Enmity Between the Chu Brothers

Chu Weixu was about to vent his anger right then and there. Yet, as soon as he saw the man in front of him looked serene, he felt trapped as if he was a fish caught with bait to serve as the main menu.

It was like a trap game. Whoever moved first would lose, while the man's silence was a way of manipulating the situation to make Chu Weixu get lose.

Chu Weixu was indeed a sloppy person but at least he could use his brain at the right time.

Withal, since they met three years ago, Chu Shenshu had also asked about Ai Zhiyi's whereabouts. Chu Weixu acted too recklessly and hastily back then, so they ended up in a fight.

But, wasn't that a plausible act? No one would let someone else look for their partner for no acceptable reason.

Now, based on the instance, Chu Weixu tried hard to suppress his resentment. He could even feel the shakings in his body rising to the head, revealing the blue veins on his forehead that were slightly sweaty.

Chu Weixu inhaled and exhaled slowly. After he could control his emotions, he asked in a cold tone, "I mean it. Why the hell are you coming over here actually?"

Chu Shenshu drew a flimsy line at the corner of his lips, shaping an insincere smile. He replied lightly before taking a sip of his tea, "I just want to know how you are."

"Heh." Chu Weixu rolled his eyes. The ridiculous answer seemed to just tickle his stomach. Unfortunately, he didn't have a good sense of humor for such jokes, so he couldn't laugh but ask him again, "Then why the fuck are you looking for him?"

The man sitting opposite Chu Weixu put down his cup quietly on the table. He frowned at Chu Weixu, then spat out, "Aren't you guys always together? Bearing the shame together? So, I looked for him because I didn't see him around."

Chu Weixu realized his mistake. He shouldn't have asked such a thing, but the curiousness within him from three years ago was rekindled when he heard Chu Shenshu ask the same question again. It felt like it pushed him twice as hard to ask what was on his mind.

Nonetheless, it was irrational. Chu Weixu should have known that facing the man with calmness was foolish.

Chu Weixu was typically very aggressive when it came to Ai Zhiyi, so he instantly got up from his seat and stretched out his long hands to tug at Chu Shenshu's collar.

However, as he was about to throw his fist into the man's face, his cell phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket, stopping his fist right at the edge of Chu Shenshu's vision.

What made the situation seem interesting was how Chu Shenshu could still look so calm, even he could still chuckle softly as if he was mocking Chu Weixu.

Others had definitely dodged or at least put up a fight, but for the man, his composure seemed no end.

While at the counter, Wen Qi who watched them almost screamed. He covered his mouth with his palm, suppressing his voice in the throat. If only Chu Weixu managed to land a punch on Chu Shenshu's face, he would no longer scream but collapse.

Chu Weixu frowned, glaring at Chu Shenshu furiously before he let go of his clutches. He took out his cell phone from his pocket, and as soon as he saw the ID on the call screen, he immediately pressed the green button. "What?"

"Hey, man, you read my message yesterday, right? Don't tell me you opened it but didn't read it at all," a familiar voice was heard on a different line.

A light tone that described a jovial man, it was definitely Qing Hua who spoke.

"I read it. What's wrong?" Chu Weixu asked.

"I want to talk about something. But, maybe not for this noon. I'll come over there in the afternoon because I just remembered I have a business to attend to this noon," Qing Hua's voice sounded serious.

"Oh, what a coincidence, I also want to talk to you, but I can't have guests today, so you can come tomorrow afternoon."

"But, it's important!"

Chu Weixu took a deep breath before he confirmed, "I'm in a bad mood. If you still want to come over here, go ahead, but I hope you don't bring any bad news because I won't hesitate to kick you out."

Hearing Chu Weixu's words, Qing Hua instantly fell silent. The words had no good connotation and weren't just a threat.

Qing Hua knew clearly that Chu Weixu was very easily offended when he was in a bad mood. Plus, what he was about to tell Chu Weixu wasn't a piece of good news. He knew when Chu Weixu heard this, it would only make his mood get worse. Chu Weixu wouldn't just throw him away without beating him up first. So, Qing Hua forced himself to agree to Chu Weixu's offer to see him tomorrow afternoon.

As Chu Weixu was talking on the phone, Chu Shenshu straightened his shirt. Then, he took out a pack of cigarettes, lit a cigarette as he leaned back quietly, enveloped in the tobacco smoke mixed with the citrus scent.

Not long after, three customers came in and sat at a table not far from Chu Shenshu's seat, then followed by a couple shortly after. Chu Weixu immediately hung up the phone and rushed over to the counter.

Chu Shenshu sat quietly alone. His gaze was cast out of the glass wall. He smoked the cigarette until the flame reached the tip of the cigarette, then replaced it with a new one.

When Chu Weixu sat back across from him, Chu Shenshu passed one cigarette to Chu Weixu.

Both of them remained silent, shrouded in white smoke from two opposite directions.

Chu Weixu's brows furrowed tightly as he looked at Chu Shenshu with a serious look, while his feet couldn't be quiet under the table as if they were restlessly waiting for the man to leave.

Due to the customers were here, Chu Weixu tried hard to maintain his demeanor before them.

However, even though the calmness he showed almost covered his rebellious demeanor completely, it still couldn't hide the displeasure on his face.

Chu Shenshu didn't say a word as well, pretending that Chu Weixu wasn't there.

In the end, out of impatience, Chu Weixu shooed the man away in a gentle tone, "You better get out of here now."

Chu Shenshu slowly shifted his eyes, revealing jet-black eagle eyes, which seemed to be targeting his prey.

Without saying anything, Chu Shenshu stood up from his seat. However, contrary to Chu Weixu's words, he didn't leave this place but instead stepped into the staircase that was behind the wall.

Chu Weixu placed both hands on the table, snorting coldly. He knew where the man was going, but he didn't follow him immediately but plunged himself into his anger for a while.

A line of cold smiles was engraved on Chu Weixu's face. Suddenly his fist smash the table hard!

People's eyes immediately fell on him.

Chu Shenshu walked past the counter. Wen Qi glanced at him in astonishment look as if his face depicted the obvious question: "what are you going to do up there?", while the apathetic man kept walking gracefully ignoring him.

Shortly after, he saw Chu Weixu following Chu Shenshu behind and started to feel panicked.

Even though Wen Qi was Ai Zhiyi's family and quite close to the couple, he never dared to go upstairs without their permission.

However, the man was quite presumptuous, not even caring about the presence of Chu Weixu, the owner of the house.

Wen Qi shook his head quickly, not wanting to imagine how such a fraying would be up there. Even worse, how the fraying would be heard by the customers down here.