
Lie Yuan followed the memories of the original owner and went home. Su Bein rented a small apartment near the school and Lie Yuan immediately changed into his school uniform.

Thus, he really feel pity towards the original owner. He was an intelligent person with a huge dream just to be destroyed by a scum man.

Despite the fact that this body was an orphan, he was wise to live alone in his life for almost three years since he left the orphanage. He then started working part-time and applied for a scholarship. To Lie Yuan, his character was excellent. If not for his good looks, his fate won't be miserable. In fact, the beauty is both a blessings and curse.

Lie Yuan finished dressing up and pick up bread and milk in the refrigerator and hurriedly eat it. He pushed the golden rim glasses unto the bridge of his nose and locked his house.

He was wearing a glasses in school in case some of his peers will see him working at the bar. Although the manager hired him because of his looks, in class he hides this looks to maintain a safe distance towards him and his noble classmate. He will just get bullied if they will know his situation. Poor and alone.

Lie Yuan walk towards the school gate. He maintained the usual cold and expressionless face of the body.

"System why does this world seem not updated?"he asked curiously.

[Answering the host. This world was set in a modern civilization where advance technology still not exist like in your own world. To be precise, no mecha and light brain has been discovered for now.] The system happily explained. His host was gentle now, he was not scary as before!

Lie Yuan just nodded. He won't ask the system anymore. Furthermore, he had the original body memories, and these things was not quite unlikely to him.

When he was close in the school gate, beautiful cars and services was displayed. All young students slowly arriving at the same time. The whole area was full of liveliness and innocent indicating the school life of a grown teenager. Lie Yuan was taken for a while. He remembered his prime year on his world. He instantly erased and cleared his thoughts.

For a mere fact that he is the only one walking without service, he right away attracted a lot of attention.

Pale and smooth skin appeared to be delicate, hair ink as night with a cold and collected deep blue eyes that can not hide through the thickness of his glasses. Fortunately, he obtained some of the young master's attention.

And Wang Wei was included in that. He stared deeply at the walking figure of the man. He remembered his expression yesterday. Those slutty appearance as he thrust and pulled his member on his hole. Those disgusting lustful eyes.

He tilted his body on his car, his other friends notice his gaze and also turned their heads on the certain direction. Wang Wei keenly observe the man, when he was near to him, their gaze met.

He was ready to mocked him, but the youth just turned his head around, like he did not even see him. Anger aroused in his chest. He don't recognize him? He chuckled without humor.

"Young master Wang do you like that freshman?"his other buddy, Zhou Wenjing asked.

"No."he answered coldly and left the school gate. His friends also followed him.

[Ding. Male Lead Hate Value: 40%]

Lie Yuan was caught off guard. He swiftly glanced back at the walking man. He don't know why he feels that man was familiar. Is he the male lead?

He did not bother to ask the system anymore and went directly to his room.

Su Bein was smart, he was placed in Class—A together with all outstanding students. Lie Yuan then noticed the lady who was smiling friendly at their classmate.

His eyes curved. Zhou Shen. The female lead. Despite the fact that she was just only sitting right there, her aura was so pure and bright making others feel comfortable. That's why even though they only saw her at first glance, they will have a good impression of her.

In appearance, Zhou Shen was in a cute cinnamon type. Her large black peach blossom eyes and her pink small lips. Her smile was pure and innocent making others protect and guarded this pure smile.

He sneered and sat on the front row. That's the power of a protagonist halo.

[Ding. Female Lead Hate Value: 10%.]

Lie Yuan knitted his eyebrow, "I thought I only need to fill the hate value of the male protagonist?"

[Host in every world they are more than one protagonist. In this world, there are two. The male and female lead. It's okay if you don't fill the other one and just fill the latter but if you fill up both, the energy that we can harvest will be double!]

Lie Yuan smiled with interest, "What can I gain from that energy?"

[After that I can harvest the energy, I will upgrade and can hack the store in the main system. Host can buy stuff there and can also bring it in his own world!]

Interesting. He rested his elbow on the table and quietly observe the ambience of the surrounding. He supported his lightly cheeks on his arms and moderately half closed his eyes.

In other's perspective, this actions was a unique type of charm. They took a stolen glance at the lazy youth and long forget their attractions towards the female lead.

Some even gulped while staring at him. Zhou Shen noticed the atmosphere and turned his eyes on the person in front of her. She narrowed her eyes but also maintain the innocent and pure countenance. She did not know why she hated that man. Not just because of his appearance, but the reason that he did not even put her on his eyes.

Other people can't resist her charms. But this novice man not only he ignored her, but also sneered at her like she was a disgusting creature.

[Ding. Female Lead Hate Value: 20%....25%....30%.]

"What's wrong with her?"he was awakened by the voice of the system. He did not know what reason does this female lead has and hated him in an extreme point. But it was a good thing, actually.

In a short minute the professor came, it was the first day of school year, and the professor only urge the students to familiarize with each other. Lie Yuan did not bother to approached his classmate, to him, they are just a mere existence. He doesn't like to trust people anymore.

But to his surprise some male students went to his directions and encircled him. He almost let out a surprise expression by their sudden slant. He observed their faces and perceive that they are not their classmate. Who are they?

[H-Host...they are the close friend of the male lead.]

"What are they doing here?"

[...] The System is afraid to speak! Why did he not notice that something was wrong?!


Before the system could answer, the tallest one already pulled him up. Lie Yuan's new body is weak and too delicate. He did not bother to fight back.

"Our young master wants to talk to you."he said in an arrogant voice.

Lie Yuan knitted his eyebrow. The male lead? Why would he want to talk to him?

He sighed and followed them silently. The other student watched the scene in confuse. Those men are all their senior, and they don't know why they approached the pretty man. But in their mind, it was not a good thing!

They lead Lie Yuan into a blank room, probably their hide-out. The tallest one opened the door and almost push Lie Yuan inside. After he went in, the door in his back closed.

He attentively observed the whole room. Full of smell of cigarettes and hard drinks. Messy room. He frowned. This body was a clean freak and seeing the room, he feel a nausea.

"You did not even remember me."a dark voice came from behind.

He looked back. Because it was somewhat dark he only noticed the shadow of the sitting man. His postures were lazy and prominent, but it did not even make his aura ugly. He slowly stood, and his tall figure outshine the average height of Lie Yuan.

He fully discerned the appearance of this man. Dark hair and eyes, sharp brows and fine jawline. His skin was white and the fabric of his body clung unto his strong muscles.

Lie Yuan slowly step back. This is the male lead! Why did he appear here? And this strong aura was so disgusting!

"Cat got your tongue?"Wang Wei asked in a playful voice.

The kitten in front of him was pretty scared but also maintain his cold and distance countenance.

"Who are you?"

He was stunned. He stopped walking towards him and glared darkly at the appearance of the youth. He. Did. Not. Even. Remember. Him.

[Ding. Male Lead Hate Value: 50%...55%...60%]

Lie Yuan was confused. Why was this man angry? In the plot, they just met in the midway. But right now, they already met at the beginning of the plot and the male lead already hated him! What is wrong with them?

"You don't know me?"Wang asked with a dark faced. "The senior you dumped in high school because I was not good enough. Ring a bell?"

Lie yuan was bewildered. H-He dumped the male lead? Why is that not written in the plot!!!


[H-Host...because I only hacked the main system some of the plot went missing...wu~wu forgive me host.]

That's explain why. He really wanted to skin this shitty system. He narrowed his eyes on the man before him.

"So? That was a long time ago."

Wang Wei burst into an intense anger. He really regretted confessing in front of many people and this man only rejected him because he was not good enough?! That's the start of his blackening.

He gripped the arms of the youth and Lie Yuan stiffened. He leaned closer into his ears, "You also forget the passionate night we shared yesterday?"

Lie Yuan: "!!!!"

[H-Host... I think the villain did not...sleep with you...the male lead did...]

Lie Yuan: "!!!!"

"You said that I don't deserve you before. Now, you will become mine."

Sure enough the plot doesn't seem so right!