Dabating (1)

Giving attention to Lu Tao grumbling beside him, Han Xuanxu couldn't help but laugh. He said, "Are you a kid? So annoyed. Come on, don't act like that. You look like an idiot already, don't make yourself look even worse."

Lu Tao didn't respond, but he still had a sullen look, like a sulking child.

However, no one wanted to be called stupid in this world even though they were stupid, and Lu Tao was no different, he simply didn't want to comment.

While Han Xuanxu couldn't stop laughing. He said with mockery, "Lu Tao, if Weixu doesn't come downstairs to meet us, what can we do? What do you want to sue for? It's useless."

After a long silence, Lu Tao emphasized, "I won't let him, you know. I'll tell him not to talk to me anymore."