
Without a word, Chun Zhen stretched out his hand and immediately pressed the seat adjuster button on Wen Qi's seat, making the back of the seat fall back so that Wen Qi was in a lying position.

Wen Qi gasped and was about to get up, but Chun Zhen swiftly pressed his body down again.

Chun Zhen purposely locked the car door to not let the young man escape, then Chun Zhen immediately got on top of Wen Qi, pressing the young man's hands above his head.

A strange expression suddenly appeared on Chun Zhen's face. He looked at Wen Qi who was pinned beneath him with lustful eyes that were thirsty for sex.

Frowning, Wen Qi felt that something was wrong. When Wen Qi opened his mouth to curse, Chun Zhen first said to Wen Qi in a whispering voice as if his voice was filled with lust, "I won't stop you from liking anyone, but you're also forbidden to stop me from doing the same."