A Kiss On The Lips

Jian Yu was so shocked that he couldn't move his body. His eyes were wide opened, staring at the boy who always bullied him with disbelief in his eyes.

After all, Chu Baiyu, a little gangster, bullied him almost every day along with the other gangsters in this place, even their older brothers and sisters knew that Chu Baiyu was a little gangster. Chu Baiyu not only bullied those who were younger than him or his age, but also his older brothers and sisters who were even ten to eleven years old.

But, the question is why could a little bully change in an instant with just the simple words of someone he always bullied?

Jian Yu kept wondering inside. Unable to find an answer, he ventured to ask Chu Baiyu directly, "W-Why are you suddenly being nice to me?"

Chu Baiyu frowned, he stared at Jian Yu intently. He simply disliked the question.

Even though Chu Baiyu was a gangster in this place and was often severely punished by the nanny, he was actually aware of his acts, only, he didn't want to admit his faults. He had a weird mindset that being a good person was something unpleasant.

Yet, Chu Baiyu didn't want to scold Jian Yu. He had promised not to bully him again, and he believed that a real man would always keep his words.

The little bully clung to that opinion. So, he gave an excuse that didn't suit his age, "Everyone can change at any time, and so do I."

After his words, Chu Baiyu lowered his head solemnly and kissed Jian Yu's face with a serious yet playful expression. "If anyone bullies you, let me know. From now on, I will protect you and fight them for you."

Chu Baiyu spoke his words as if he was the only grown man in this place and people bowed to him.

Jian Yu was frightened by the sudden 'impoliteness'. He didn't know the word 'harassed' yet, so he just assumed that Chu Baiyu's act was a sign of seriousness. With a mixed expression on his little face, he responded haltingly, "Mother Ling said … no fighting. So, d-don't fight."

"Hn." Chu Baiyu also nodded in agreement, he said bluntly, "That's right. But, people sometimes have to fight for someone they love. I love you, so I used to mock you a lot so we could talk. Now, it's changed. I love you, and I want to protect you."

As soon as Chu Baiyu finished talking, he kissed Jian Yu once again while the innocent boy was in a daze.

Children didn't know the meaning of the word 'love'. The words "I love you" they said were equivalent to the words "let's be friends".

However, Chu Baiyu was different. The words he just said sounded so earnest as if he had just confessed his feelings and wanted to live with Jian Yu.

Meanwhile, Chu Baiyu's friends who were watching them from a distance were dumbfounded when they saw such an unfamiliar scene.

They didn't say anything, both amused and embarrassed to see two boys their age doing a scene that adults usually did.

If their nanny found out about this secret, then they would be punished not to watch TV shows again, so they all kept silent.

On the other side, when Ai Zhiyi got permission to take Chu Baiyu home tomorrow, he hurriedly headed for the playing hall and unexpectedly watched the alluring and beaming scene when Chu Baiyu kissed another boy … on the lips!

That was gone too far!

The boy was even worse than Chu Weixu who snatched Ai Zhiyi's first kiss at the age of ten!

Ai Zhiyi Quickly rushed forward, taking over to his naughty son, then spanking him on the buttocks. Then, he took Chu Baiyu away from the poor child, and said angrily to the little gangster, "Don't bully your friends. You are all family here. If Mrs. Ling finds out, she will scold you, and I won't defend you again. Now, apologize to him."

Chu Baiyu looked at his father confidently, fearlessly he said, "I'm not bullying him, I'm just kissing him." He turned to Jian Yu, asking to confirm the truth of his words, "Jian Yu, I didn't bully you, did I?"

Jian Yu was still very innocent, so he nodded hesitantly.

Ai Zhiyi was speechless. Without the boy saying his act just now, Ai Zhiyi had watched how Chu Baiyu kissed his friend firsthand, and Chu Baiyu shouldn't need to bring it up again.

As a father, he really wanted to teach his little gangster a lesson. Unfortunately, he didn't believe in violence, so he resisted the urge, and took a response with fatherly authority, "Don't do that next time or I'll ask Mrs. Ling not to let you watch TV again."

Chu Baiyu put his hands on his hips, he replied in an annoyed tone and started to boast, "It's just as compensation money as long as I protect him, like a signature, it's just that our versions are different!"

Ai Zhiyi felt helpless … he couldn't accept his little gangster's behavior.

Hearing the words, Ai Zhiyi was furious, thus he wanted to recreate this boy if only his thought was realistic.

With the idea that 'parents are to blame for their child's mistakes, he believes that children's delinquency was caused by genetics, and nothing could change that opinion.

Ai Zhiyi raised his hand, then knocked on Chu Baiyu's head which he thought was too much. He emphasized, "You want to be a real man when you grew up, right? But you behave such a bad at a very young age. Now, apologize to him."

Chu Baiyu rubbed his aching head. His face was red with anger. After all, he was a boy just about to turn five, and only had respect for his father in his heart. Although it was disappointing and made him want to cry, Chu Baiyu didn't want to embarrass his father in front of people.

He walked over to Jian Yu and squeezed his fists like a hero on TV forced to compromise with criminals, then bowed in front of Jian Yu, "Sorry, I was wrong. I won't repeat it."

Although he looked reluctant, his own words were sincere.

His friends who saw him clapped hands happily as if they had just watched their superhero character defeat a monster.

Finally, Ai Zhiyi could feel relieved.

The innocent boy blushed, he lowered his head slightly, biting his lip before he replied in a trembling voice, "That's ...no problem."

Ai Zhiyi patted his forehead helplessly. Apparently, both of them weren't much different.

Jian Yu smiled with two dimples on both cheeks, showing beauty on his face. He added in a gentle tone, "Baiyu has become a good person now, so I'm happy."

Chu Baiyu smiled brightly when he heard the praise, even showing an unusual brightness on his face. "Sure! I'll stay like this for you."

Ai Zhiyi stood over there in embarrassment.

In this day and age, children were too quick to say adult things. They were like adults who wrongly inhabited the bodies of minors. Their mindsets made Ai Zhiyi keep wondering where they had found such a scene.

Ai Zhiyi suddenly smiled ironically.

He should have told Ling Zhilan not to let his foster children watch ridiculous shows on TV too freely as he had witnessed firsthand how they imitated the ridiculous scenes there.

Most children his age were just starting to learn to spell words, so it was impossible for Chu Baiyu to read such romantic words in a romance novel other than hearing them.

Ai Zhiyi didn't forbid Chu Baiyu to love anyone else, but not at his current age, it was even too early to fall in love!