Chapter 131: Maze (part 4)

The power of [Heaven's Thunder] broke through the ceiling and struck the two of my classmates, the one who wielded the spear and mace, and fell unconscious as their bodies charred. The rest who saw this started joining in the fight, but Midori blocked the way, slashing the ground and destroying a large piece of the maze.

"Midori, you too?"

Midori, before she answered, the entire maze shook, and the halls started separating and moving again. Midori went to my side to check up on my condition, while some of my classmates went to retrieve the bodies of their fallen allies. Yoon Yong-Il reached out to me but was too late as my platform started moving away.

"Rai, dammit!"

Yoon Yong-Il and the Gorgon sisters separated from me, and I saw Chieko going to Yoon Yong-Il with her bow and arrow, ready to fire. The halls shifted at the exact moment, and I could not see what happened next.