
Hee-Ryang stared at his phone nervously. His dark skin hands was a sharp contrast in his overall white phone. His long and slender fingers was swiping on the screen and only stopping in midway.

He leaned on his office chair lazily and his white long-sleeves shirt was slightly untidy and messy revealing his strong muscle chest. The air beneath his figure exudes a terrifying manly hormones, making one's dizzy and overwhelmed. But his usual cold and aloof face displayed a very rare countenance that was a huge distinction and his entire features.

A satisfied grin.

Hee-Ryang once again smiled deeply after he received a reply from someone. His domineering character changed instantly into an intense smitten face.

Sercretary Lee can't take it anymore and coughed lightly, reminding his boss to be watchful at his demeanor. But instead of getting a response, Hee-Ryang only clasped his hands and bit his lips, to stopped the incoming smile.

Suddenly, Secretary Lee feel a goosebumps. This is not his boss ah. How can his boss showed a very scary expression?

Noticing, the unusual face of his Secretary. Hee-Ryang regained his cold face and straightened his back. His eyes deeply hook the corner of his Secretary's face.

Secretary Lee twitched and smiled nervously, "I dare not disturb the relax time of the boss. But some of the missing stocks in the company was a heavy blow in the investors."he turned serious as his hands pushed his glasses on his nose, he handed the files on the table and continued, "I investigate all of the evidence that was found in the company on both inside and outside. The thief clearly cleaned all his traces as I failed to perceived the result that you wants. In my opinion..."he paused when his eyes noticed a dangerous atmosphere on his boss's face. He gulped and added, "In my opinion...the thief most likely was one of the board of directors."

Hee-Ryang smiled coldly at the files in his hands, his eyes lightly narrowed and was displayed with interest, "I see. Maybe the snake can't wait and started to made his moves."his voice was very chilly and even Secretary Lee feels so much coldness creeping inside his body.

However, he was a very veteran and immediately recover his composure. "I will notify the panel and will right away schedule a meeting—"

"No."Hee-Ryang interupted. His jaw clenched and his smile was very dangerous, "Notifying them will only alert the snake. I was planning on giving him a heavy blow. Don't mind this matter and just focus on the task that I assign."

"As you said."

Hee-Ryang nodded, seemingly satisfied. He glance at his watched and his eyes lit up immediately.

Maybe...it's time to fetch his wife.


"Are you really sure you want to enter showbiz right now?"Manager Yan's voice was filled with anger. "I don't know what to say to you anymore. Your reputation was very bad to the point that it was giving your group a hard time but good thing our agency quickly moves and removed the video. But that doesn't mean you are safe right now! Kim Yeonwoo are you insane?! Your concert was so near! And my original plan was to postpone the concert to pacify your heated situation and yet you audition for a drama?!"

Yeonwoo rolled his eyes and furrowed his eyebrow. His long and slender fingers tighly hold the phone unto his ear and replied arrogantly, "They are the one who contacted me ah. And besides do I care about their opinions?"

Manager Yan on the other line felt his veins will burst, "You brat! Entering the showbiz was not very good for an idol like you! And to add the mere fact...about your ruined reputain. Goodness! You are waiting for your own death!"

He was shocked after receiving a call from a famous entertainment company stating that Yeonwoo, that brat was gonna act a certain character in the live adaption movie. He feel overwhelming at first but when he remember the popularity of Yeonwoo, he almost lost his mind.

Yeonwoo doesn't care about what he thinks and leaned on the driver seat boringly, "You can't change my mind. Whether you support me or not, I will do anything I want."

"Y-You...Damn it. Just make sure that you won't do anything illegal...Kim Yeonwoo I'm telling you!"

Yeonwoo chuckled and mumbled, "Goodbye." he hung up and throw his phone on the passenger seat.

He lowered his eyes and stared at his watched.

It was still early. He leaned back at his chair and closed his eyes.

The next moment he opened his eyes, he returned to the white space.

[Host! Wu~wu...y-you're back wu~wu...I miss you host!] A ball of light hurriedly floated beside him and wipe his body into his neck.

Seeing the anxious system, Lie Yuan's eyes softened. He patted the invisible heas of the system and uttered in a low voice, "What happened when I was gone?"

His eyes turned on tbe surrounding and it was still the same when he left.

The system jumped up and down, [After the host left, I used some of the points to hide our presence in the main system. B...But host why does the task bar did not rise any bit?]

[Darling Of The Fate Hate Value: 0%]

[Completion Rate: 2%]

Lie Yuan did not feel even a tiny amount of anxiousness and just gape at the system, "I did not start performing my plan."he pursed his lips and let out an air, "The situation outside was very dangerous. The male protagonist was very calculative and manipulative. I can't read his mind and was very excellent to hide his claws. And for the darling of fate...I still did not meet him. And as for the watcher, he was very observant making me changed my plan from time to time."he honestly answered.

The system feel sad and wet tears dropped on the ground, [Wu~wu...I'm sorry host. I can't follow you right now. I still can't hide my presence...]

Lie Yuan only nodded and his eyes was attracted in the glowing paper on the control panel.

Following his line of sight, the system happily ran towards the paper, [Host! This is the list of the rebel soul that host needed to collect. Yeonwoo hide it here and I only found it this yesterday.]

Hearing the name, Lie Yuan sadly smiled. He observe the list on the paper and can't help but to frowned. "The worlds keep harder and harder."

[I believe in the host ability!]

Lie Yuan smiled sincerely and patted again the floating ball, "I am still doing something right now. I need to go back."he reminded.

The system whimpered but immediately nodded. [Host no need to worry. I will also work hard and silently support you here!]

Lie Yuan nodded, apparently satisfied. His soul slowly disappeared and returned to his body.

Yeonwoo pick up his cellphone on the seat and swipe the screen. A new message appeared. He unconsciously smiled and replied.

He started the engine and headed to the location that was texted.

It only takes a couple of minutes before he arrived at his destination. A very fancy western restaurant. Only few people can get access at this place. Yeonwoo's face was very pleasant. The usual arrogant has long been gone and changed into a very nice looking.

He walked on the entrance and the manager instantly guided him to the private room. His brow softly furrowed, and his lips curved slightly. When he entered a very luxurious room, a sweet aroma invaded his nose. A soft flowing of water and a very warm air. The outlined of the room was very exquisite. The fountain beneath the transparent door was mixed in color lights. And in the center was a table for two.

His eyes bore on the tall figure. A dazzling tall and handsome man looking at him from a far without any expression. His dark wavy hair was all over his head and covered his eyebrow. His dark eyes stared at Yeonwoo with the same ecstasy he was giving to him. His dark skin color was shining under the mercy of the binding lights. Together with the neat and presentable suit he wore that outlined his lean yet muscular frame, he gave Yeonwoo a feeling of strong manly presence.

Subconsciously, Yeonwoo's lips bend and his eyes gently softened. The manager excuse his self and only the two figure was left in the room.

Yeonwoo started walking forward, he stepped on the transparent door and fresh, yet chilly wind encircled his body.

"I'm sorry, I'm late."he muttered softly when his figure reached the tall man.

Hee-Ryang felt his throat dried from this, good thing he was now expressionless. "It's okay."he replied in a hoarse voice. He pulled his hands on his back and handed Yeonwoo a banquet of flower. "I don't know what flowers do you like."

Yeonwoo stared at the white rose, his smile deepened even his eyes sparkles, "Thank you. I like it."

Thus, Hee-Ryang sighed in relief. He pulled Yeonwoo in the center and let him sat on the chair. His whole action carried a gentleman ambience and even Yeonwoo feel awkward and confused. But his face was still staring at the white rose.

Countless memories invaded his mind.

"Why do you like this flowers?"

"I don't know. Maybe I found peace in this color. White rose symbolizes purity and innocence that many people have long forgotten. It also represents a sign of respect or...a remembrance."

Yeonwoo's heart trembled. He cleared his mind and turned his head on the frowning Hee-Ryang.

"Are you alright?"

Yeonwoo smiled, "I'm okay."

But Hee-Ryang was not convinced by this, he leaned his body near Yeonwoo and lowly asked, "Is...this related to the issue a while ago?"

Yeonwoo's eyes widened but instantly curved into a crescent moon, he chuckled faintly, "I did not know it reaches even you. It's not related to that."he licks his lips and pouted, "Are you regretting being engaged to me right now?"

"No!" Hee-Ryang automatically answered. Seeing Yeonwoo startled, he bit his tongue in regret but remain his serious face. "I will not regret it."

Yeonwoo laughed, seeing his ears turning red, "Okay."

After a while, the dishes was served neatly. Yeonwoo pick up his favorite dishes and started eating quietly.

Hee-Ryang watched Yeonwoo eat. His heart was trembling violently and even the dishes that he was eating was tasteless compared to what his eyes had saw. The image of the youth opening his mouth and revealed a very soft looking pink tongue. And his slender and pretty fingers that moves in a harmonious trail. All of them was deeply engraved in Hee-Ryang's mind.

He felt like the youth in front of him was destined to be protected by him. And to be loved by him unconditionally. This matter of idea made Hee-Ryang subconsciously smiled and also scowled. He looked away and also resumed eating.

The two did not talk but the fusing ambience was enough for them to perceived their inclination.

Afterwards, Yeonwoo decided to walked around. Hee-Ryang also agreed. They moved to the garden where many trees and flowers bloom. It was already late, and the temperature was very cold. This made Hee-Ryang offered his coat. Yeonwoo did not refuse and humbly accepted it.

But when they were getting farther and father, Yeonwoo's stepped was getting faster. This made Hee-Ryang unintentionally left out. But instead of following him, he remained at his spot. Gently staring at the departure back of the youth. He feels a sudden subtle of déjà vu. Like, he experienced it before. He experienced being left out by the youth.

His throat dried and his breath hardened.

Yeonwoo's hair fluttered in the absent of the wind. He stopped walking at the entrance of the maze garden. His expression sad and guilty. Slowly, he turned his eyes on his back. The guiltiness in his heart subdued a different kind of sensation. Just like what he feels the same way on Wang Wei.

"Kwon Hee-Ryang why do you like me?"he asked in a soft voice.

But it was enough for Hee-Ryang to be heard, he started walking slowly, and his dazzling smile appeared on his face. "I don't know. I just feel that it was made that way. That I was made to like you."he answered sweetly.

Only Yeonwoo feel an intense déjà vu around this, his eyes deeply looked at the latter's dark eyes and stated, "You don't know me yet."he pursed his lips and continued: "I am a very evil person. I left everyone without saying goodbye. I was a very manipulative and calculative person. Not only that, but I am a great pretender and a cunning person. So tell me...do you still like me?"

His eyes were attentively observing the expression of the man. No matter what will be the result, he wants to make Hee-Ryang realize his true face. Maybe...this will make him turn off?

But he did not obtain the result that he wanted as Hee-Ryang smiled warmly and caress the face of Yeonwoo, "I don't care what will you be. Or what will you become. I love your perfection. And I also love all your flaws. If you mind, I will gladly memorize it all."

Yeonwoo was dumbfounded and unintentionally stepped backwards. His eyes trembled and recited the plot on his mind. But the real Yeonwoo and Hee-Ryang did not have any intimate encounter. Then...

He smiled, "You only said that because you still don't know me yet."

Hee-Ryang sighed and leaned forward. His dark hair swiftly moves upward, revealing his very handsome face. "That's why... I am willing to know more of you."

Yeonwoo suddenly feel a warm sensation on his chest. His red eyes shook violently, and his slender hands tightly grip on the fabric of Hee-Ryang coat that was hang on his back.

He leaned his head forward, closing the space between them and spoked in a soft voice, "Tell me...what do you see in me?"his eyes stared directly on his eyes.

Hee-Ryang heart started beating again, and stared deeply at Yeonwoo's deep red eyes, like he was looking at his soul. "You....are a...very lonely soul. No matter how much you hide...the pain in your eyes....my heart feels....like you are still a lonely soul....and that's why I wanted to protect you...because you had no one to protect you."

Yeonwoo's eyes turned misty. His body moves on his instinct and give a light kissed on Hee-Ryang's lips.

Hee-Ryang's eyes trembled with just a very short sensation. His large hands softly pulled the waist of Yeonwoo and give a soft kissed on those lips again.

In the amidst of a cold breeze. Small leaves flutters unconsciously. The glowing moon gave up a very dim light. The silent sound of the wind. A warm heart and a cold heart...slowly breaking. And lastly...

A warm kiss.