Huang Meili (2)

"Huh? You guys are friends, why did you still ask me such a question?" Huang Melli replied, "I know him so well for sure."

Before Chu Weixu could reply, Lu Tao suddenly interrupted, "Don't you know, Huang Melli is Song Dian's girlfriend."

Hearing the statement, Chu Weixu was constantly shocked to death. "Huh?! Are you fucking kidding me?! His girlfriend?! So, you guys have been dating all this time?!" Chu Weixu shook his head, feeling unexpected.

Not only Chu Weixu, Ai Zhiyi, who was sitting next to Chu Weixu, was also surprisingly stunned after hearing this.

Lu Tao and Han Xuanxu chuckled. But before Lu Tao confirmed, Cheng Han said, "Weixu, you know nothing. It's good for you to ask your friends such a thing to know more surprising things."

Chu Weixu giggled slightly. He covered his mouth with a fist, then spoke mockingly, "What a life. How could you be dating someone? It's Song Dian, girl. How come?"