I am writing some funfiction. The search for self makes sense, if you seem to keep changing, because You can't change time you have to change with it.
"The worlds inhabited by imagination are impressive at the least, threads that resist linearisation. They interact in unknown places."
"It can be anything, an atom of meaning a phrase as long as it is good, no meaning goes without adding to the mosaic of strange days."
"As with ordinary taste, writing is for writing, with which each element each word, consists of a stitch in time."
"Bring the novel back into the novel, we are the melodies of two different imaginaries."
"This is not solid, totally unabridged, a representation in words without a sense of direction for the purposes of a novel, which may never be"
"A subjunctive Fuselage of subjectification. A reduction of my formal thinking into an institutional collection of meaning.."
"It is a personal creative voice not intended for publication unless it is somehow successful in some therapeutic sense."
"A clammering subterfuge of handwashing, with reflections of memories a partial exposure of the self in the post."
"What it is not; A cynical deconstruction of my life at present, clearing up, codifying."