Ai Zhizhu Doubted Ai Zhiyu

However, it was probably because Ai Chenghan was in a hurry at the time, so he didn't want to argue about it any further. He simply stated, "Leave this house tomorrow morning. Don't show your face here for too long. Otherwise, I will drag you out of this house."

After Ai Chenghan said that, he walked away with an angry face without turning his head. Ai Zhiyi was stunned. He knew this was going to happen, so he wasn't that surprised, but the pain those words caused was absolutely unavoidable.

While Ai Zhizhu tried to calm him down by saying, "Don't mind what dad said. Come on in."

Hearing his brother's voice, Ai Zhiyi instantly recalled what had just happened. He immediately turned to the side as he said regretfully, "Brother, I'm sorry. It was because of me that dad also hit you."

Ai Zhizhu smiled. "It's okay. Don't worry about it."

They both walked into the house. Ai Zhizhu told him, "Sleep in my bedroom."