1. Lost Covenant








In the past few days, Lie Yuan reputation got worst. Offensive words are plastered on his photo on the social media. His eminence on his school was damage completely. But in this past few days, Lie Yuan only stayed with the male lead. Enjoying a royalty treatment from the puppy seme. Lie Yuan, of course, was satisfied with this.

"System how many days left?"asked Lie Yuan in a firm tone.

He gently stretched his white legs on a small couch and rested it on Wang Wei's thigh. The latter's eyes darkened for a short time but instantly dissipate. He let out a wide grin and massage the legs of Lie Yuan.

[Answering the host. The remaining days of the host's body is only two days. After that, this vessel will slowly destroy and the pain tolerance that I installed will not work anymore. So if the host still want to stay in this world, you will experience normal pain. And if you don't want to experience it, you can only turn back to your soul appearance.]

Lie Yuan just nodded. Despite the fact that he was now used by the company of the male lead, his personality cannot give up his mission just for his heart. So most likely, he will leave after two days. Besides, all the chess piece has been set.

Lie Yuan peek at the face of the taller man. His eyes revealed an unusual warmness. Wang Wei noticed his stare and right away stare back at him. For a moment, two eyes silently stare at each other. No words and just pure unspeakable sensation, faintly lingering on their hearts.

Suddenly, Lie Yuan asked, "What will happen to you if I leave?"his voice carried sadness and vain.

At once, Wang Wei felt a déjà vu about something that was going to take place. His expression turned dark, and his grip tightened on his legs. Thinking about being left out by the youth...is simply endurable. He can't take it! He will just die.

"No."he replied, looking away. "Don't ask me why. No matter where you go, I will find you."

Lie Yuan smirked. His eyes were not aloof and cold anymore, more on it was pleasant and warm. Like a flower that bloom in the void of the darkness.

Wang Wei's heart turned soft. He always feels like the youth was ruthless and heartless. No matter what kind of warm he exhibits, the youth will always ignore and reject him. But seeing him like this, warm and cordial, his heart can't help but throb in indescribable sensation. Like he was born to love the young man unconditionally, even if the youth won't accept him. The feeling was both pleasing and affliction.

Wang Wei's eyes suddenly turned cold, "Don't worry. Tomorrow will be destruction of Wang Jun." All the evidence that he collected and preparation that he conduct was now finished.

Lie Yuan nodded absentmindedly. This past few days, he used all means to stopped Wang Wei from using social media. The attitude of the male lead was always merciless on others but soft on Su Bein. Seeing the situation that Lie Yuan was now experiencing, Wang Wei will truly get angry by this. He will hinder Lie Yuan's plan to destroy the female lead in one blow. So he operates various plans to make this Wang Wei ignorant on his ruined reputation.

Perceiving the sudden silence of the youth, Wang Wei can't help but to overthink. He sat straight and pulled Su Bein on his lap, facing his pale neck. His eyes were fuming with desire as he let a soft kissed on his bare neck. The ticklish sensation was fusing in his heart, as the youth just let him do what he wants. Like, he was almost accepting him.

"You will be freed from his palms. You will obtain your revenge. So don't leave, okay? You need to promise."unexpectedly, Wang Wei's tone conveyed with usual sincere affection.

Lie Yuan turned around and was met by the pitch eyes of the male lead. His ocean eyes shook and turned misty as his lips was met by the latter thick but sweet lips. Lie Yuan closed his eyes and feel the kiss.

Hence, there is always an oath that was meant to break.


--- That's disgusting! How can two guys be in a relationship?! This is so inhuman!

---- The one upstairs. Wake up from that old beliefs! We are a free country. We can love who we want! But this man in the photo was excepted from that! I can't tolerate him having several relationships at the same time!

---- I know this student. He was really beautiful, but he was cold and distance. I can't believe he was a snake in human clothing. Disgusting indeed.

---- He's Su Bein. A freshman. His attitude was really not good to be exact. But because of that pretty face, I admit that I was once fell from that trap. But now I have woken up! I can tolerate him having a relationship. But with two people at the same time?! Just no. No. No.

--- Professor Du was a nice and kind person. I was the same class with Su Bein. That wench was born a temptress, I won't blame for the young professor to fell in that crap. What's worst! He also hook up with a rich CEO Wang Jun. What is this? A gold digging slut.

"Find who the hell leaked this crap!" A huge roar caused some several teachers to be startled.

Professor Du stared deeply at the monitor. His eyes flashed a dangerous light as countless offensive words was being thrown at the youth in his heart. He can't just sit here and let them slander the young man! Whilst his reputation and huge position made those public opinion towards him silence. The youth was different. He was just innocent and still young. They can't insult the famous Professor, so they throw the blame on the youth instead.

This. This can't be tolerated by Professor Du. Numerous scenarios was playing in his mind. What if Su Bein will saw this? What will be his reaction? Will he get angry at him?

No. The idea of the youth hating him made him closed his eyes in anger. He called several personas to make this issue disappear, and even the dean was convinced to speak about this matter. But, this photo has been spread in various kind of social media. He let out a loud groaned.

His usual presentable state has now turned into a messy appearance, but still imposing a handsome charm.

"Su Bein..."


Su Bein glance at the hotel door. His expression nervous and anxious. He knew that inside this door was a beast in a cage. He gulped and opened it.

In an instant, a muscular middle-aged man has met his anxious eyes. The man on the bed was only wearing a white robe, nothing was inside. His bare muscles was the result of his years in shape. His dark skin was perfectly colored, and his sharp face exudes a dangerous temptation.

"Sir...why did you call me?"Su Bein look away. His heart trembles. His hands grip on the edge of his clothes and his lips parted to let out a heavy breath.

Wang Jun seeing this just made his thirst grew deeper. He doesn't care about those public opinions anymore. He doesn't care about this youth having an affair, even if they don't have this kind of ambiguous relationship. Likewise, he just wants this youth. By hook or by crook.

"Come here."he commanded and a low voice. His patience has long been gone. Maybe the youth has already been touched by a different man. It's no big deal, if he forces him to have sex.

The juvenile almost jumped in nervousness. He hardly swallowed and proceed to the older man. His face showed an uncommon countenance. Scared, tense and frightened. Like a kitty that has been corner.

Wang Jun stand up and instantly, his height surpassed the younger man. He lifted his chin and the beautiful sight was revealed in his eyes. The pale cheeks of the juvenile was now dyed in black. The sight beneath his eyes was tempting and tantalizing. His anger has long disappeared and change into a different kind of chills.

"I don't want to ask about that man. I'm just going to remind you that you are mine, in this lifetime and the next."he did not wait for the youth to answered and harshly pushed him on the bed.

"W-Wait..." Su Bein began to struggle.

Wang Jun's eyes turned black when the youth beneath his body started to scuffle. He forcibly trapped his arms on his sides and kissed the youth's red lips. His kiss was wild and crazy, like a hungry beast that has been unleashed.

Su Bein's started to tear up. His weak struggles have no avail in this scary beast. Tears drip on the corner of his eyes as his scuffle voice turned into sob.

He let the older man kissed him on the lips, on the neck and even on his shoulder. He closed his eyes and stopped struggling as his loud cries invaded the quiet room. Finally, Wang Jun stopped his actions and hesitantly glance at the crying man.

"I-If this method can only make you happy... I will do it."Su Bein in the end opened his misty eyes, he choked and deeply look at Wang Jun. "I-I don't know...what made you like this but why do you only want my body?...you don't want me. You only want me because of my body."

Wang Jun went silent. This surprising words of the youth made his heart tremble in pain. The juvenile that was always proud and cold was now letting him do the things that he want. Without questioning. Without getting angry. Just because the youth...already love him. And what did he do?!

He grew panic. He gets off from the body of the young man and anxiously look at him. The youth's eyes was red from crying. And he was the reason for that. What is he thinking?! His eyes turned tense as he tried to approach the youth only to stop midway. No. He was disgusting.

"I'm sorry."

Su Bein chuckled sadly. He was right. His feelings won't be accepted the way he wants it to be. Wang Jun only wants his body. But now...he was still rejected.

"It's alright. I k-know...you don't like me the way I like you."he choked as a new set of tears pooled down on his cheeks, "You don't have to be sorry."

He looked away and started to fastened his clothes. He shakingly walks towards the door and even just a single glance, he did not spare it on Wang Jun.

Wang Jun watched the young man left. His mind was confused and the novel sensation on his heart made his brain slowly process this outcome. And little by little, his face panic. What is he doing?! The youth like him...and he forces himself on him. Just because of his jealousy?! No. He did not like the youth the way Su Bein like him. But if he didn't, then why does he feels so hurt and happy at the same time?!

He likes him. Realizing this made him go mad and insane. H-He almost force the youth to bed him. But what did the young man did to him? He did not blame him.

"Su Bein..."

His helplessness was no avail as the youth already left.


[Ding. Completion Rate: 90%]

[Host's performance was really outstanding! How did you manage to do that?!] The system floated beside his host. His faintly sparkle body wiggles and amusingly stare at his host's flushed face. He saw how the youth manage to control his anger and indulge his self into a pure and innocent but cold Su Bein. Certainly, his host was the best!

Lie Yuan groaned and washed his face with water. He already went home after that intense confrontation. And thinking about those made himself vomit again.

He wiped his lips with clean cloth and stared back at the ball of light, his eyes softened: "Do you think you're overpraising me?"his brow rose.

The system giggle and wiggle his body towards his, [Host just 10%, and we can now leave at this world.]

Suddenly, there was a call from his phone. Lie Yuan wiped his hands on a towel and hurriedly pressed the answer button on the button.


"Is this Su Bein?!" A loud woman's voice replied.

Lie Yuan secretly grinned, "Yes."

"This is Zhou Ye! Do you know that you are currently trending right now?! I know that you are not that kind of character. Although we only met one time, but my intuition tells me that you are a good person!" There was a slight paused on the line, "I will help you deal with this. Professor Du already contacted me to help this matter to disappear. If I won the presidential position, I will use my influence in this situation."

Lie Yuan chuckled, "Then you need to win ba."

A huge sighed sounded, "You are not really affected? Rest assure. I will obviously win."

Then the call cut off. Lie Yuan let out a satisfied smiled. His expression evil and ruthless, just like a person that has been predicted this kind of circumstances. As the matter of fact, this outcome has indeed foresee by him. Now that the plan has been set, his last steps will be the most important.

"System, I think we need to proceed the last step."

The system paused, [B-But... Wang Wei was still on the company. Are we leaving without saying goodbye to him?] He can't blame the system for getting used on the male lead. And leaving without a word is simply...ruthless.

Lie Yuan's eyes tremble. He closed his eyes and sighed. "No need. Let's do it."


Wang Wei felt like something was wrong in this past few days. He was busy working in the company, although he wants to see the youth, he still controls his self and did not contact the youth in two days. He overworked his self until the evidence was finally finished.

Not only that, but he watched Wang Jun tremble in anger as several police handcuff him.

"You ungrateful bastard!" Wang Jun roared angrily. He can't believe that the child who was foolish and stupid was the one who will be his destruction.

Wang Wei just coldly glance at him. He left without giving him a single glance and hurriedly went to his car. He drove the way to the youth's apartment. His heart was filled with excitement. How will the youth react in this huge revelation? Will he jump in happiness? Su Bein can now finally feel at ease.

But when he noticed the completely dark and lightless apartment of Su Bein, his heart went nervous. The uneasiness in the past few days came back in just a single guess. Did something happen to Su Bein? His face displayed a panic physiognomy.

He opened the door, and he was surprised that it was not locked. He turned the flashlight on, on his phone and find the switch. The light again invaded the dark apartment and his eyes was greeted by a stain of blood on the floor. He choked and tremble unconsciously. His heart was beating in an uncoordinated trail as he followed the traces of the blood. Instantly, a rotten smell entered his nose, but he was not bothered by it. He continuously stepped forward towards the plain room of the youth. In every step, his heart will slowly break.

With a tremble hands, he opened the door. He expected the outcome, but his heart can't help but to think that it was just an illusion. His eyes heated and his breath hardly inhaled. In the white fabric, a beautiful youth was laying and sleeping peacefully. His face cold and serene like a person ignorant about the world's matter. It's okay, if it was only this. But no matter how hard Wang Wei tried, his eyes still perceive the blood on the fabric.

His body fell down on the cold ground as his tears flowed on cheeks, down to his chin and finally met the chilly floor. There is no descriptive words that will describe the pain, he experienced right now.

"Su Bein..."

The news of Su Bein's death spread faster than his photo. But instead of being sad by this, many people was surprisingly happy. Other thinks that he deserved it. Other thinks that he was just faking his death. No one was feeling sympathy about his death.

Not until, Zhou Ye defeated the female lead in student council. She used her position to clarify all the various criticism that Su Bein's obtain. She cried as she threw all the evidence. Together with the help of Professor Du, they trace the source of this picture incident and finally found that Zhou Shen was responsible for this. Zhou Ye revealed her wicked behavior on public.

But still many don't believe that Su Bein was innocent. Until, several pictures of Zhou Shen together with Wang Jun leaked out on public. Numerous people cried in displeasure as they recall all the words they throw at the innocent youth who died. They blame Zhou Shen for this, and hoping that she will fell a hundred times more than Su Bein feel. Many people made a song dedicated to Su Bein's unfair treatment. Some of this went trending, but it did not hide the fact that the youth behind the song was long gone.

The news of Su Bein's death made Wang Jun crazy in prison. He did not fight the case against him and just accepted his punishment. He also did not forget to clarify the rumors about him and Su Bein. Not only that, but he stated that he force the youth to have an ambiguous met and the youth was only force to attend. And that made the people went angry more. After Wang Jun unveiled all his crimes, he did not utter any words after that. He did not talk. He did not eat. And just stare at the ground, crying and muttering Su Bein's name.

Zhou Shen's life did not go well. Most likely, it went worst. No matter where she goes, other people will blame her for anything. Her family cast her out and even her many friends turned their back against her. She went mad and crazy. She shouted on the road that she was the darling of the fate and all of this belong to her. Other people can't tolerate her craziness and called a mental institution. Her life on mental did not also go good. Other nurse neglected her. All those people knew her evil deeds. All the people who love her now hated her. No matter how much she wished to die, she cannot die.

Zhou Ye and Professor Du build a tombstone for Su Bein. His body was not found after the news of his death. They did not bother to find the culprit behind this. They life went well. But the pain and guilt in their heart cannot be forgotten.

On the other hand, Wang Wei's situation was worst. He did not bury Su Bein's body and even invented a coffin that can maintain the cold body of Su Bein. In the morning he will work nonstop and in the evening he will just stare obsessively on the cold body until the next morning. This cycle of life continue.

[Ding. Female Lead Hate Value: 100%.]

[Ding. Completion Rate: 100%]

[Ding. Starting To Harvest The World's Energy....3...2...1.... Ding. Harvest completed.]

[Ding. Evaluation. The amount of the world's energy that has been harvested is 2% on the main system. Ding. New identity unlocked. Ding. New Skills unlocked. Ding. Charm Points has been unlocked.]

[Ding. Scanning Host...3...2...1]

[Host Name: Lie Yuan

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Skills: Fixed Expression.

Charm Points: 10/10

Identity: The World's Destroyer.]

Lie Yuan felt like his soul became stronger. He swiftly stared down at Wang Wei. His soul floated beside the sleeping man.

[Host we need to get out here. This world will going to start to destroy.] A system announced.

Lie Yuan sighed and nodded. He caressed the man's face and smiled bitterly.

This man will always love the original Su Bein, but Lie Yuan can't help but to softened.

Sadly, he loved at the wrong time. At the wrong body. And at the wrong soul.

"Let's go."

The system nodded, and a small portal sucked their figure away. As their body disappeared, the world started to quiver.