Their relationship would Never be the Same

Chu Xinian straightened her back. She was reluctant to talk to by rights, but it couldn't be helped, she had already said her words. So, regretfully, she lamented her poor self.

Besides, she was honestly overwhelmed with her own family. Whenever they got together, they would all end up opposing each other. The conflicts that occurred in their family truly didn't match how often she heard many people praising their family with the words: 'a family that's always harmonious'.

Noticing people had focused on what she was about to say, Chu Xinian heaved a heavy sigh. Then he finally revealed, "Actually, I don't know Gu Yuwang that well. But, from my first date with him, he seems like a nice man." The woman paused to catch her breath before continuing, "And what I want to ask is, is Gu Yuwang really a good person? I'm afraid the good image he showed me is only on the surface."