Wen Qi didn't Want to Waste Any Chances

Wen Qi was paused, thinking of something. A few seconds later, he decided, "No. Thanks. Besides, we're going to have dinner together tomorrow night too, right? I have an appointment with my friends tonight though."

After all, since downstairs, Ai Zhiyi had ruined Wen Qi's mood. Now, Wen Qi saw that kind of expression on his cousin's face and it was certain that he couldn't possibly stay in this house for much longer. So, he decided to throw away his golden chance even though he knew that he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Unexpectedly, Ai Zhiyi interrupted, "Wen Qi, it's not good to reject a good offer. Weixu already said that he'll drop you off after dinner. So don't worry." Ai Zhiyi smiled, continuing, "And, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to say that."