A Woman in the Past

"Wen Qi, lend me your scooter. My motorbike is still at the repair shop. I just want to pick it up this afternoon," Chu Weixu asked as he removed the apron on his body.

Wen Qi lifted his chin, frowning, then asked in surprise, "Brother, where are you going?"

"I'm going to deliver the order to the customer's address," replying, Chu Weixu reached out towards Wen Qi.

Hearing about that, Wen Qi immediately stood up. Due to Chu Weixu's posture being much taller than him, he looked up as he spoke, "Brother, let me do that."

Chu Weixu smiled, pressing the young man's shoulders to sit back down while giving him an understanding, "No need. Just finish your coursework. Besides, I also have to go buy some ingredients at the shop. So, stay here to wait for the customers, okay?"

The words sounded pretty clear. Wen Qi had no choice but to be an obedient boy although his face revealed a different expression from his actions, looked reluctant.

He sighed silently, then he fumbled for his tote bag, and handed the key to Chu Weixu after he found it.

"Get here as soon as possible. I don't want to be alone here for too long," Wen Qi confirmed in a sulky tone.

While walking hastily towards the door, Chu Weixu replied before he left, "Yes, I know. I'm also worried that a kid like you will be kidnapped here. Xiaoyi will scold me."

Wen Qi pretended to be annoyed as he watched Chu Weixu exit the door until he left on Wen Qi's scooter. Then, Wen Qi sat back down and continued his work.

Majoring in Architectural Engineering at a Technical University, Wen Qi barely had any free time to hang out with his friends.

There were a lot of assignments and practice leading up to the exam. Luckily, he had gone through all that yesterday, so he had a few weeks off that he could use to do his part-time job optimally and head back to the village to visit his family. It was just that there were some tasks that he should collect soon, so he chose to work on them while he had free time in between his work.

Suddenly a thought popped into his head, making him smile with a beaming face as he had just found his first puppy love. He propped his chin and began to imagine how Chu Weixu always teased him.

In his mind, Wen Qi wasn't really annoyed when Chu Weixu teased him, even made him happy. He liked Chu Weixu's behavior that was always making fun of him, made both of them get closer.

Unfortunately, their closeness was only a relative of Chu Weixu's lover. He knew clearly that Chu Weixu thought of him as nothing more than their little brother out of his age.

Thinking of that, the smile on the young man's face slowly became a line of disappointment.

On the other side, Chu Weixu stopped at a red light with the other riders. Beside him, two young women driving a fancy car were watching him with great interest. They occasionally whispered to each other, talked about a good-looking man on a scooter near their car, expressing their admiration.

While Chu Weixu had noticed it, but he didn't really care about them. No one else would interest him other than Ai Zhiyi.

After the green light, Chu Weixu immediately rode the scooter at high speed.

In less than ten minutes, he arrived at the address. He read the address he had pasted on the parcel again and looked at the customer's apartment number. Then, he rushed up the elevator to go upstairs.

When he got there, he quickly found the apartment number and immediately rang the bell.

Shortly after, someone came out and opened the door, revealing the figure of a graceful woman of about twenty-five of age.

However, as soon as Chu Weixu saw the woman, he froze in an instant with his arms stretched out in front of her.

If the woman hadn't taken her order immediately, it would have fallen on the ground.

Chu Weixu was shocked and widened his eyes open, staring at the face in disbelief. The face should have faded in his memory but now, it was very clear in his mind.

Seemingly time had stopped at this very moment...

He couldn't believe it.

The woman, Wang Shu, stood before Chu Weixu expressionlessly as if she had long since lost the emotions within her after pouring out many feelings on the incident that happened five years ago. Now, she was shocked when he saw Chu Weixu as well, but she was still able to control herself.

Wang Shu was a woman who had once fallen in love with Chu Weixu. As she was infatuated with the man, she did the crazy thing by teaming up with an acquaintance to frame Chu Weixu in one intimate night.

When the woman found out that Chu Weixu was gay and already had a boyfriend, she couldn't maintain the deep disappointment in her heart. She thought that losing hope had shattered her future with the baby she was carrying.

Two days after she gave birth to her baby, she came to Chu Weixu's place and found a polite and quiet man opening the door for her. Soon she found out that the man was the lover of her baby's father.

Unfortunately, the man said that Chu Weixu was being detained in the police force when she asked him about his whereabouts, so her presence was just like a stupid young girl who came with red and puffy eyes without being able to pour out anything.

At that time, Wang Shu was struggling not to cry. Yet, no matter how hard she tried to suppress her sadness, the tears in his eyes were more cruelly tearing at her eyelids, then falling down her face, leaving nothing but a scar that still lingered where the pain he could still feel to today.

That day, followed by Wang Shu's heart-rending cries, with trembling hands Wang Shu held out the baby to the man. She wouldn't be able to look at the baby's face every day — her days would surely be haunted by the shadow of someone she loved — but it caused great disappointment from the feelings she had. So, she intended to give the baby to them instead of throwing the baby out on the street.

It didn't mean she was "a nice girl".

She just wanted the couple to see the baby like an endless misery for their entire lives!

However, the man just stood frozen before her eyes and didn't move an inch, so she placed the baby carefully under the man's feet.

Wang Shu could only say sternly at that time, "Take care of this child. I don't want to take care of that bastard man's illegitimate child!" Then, she just walked away without knowing how the expression shown by the gentle-faced man, followed by cries that hurt herself even more.

Now, after seeing Chu Weixu again, she was reminded of the dark past again.

It's been five years...

The baby should have become a handsome boy like the man before her ...

Wang Shu looked at Chu Weixu with vengeance, not love, as she had kept the same feeling since she had last seen him in the past. Yet, as she had become a mature woman with manners, she showed her grace very well in front of Chu Weixu.

The woman said arrogantly, "Oh, apparently the tea house is yours? I guess I ordered at the wrong place. I didn't expect you to bring it here."

The familiar tone and old voice that suddenly entered Chu Weixu's ears, instantly made him realize that it was the woman he once knew, Wang Shu.

Hearing his words, Chu Weixu didn't intend to respond. He turned around and was about to leave, but before he could lift his feet, the woman pinched the hem of his jacket asking something he didn't want to bring up.

"How's the child doing?"

Chu Weixu didn't turn his head and didn't say anything. He grabbed his arm for the woman to let go of her hand, then quickly left. Anyhow, he felt disgusted to be touched by that damn woman.

Wang Shu looked at him with the same gaze as five years ago.

It was the same way that Chu Weixu did after he said that he wouldn't be responsible for the baby she was carrying.

He just left, leaving hatred for her ...

Wang Shu pulled the corners of her lips into a smile but failed.

After all, it was she who had trapped Chu Weixu and himself in endless tribulation. She should never expect accountability from anyone else except for herself!
