, you are so temperamental this morning …," Chu Weixu replied in a low voice, feeling a little doubtful.

Ai Zhiyi sighed. "No. I just don't like it when you force me when I don't want to."

Hearing Ai Zhiyi complained, Chu Weixu smiled wordlessly. His gentle and arrogant expression revealed an incredible charisma. Then, he hugged Ai Zhiyi, inhaling the hidden scent on Ai Zhiyi's neck.

"Are you in heat? You're like a wolf about to mate, you know," Ai Zhiyi sneered, but he didn't move to get rid of Chu Weixu.

"Perhaps. I'm in heat but my wife can't help at all." Chu Weixu chuckled.

Ai Zhiyi was silent for a while before he sighed lightly, saying, "Let go. Let's prepare the ingredients downstairs."

There was a long silence before Chu Weixu muttered under his breath, "Cake. I want to eat cake."

"It's in the pantry."

"Take it."

Chu Weixu truly liked to be pampered. Even though he was quite old, his demeanor would return to that of the boy Ai Zhiyi knew twenty years ago, where he was mischievous but easily cried when Chu Weixu wanted to get Ai Zhiyi's attention like now.

However, Ai Zhiyi's mood was gradually getting better than before. So, as soon as he heard Chu Weixu asking him to get him some cake, he didn't mind. He no longer showed his habit of frowning and nagging Chu Weixu for not wanting to use his feet, there was even a smile on the small curve of his lips. Looked bright.

"Then wait at the dining table."

Chu Weixu slowly let go of his hands, then kissed Ai Zhiyi's forehead gently before he walked to the dining table.

He sat there quietly, propping his chin with a faint smile on his face, while Ai Zhiyi took the tiramisu cake and placed it on the dining table. He put down a plate for Chu Weixu and took out a big piece of cake for him.

Seeing that there was only one plate, Chu Weixu straightened his back, and asked in confusion, "Which one is for you?"

Ai Zhiyi shook his head, replying after he had cut a few more pieces, "I'm full. I'll go downstairs first. Enjoy your cake."

Ai Zhiyi didn't mince words. He left as soon as he finished his words.

Meanwhile, Chu Weixu sat in silence for a long time, letting Ai Zhiyi go first, before he took a spoon and ate the sweet-looking tiramisu cake.

Chu Weixu chewed slowly, but his brows kept frowning. In his head, he wondered about the brown parcel where Ai Zhiyi had put the medicine. It looked familiar.

He thought hard for a while, he didn't even enjoy the cake he was chewing now. However, as soon as he remembered that it was the same parcel his sister used to use, he immediately froze in silence.

It was easy to recognize the parcel. There was a diamond logo in the middle and it was the logo of the same jeweler that his sister brought him five years ago. Besides, if Ai Zhiyi had bought the medicines at the pharmacy, the plastic would have been different.

Chu Weixu immediately concluded that all of the medicines were his sister's gift.

At the same time, his heart became cold and extremely cold. Until he unconsciously dropped the spoon on his finger, making him immediately return to his senses. Chu Weixu slowly placed his two tightly clenched hands on the table before he got up, then walked hastily towards the bedroom.

Inside there, Chu Weixu opened the drawer of the bedside table, took out the parcel, and looked at it expressionlessly. A cold aura enveloped his eyes as if the glint within them were snowflakes.

He glanced sideways and saw Ai Zhiyi's cell phone lying on the bed. Without thinking, he immediately grabbed the cell phone and immediately called someone.

It didn't take long. As soon as he dialed the number, a woman's voice sounded cheerful on the other line.

"Hello, Zhiyi, what's going on? You don't usually call me so early. Do you need anything?"