The Other Side Of Wen Qi

Chu Weixu actually had some guilt after he snapped at Wen Qi earlier. So, he touched the young man's head gently, then said sincerely, "Sorry for yelling at you earlier."

"Tch!" Wen Qi snorted softly as he recalled how the man nearly made him lose his heart.

Wen Qi brushed Chu Weixu's hand away from his head, pretending to be irritated by saying, "Brother, you're so awful when you're in a bad mood but your seduction isn't that better either. Don't tell me you gave me two cakes just because you felt guilty. I would really get mad at you. That's extremely insulting me."

Chu Weixu chuckled softly. He casually said, "One was indeed given to you for free and the other as an apology. But, if you don't want to accept them because you think it's an insult, then that's fine. I can give them to my neighbor."

"Hmph!" Wen Qi looked at the heartless man in front of him in annoyance, then replied, "It depends on what you give!"