Under the Effect of Alcohol

Chu Weixu closed his eyes at that moment; enjoying what he was doing while imagining Ai Zhiyi's face in his fantasy. The animal thoughts were unavoidable, making him oblivious to Wen Qi's presence who had been watching him at the door.

In that situation, Chu Weixu was unconscious as if his head had been manipulated by lust; plus the longing that had weighed on him in the past few days made him no longer able to control himself. Of course, he did the shameful act based on the instincts of a man who missed his partner so badly. It was certain that his body moved without his brain commanding.

Still, what he didn't know was that the young man he had met at the club had put something in his drink discreetly while he got scatterbrained, so that was why his body felt so heated like it was burning with an unbearable feeling. He tried to hold back, but the more he tried to control his mind, what he got was that he suffered more and more.