Chaotic States (2)

Liang Su frowned. She observed Wen Qi's condition and was untrusted by Wen Qi's words, so she asked again to make sure, "You look not okay. Please, tell me if you need something." 

On another side, instead of answering, Wen Qi kept quiet with a sulky face.

How could she ask such a thing? Doesn't she see what his condition is like?

He had been raped by several old men on Chu Shenshu's orders. Of course, he wasn't okay!

Wen Qi struggled to restrain himself from saying bad words, so instead of answering, he asked, "Where am I now?"

The young woman replied, "At the hotel." As if she already knew what Wen Qi was going to ask next, she directly explained, "Mr. Shen asked me to accompany you. He said that he would discuss some matters with you after he returns. So, please wait a moment, sir. Mr. Shen will get back soon."

Wen Qi slowly lowered his gaze, thinking for quite a while before he decided to stay.