
"We collected samples from the victims." A middle-aged man gently push his glasses in the bridge of his nose while putting some files in the table, he added: "Five deaths was connected to your father."

Wang Wei nodded and staring deeply at the files. These papers contain all the deeds of his father, his dark secret and intense crime. His lips curved as his back rested on the chair, clasping his hands and looking at his uncle.

Seeing this kind of behavior, Song Yuanshi can't help but to smirk, "The victim's family agreed to file against Wang Jun."

Song Yuanshi is the younger half-brother of his biological mother. And the only one who had a close relationship with his mother. In the beginning, he was against the idea of marrying his mother and his father. He knew that Wang Jun is a scum person, and the worst one. But his mother has fallen for that scum man. Song Yuanshi had no choice but to give his blessings. In the beginning of their marriage, he noticed how Wang Jun treated his mother with care, and he was relieved about this. But when the latter get pregnant, the real face of Wang Jun unmask in a difficult way. He doesn't want any descendant and able to inherit his business. He wants his mother to get an abortion, but of course the latter was not willing. She endured the mistreatment of his husband and watched as his husband brought countless beauties. After he gave birth, her body finally gave up. She cannot endure anymore and left Wang Wei with his uncle Song.

Thinking about this, Song Yuanshi narrowed his phoenix eyes. His figure was always clean and presentable, but the wrinkles on his forehead made his appearance equal to his age. He doesn't have a wife or any children, he dedicated his life handling the business of his father in A City. But he cannot really take full control of the company, as the half asset was in Wang Wei's name that his mother left him. On the first place, he urges Wang Wei to manage the company. But the young man only wants to fool around, but detecting the unusual expression of the young man right now, he can't help but think of the reason for his agreement to destroy his father.

Wang Wei nodded to his uncle and let go of the files in his hands. He pulled the tie on his suit and unbutton two buttons. His shirt revealed a strong and slender neck, exuding full of manly hormones that not yet ripen.

"I see. Thank you uncle."

"Then I have to go."

He nodded to his uncle and massage his temple in frustration. His eyes pierce on the photos that his agent sent to him on his phone. His heart throb by a huge amount of pain. The longing and helplessness on his eyes manifested. His hand clenched and blood flowed on his palms.

The pictures contain a cold and tempting young man with a deep ocean eyes. His faint smiles, neither true nor not, have been captured at the right moment. He controlled his self, but his eyes bleed with tears as the person beside the youth was his bastard father. He knew the youth only wants revenge, but he can't really control his jealousy. It was just a fire that flowing into his body, through his pores and skin, wanted to get unleash and destroy anything that he wants. His eyes flashed almost identical murderous pressure, when another photo has been sent by the agent.

In this photo, the youth was still cold and aloof, but his eyes was releasing a unique kind of charm while looking at the man. It was not his father but a different man. He was pleasant and kind in the picture, making Wang Wei's thoughts go insane. He remembers that the youth dislike him because of his rebellious behavior, he even bedded him while the youth was not in the right mind. And....this man. This man looks different from him or his father!

"Find information about this man!"he roared on the phone.

Su Bein. No. He should only belong to him. Not anyone can take him away. No one.

He chuckled crazily. He recalls that the youth was even disgusted by his touch. His bloodshot eyes was flashing with deep fury.

"Su Bein..."

On the other side, Wang Jun was also furious. He smashed the vase on his office as the several photos was displayed in his table. The same youth who keep gaining his attention. But...with a different man. He laughed. His veins take shape on his forehead.

"Find out who the fûck is this man!"he roared in his Secretary.

The secretary nodded and called someone on his phone. His worst nightmare was his boss in a bad mood. He won't tolerate anyone who defy him. He once again glanced at the youth on the picture. It was a beauty. But it's a pity he made the boss wore a green hat. He offers a silent prayer.

Wang Jun closed his eyes. An image of a juvenile again invaded his mind. During this several days, he always visited the youth in the bar. The young man will always get annoyed by him, but he will also feel flustered. Those experience was real. He was a man who rely on his intuition, and he never failed. But...why is Su Bein with another man? Did he trick him? No. Su Bein was not like that. Maybe the man force him? Thinking about this, his eyes was filled in rage. The Secretary trembled. His sweats were dripping on his forehead as his hands shakingly called several men to gather information about the identity of the man in the picture. And quietly observing the changes of his boss' expression.

"Why are you fûcking slow?!"he roared once again.

The young secretary nodded and hurriedly printed the information he gathers. His hands never stopped trembling, but he was not novice in this aspect, he handed the printed copy to his boss.

Wang Jun deep and striking eyes was piercing in the information on the paper. His expression relaxed a bit.

Name: Du Yunxi

Age: 30

Job: Professional Photographer and A Professor in Noble School in B City.

Professor? His brow knitted. Turned out that the youth did not deceive him. The changes in his countenance was so fast and even the Secretary feel chills. What is wrong with his boss?!

Wang Jun sighed in relief as his back leaned on the office chair. He dialed the number of Manager Du.

"Hello Mr. Wang!" An excited, hoarse voice answered.

Wang Jun chuckled a bit, "I want you to reserve the rooftop spot on the bar. The whole area. No one should be there tonight."he bit his thick lips and imagined a few scenarios, "Also make Su Bein personally serve me."


"Is there a problem?"

"N-No... There is none... B-But..."

Wang Jun furrowed his eyebrow, his face bewilder, "What?"

"Su Bein quit his job a while ago."

The small sentence was a huge bomb in Wang Jun's heart. His face returned. He smashed the phone on the ground and his breathing became faster.

Su Bein. His Su Bein quit his work. Did he wish to get rid of him? No. Su Bein has feelings for him, he knew that. Maybe that bastard professor was the culprit in this? He guffawed evilly.

Did he really thinks that he can escape in his palms?

"Good. I treated you evenly. Maybe I was too good that you think you can get rid of me."

[Ding. Completion Rate: 70%]

[Host we are near to finish the task!] The system happily announced and jump out in his host's shoulder.

Lie Yuan only nodded. His long eyelashes tremble and people on the coffee shop can't help but gave him a second glance. He was not wearing his glasses, and his deep ocean eyes was tantalizing in their own perspective.

In the past few days, Lie Yuan continuously acted as a tsundere in front of the villain. He will always make Wang Jun interested in his resistance. And after a week, he decided to quit his job to give a huge blow to Wang Jun. Seeing the completion rate increasing....his plan indeed work.

[Host do you like professor Du?] His system asked, a little jealous. [He was just a minor character and...he was not really that handsome.]

"What are you talking about?" Lie Yuan lightly laughed, "Who the hell can still fall in love? This world will soon be destroy. If I fall in love, what will happen to me?"

The System went silent. But after a minute he asked again, [Then why are you accompanying Professor Du?]

Lie Yuan smirk. "To make the villain jealous. What else? Do you think I will just continue acting like a tsundere? Maybe one of these days, he will just grow tired and just force me to bed him."

The System did not ask any question anymore. His host was really amazing, more than he calculated. It was a hundred percent really more amazing!

Afterwards, A handsome man with a gentle and friendly appearance went to his side. He was holding a huge tray filled with their order. Therefore, Lie Yuan entered his character.

"Professor Du, this is not really needed."he commented in a cold voice.

However, the young professor just smiled at him, "How many times do I have to tell you that you just have to call me Du Yunxi? Or even Gege."

Su Bein snorted and look away. But his ears was red and this made Du Yunxi chuckled a bit. This young man is really adorable.

"You need to get ready. Tomorrow we will travel in A city."he reminded.

Su Bein nodded and started eating his orders. His lovely bites and small unintentionally actions made Du Yunxi thirsty. The red lips of the youth was more delicious than his orders and when it opened, it revealed his pink tongue. He gulped. His jeans tightened.

Lie Yuan frowned. He had no idea why this old man suddenly feel flustered, but he did not care anyway. His attention was on the food. The sweet taste was lingering on his mouth, he can't stop licking the stains' serum on his lips. He heard Du Yunxi cursed silently.

"Professor are you okay?"asked Su Bein in a surprised worried tone.

Du Yunxi look away and subconsciously pulled the collar of his shirt. He coughed and cover the bulge on his pants.

"I will go to the toilet for a bit."

Lie Yuan only nodded and did not bother him anymore. After he finished eating his fill, he looked at his cheap watch and observe the time. His plan was now working slowly.

"System locate Zhou Ye and Zhou Shen."

[Answering The Host: Zhou Ye and Zhou Shen was in the boutique meters away.]

Lie Yuan nodded and finally get up on his seat. He left the coffee shop and did not forget to text his location to the professor.

When he entered the boutique he saw a huge crowd whispering and taking a video. In the center three woman was the culprit in this incident. Lie Yuan grinned.

In the plot, Zhou Ye and Zhou Shen quarrel in this boutique. After Zhou Ye ordered the same clothes with the female lead, the sales lady mistakenly decrease her size, causing the clothes to not be fitted on her. She complained about this, but Zhou Shen arrived and the clothes on her was suited perfectly. Zhou Ye was furious, they were the same size, but the clothes was not exactly fitted on her. The sales woman suggested that she need another huge size, but those tone she used indicate that Zhou Ye was fat. She was furious and confronted the sales woman about this.

Indeed. The sales woman was jealous of Zhou Ye. She intentionally adjusted her size, to humiliate her. In the original plot, Zhou Ye was posted on the social media about her complaining. Many people was mad about her belittling the sales woman job. Of course, Zhou Shen as a natural white moonlight helped the sales woman argue with Zhou Ye. She was complimented at the media and even became famous because of her kind behavior. Very different from Zhou Ye.

But now, Lie Yuan was here. He won't make the female lead gain that advantage.

"Did you do your work properly?!"a furious voice reverberated. A woman with a matured face and a nice body was fuming in anger. Her face is not inferior to the darling of fate.

"Zhou Ye have you talk enough? Why don't you just change the size...and stop being scandalous." Zhou Shen gently comforted the sales woman. Her words made the audience throw dagger gazes on the other girl.

"What kind of wicked woman is that?!"

"Maybe...she assumes that she was not fat, but...she really is fat."

"Tss. That's her karma! Did she think the world just revolves around her?!"

Zhou Ye who was listening to those innuendos completely made her mind and heart tense in anger. Her face was red.

"Zhou Shen you don't know anything, why would you help her? Just because she was crying, that made me the bad guy? So ironic. You pathetic losers."

"Zhou Ye you are really too much. Look at her crying nonstop. Are you not satisfied?"

The audience's mind was one-sided. Their impression of Zhou Ye was bad and Zhou Shen was good. This kind of mindset was really hypocrite in Zhou Ye's perspective. She just went home and this kind of biased people really is pathetic.

"Did you know the whole reason why she's angry? Why are you jumping in conclusion?"

Suddenly, a cold and pleasant voice entered their ears. All their eyes drifted in that certain spot, and they can't help but to freeze. A young man with a gorgeous face was staring at them with an emotionless face. Some even feel flustered.

Zhou Shen's smile faded. Her eyes flashed in anger, "What do you mean Su Bein?! Clearly, Zhou Ye was bullying the sales woman!"

Su Bein nodded while unconsciously blinking his cold eyes, "I'm just asking. Why fret?"he sexily chuckled, "You know that judging one-sidedly is bad isn't it?"

His statement made the audience came back to their consciousness. Truthfully, they are biased. When they arrived at the scene, they only saw the tall woman talking harshly on the crying sales woman. But they don't know the reason and just instantly commented at the rude woman badly. Now they feel like they are the true rude person. They look away when they discern that all of them was thinking the same.

Zhou Shen seeing this can't help trembling in anger, "Nonsense! Absolutely, Zhou Ye was belittling her job?! Does rich people always do that?!"

Her words don't appear persuasive anymore. The audience waited for the other to response. Zhou Ye was still shocked but immediately came back to her senses, she threw dagger looks on Zhou Shen and cursed loudly.

"You are one of the ironic people that I met! Do you think just because she's crying, she was now the victim? Then I will also cry, that makes me a victim, right?!"

The silent sales woman tense. Her pitiful face was now dyed in dry countenance. She was nervous. Did her tears won't work anymore?! No! If she doesn't speak, she will lose her job.

"Mi-Miss... I'm sorry for choosing a wrong size...but you don't have to shout anymore. I will just quit this job if that makes you feel better."she stuttered. Her tears continuously drip on the corner of her eyes.

Sadly, no one feel sympathy towards her anymore.

"That's kind of plot are not novel anymore."another voice arrived, "Miss Li Bin you use this several attempts to humiliate your customer right?"

Lie Yuan glance at Du Yunxi. His lips curved. This man was his biggest chess piece to destroy the female lead's halo. The smile on his lips deepened while enjoying a good show.

Du Yunxi glance at Su Bein and smiled, he turned his head on the crying woman. The smile faded. "Many customers reported you, because you always choose the wrong sizes. And even bully them beneath that sugary words."thus, he shifted his head on the silent manager. "Manager, is this situation not new to you?"

"Y-Yes..." The manager answered automatically, being stared by that eyes was terrifying: "But she always cried, and I thought the customer was bullying her. I'm sorry! I will just fire her!"

"N-No... Manager I'm sorry... I won't do this anymore."

"Shut up! You are really shameless!"

The situation was handle perfectly according to the plan of Lie Yuan. His smile was satisfactory as the robotic voice keep sounding on his ears.

[Ding. Female Lead Hate Value: 60%....70%....80%.]

[Ding. Completion Rate: 75%]

Su Bein was approached by Zhou Ye. Her eyes were grateful, but there is still arrogant on them. The Female lead and the audience has long left.

"Thank you! I owe you this time, buddy."her voice was sincere.

Su Bein only nodded and smiled at Du Yunxi. His real and warm smile. Du Yunxi subconsciously chuckled and smile back.

[Host, do you consider Du Yunxi to be your accomplice?]

Lie Yuan did not answer and just smile.

No. The system was wrong. He doesn't consider him. Not anyone. They are only chess piece that he needed to use to win his mission.

Because he won't trust anymore.