Retained Anger

It would take some time to confirm that Ai Zhiyi didn't hide something from him anymore. And once he was sure of Ai Zhiyi's faithfulness, then he would stop spying on him. But even so, he still could no longer completely believe any reasons in the future.

How unfortunate. When your partner trusted you 100% in their life, everything could change drastically just because of one lie. No one would be able to trust someone fully after telling a lie once. It certainly left a bad impact on someone's mind.

Chu Weixu had said many times that he didn't mind dealing with Ai Zhiyi's inflexibility. Despite that, he couldn't tolerate a lie. What is more, who can accept a lie?

During this time, he always told the truth about all his problems to Ai Zhiyi, thus there was no privacy he hid. And, he only wanted Ai Zhiyi to do the same, but the fact was ... truly hurt.