
Kim Sobin never felt this conflicted and frustrated in his whole life. The fact that his project failed, he can tolerate it. But the reason on why it is difficult to accept was the very suspicious accident. There were no clue and traces on what the fire caused. It was like completely planned out.

But who did he offend and framed him like this?

He sneered and exasperation crept in his face. His fingers interlocked on the white table, seemingly thinking very deeply. His handsome face showed a distinct personality as his mind slowly conducted a conclusion.

Apparently, he erased his thought. No. How can he do that to him? He was just over thinking.

"What are you thinking so deeply that even my presence was ignored?" A soft voice with a hint of playfulness rang in his ears.

Sobin sighed, and his eyes can't help but to softened when it drifted on the opposite side of his, gently answered: "Nothing. There was a problem at the company."

Soft raven hair elegantly loosened to the point of fluttering, a pure black eyes curved into a crescent moon as it slowly drifted on the man beside him. His slender fingers faintly held the cup and placed it into his pink lips, "If you have a problem, just tell me."

Sobin suddenly felt flustered. He looked away and chuckled deeply. Once his gaze returned, his eyes was back to a natural countenance.

"I got this. So how are my brother doing?"

Yunbin smiled and put the teacup down on the table, his expression slowly loosened before answering, "He was doing good. Although, his reputation was still the same, ruined and ugly, he did not put this matter on his heart. He was a strong person."

"Yeah, sure he was."

Sobin sadly grinned. The statement was indeed true. Between the two of them, Yeonwoo has the stronger personality. Regardless of their father cheated issue, Sobin still considered and tolerate his father's misdeed which lead him to affect the relationship between his brother and himself. For him, having a broken family in terms of political and business was a very complicated position. And he was weak to step out alone and face this with full contempt. That's made him choose to forgive his father. Unlike Yeonwoo who had strong and fierce mind. Sobin smiled faintly.

"Don't feel guilty about your brother. He was doing good." Yunbin coaxed.

Sobin nodded and utterly bid his thanks. This is not the first time Yunbin has comforted him. In abroad, Yunbin was the one who reported Yeonwoo's situation to him. Despite the fact that he was powerless, he still managed to grab any possible means to help his brother clear out his reputation. But in the end...he was still powerless. And manage to do nothing.

"Our concert will be this week, if you have time, you can watch us." Yunbin smile nicely and handed a pink ticket on the table.

Sobin softly glance at it and hurriedly picked up the ticket and flashed an amiable smile on Yunbin, "Thanks."

After that, Yunbin bid his goodbye because he was having a final practice for their concert. Sobin remained at the coffee shop and deeply thinking about those circumstances. The prosecutor already conducted investigation and yet no traces can be found. That made his heart filled with doubt and the words of his younger brother echoed on his ears. The consistent cold shoulder of his father every moment he saw him made him distinguish and use all the possible means to find out the truth.

What if someone was really plotting against his back?

What's his intention?

Every thought and contemplation made his face changed from time to time.

After a couple of minutes, he called the waiter and pay the bills for their orders. He gently arranged his messy clothes before he left the coffee shop.

The moment his footstep outside, a familiar figure entered his eyes. The sun was very fierce today that made his every pores sweats consistently, but the sight beneath his face was not blur enough to have an illusion on what he saw.

He saw his father. But to his confusion, he seems like he was accompanying someone.

Nervousness and anxiety crept into his heart as his feet intentionally followed their traces with a hidden motive.

Kim Hyunjin was well known in their capital. Their family had the epitome of a perfect relationship between siblings and parents. The fact that his father having an illegitimate child was also known, but Kim Hyunjin used any possible means to make the public turned upside down.

That's why he was also called the figure of a perfect father.

He did not neglect and abandoned his illegitimate child and accepted all the criticism on his own, alone. Making the public admire his fatherly love for his child.

In the aspect of their position, having a mistress and illegitimate child was not a novice in their eyes. But many tyrant and businessmen neglected their other child and put all the attention to the legitimate ones. That made Kim Hyunjin different.

But now, seeing this confuse misconception, Sobin's chest was filled with skepticism.

He slowly followed and watched the figure of his father and an unfamiliar person from a far and observed their action.

His eyes darkened when he saw his father stopped at a certain building. His heart throb in pain and his knuckles clenched repeatedly. His whole expression turned ugly.

There is doubt that his father stopped at the hotel with a strange hermaphrodite in his arms.

He was not novice in this idea on how will the married man appeared at the hotel with another person on his arms. But he still can't believe the fact that his father....whom he believed has changed, was still doing the same immoral over again. He gritted his teeth as he watched the two figure disappeared.

He was hiding in the outlined of the car and his expression was very dark and unsightly as he recalled the words of his brother. And the crying face of his mother.

How can he be so pathetic? How can he, a matured man in his twenties, still believe in the phantasm of the perfect family crafted in the deepest part of his heart?

His fingers shake as he pulled the phone on his pocket. The amount of pain caused by betrayal and broken trust once again invaded in his heart all together.

He subconsciously dialed his mother's phone and his throat let out a heavy breath, "Mother..."

Sensing the anxiousness in his tone, the other line panicky questioned, "Sobin? What's the matter?"

Sobin swallowed and tried to organize his thought, "I'm fine. Where are you?"

"Hmm. I'm with Raegan. We are discussing the engagement party of your brother. Tell your father to fetch me later."

Sobin went silent. He closed his eyes for a brief moment. His handsome features was now dyed in helplessness. He can't bear to hurt his mother and told him about what he saw.

"Father is busy, I will be fetching you."

"En. Then take care."

Sobin hung up and put the phone back in his pocket, eyes seemingly darkened.


"I already lured him to that place." A soft voice sounded in his ears.

Yeonwoo leaned his back on the edge of the bathtub. His eyes were faintly closed, and the golden lashes was wet and misty by the water. His slender and white fingers was holding a phone next to his ears, listening to a certain person.

"En. Thank you, hyung." he replied.

He heard a low sighed in the other line before it spoken what his thoughts, "I don't understand why are you doing this and why are you luring your brother. Why can't you just tell him directly?"

For a moment, Yeonwoo's face sank in the water. A sweet and aromatic fragrance crept on his nose. His other hands was risen from the water to avoid the phone getting wet. When he returned to his position, the eyes was opened and a mocking smile exhibit on his face.

"My sweet older brother was too soft for me to tell him about this. He will only confront father about this and of course, my cheated father will only deny the accusation. It was better for him to find out about this by his own."

To point out the reason, Yeonwoo already know the relationship between Yunbin and his brother. He was not too unguarded to disregard the matter on his side, he automatically used this means to lure his brother. He knew that Yunbin and Sobin will frequently meet. Yeonwoo induced Yunbin to postpone the regular meeting day of them and schedule on the day his father and Yunho will eventually meet.

And bingo!

It's killing two birds with one stone.

For the questioned on how Yeonwoo knew, when Yunho and his father will meet, it's on the plot and the information he received from the system.

In the original story, this is the time where Yunho and Hyunjin will meet. Yunho with the use of his experience in the past life has successfully attracted Hyunjin to fell into the trap and be obsessed with him. This made him and Jiyeon had a very huge advantages to take over the company.

That's reason why Hyunjin choose Jiyeon over Sobin to become the next successor. Not because he was the product of his real love child, but because of the influence of Yunho.

All the plot holes on the original story has been revealed in Yeonwoo's mind.

The main system was very tricky and wicked. It will only reveal common situation and circumstances, not the whole scenario, protecting the darling of fate.

"Just to remind you, our concert was near, and I hope this won't make you feel distracted or depressed."

Yeonwoo only hummed in replied. His other fingers played with foam on the surface of the water as his vigorous smile deepened. The soft light from the lamp highlighted his body and face, allowing to create a vivid silhouette towards the white curtain.

"Hyung, I will hang up now."he uttered.

"Okay. Don't forget tomorrow will be our last practice."

Yeonwoo stated his agreement and hung up. He slowly stood up from the bathtub and went to the shower to rinse all the foam and soap on his body. After that, he wore the white robe prepared by the maid a while ago.

He went to the vanity mirror and a maid immediately approached him, putting some ointment and essential oil on his skin, gently combing his hair and attentively attended him. Only Yeonwoo's face remained tranquil and serene without a tiny bit of expression.

Hans' hands shake violently with this. His mind was mixed with different kind of thoughts, but only one reason remained the same.

He wants to live.

The ambience in the whole room was quite enough to hear every breath of a person. One maid with his master fuse into a contrasting atmosphere. One was tense while the other one was gently observing.

Slowly...a wicked smile appeared on Yeonwoo's face.

"When bacteria causing infection in another part of your body enter your bloodstream..."Yeonwoo spoke absentmindedly, his voice clear and precise as the next words caused a silent uproar on the tragic ambience, "it Was called Blood Poisoning. Is that right?"

The immense revelation caused dark and tense air in the whole surrounding. Yeonwoo turned his head moderately, observing the expression of the maid while displaying an arrogant smirked. The maid tremble in anxiety as several needles from his clothes fell down on the floor. His eyes widened and automatically tears drip in the corner of his eyes as he bowed down.

"Y-Young master...p-please forgive me! I-I was threatened."his voice was nervous due to the reason of unveiling his motives.

Only Yeonwoo's eyes glowed darkly. He swiftly gets up from the chair and approached the kneeling maid. His eyes drifted to the several needles on the floor. He chuckled.

Blood Poisoning.

A one prick from this dead needles will result in a sudden death. This method was iniquitous and evil. For the reason on how can a mere maid afford this dangerous weapon, he doesn't have to question about that anymore.

He lifted the face of Hans and his grinned was becoming more poisonous than this needles.

"I see. You say that you were threatened? Then who commanded you this?"

Hans bite his lips. His only goal was to remain, and he doesn't care what to do anymore.

"I-It was young master Jiyeon! He threatened me!"

Yeonwoo nodded, seemingly convince. He caresses his chin and stared at the open air, apparently thinking very deeply. He then returned his gaze to the maid, smiling evilly, "Then why does he want to kill me?"

"He said you were very cunning and dangerous, he wants to dispose you urgently!"

"I believe you."Yeonwoo smile nicely, he leaned closer to Hans' ears and whispered a dangerous word, "Then does your lie count on the hidden camera that you were wearing?"