
When the film 'Tempted' was finally released, it immediately attracted a lot of attention. Many novel readers was waiting for this for decades, and when the news of the released date was leaked, they instantly purchased tickets.

As expected, Director Yu did not disappoint them when all of the scenes was exactly carbon copy on the novel. The characters, design and background was very identical.

In the original plot, this film was the stepping stone of Yunho because of their chemistry of the second male lead. But right now, although his acting was good, he did not gain recognition as many of the cast outshine him. Yeonwoo's portraying Hue has become the trending news on all social media, his expression and action was on point making all the novel fans satisfied and burst out in happiness. The profit of the film was very huge and Director Yu, who loved making money was filled with joy.

Suho and Yeonwoo's scene has become the most exciting part of the whole movie, but when they remember that the certain hermaphrodite already has a fiancée, and a scary one, they abruptly removed the thought of forming a love team.

And the chemistry between the two protagonist Yunho and Suho was also good and excellent, but they did not manage to hook the viewers on those scenes.

---- I already watched the film! Ah, Sisters! Yeonwoo as Hue Hugo was really an outstanding choice!

---- Suho, as expected from a young yet already veteran actor gain again a successful movie. I love Guan on the novel so much, Hue was not really loved by me in the past but Yeonwoo as Hue, don't blame me for turning to the villain's side!

---- The cast, the setting and the props was on point. Director Yu was indeed a capable man, but I only had one concern, the one who was playing Cai Huan did not manage to hook my heart unlike the novel. Does anyone know his name?

---- He's name is Song Yunho, a newbie actor. I also agree with your opinion, despite the fact that Yunho and Cai Huan's appearance was very similar, something was still missing.

---- Yeonwoo had no experience in acting but look at now? He was able to pulled out the exact character of Hue, not anyone can do that!

The fact that the opinions of public matter was mixed. But the majority of them was endlessly praising Yeonwoo. And Yunho who was reading this, can't help but to grit his teeth. Unconsciously, his ugly expression completely changed into a scary one as he received a call from his agent. He flashed a contented smile and refresh the screen of his Weibo.

A video of Yeonwoo confronting Yunho was posted by an anonymous account. Because of Yeonwoo's heated reputation, it immediately caught a lot of attentions.

In the video, Yeonwoo was rolling his eyes on Yunho and intentionally ignoring him. In the next clip, Yunho was talking to him and Yeonwoo only put the sunglasses on his eyes, once again ignoring him. All the clips consist of Yeonwoo's giving cold-shoulder or ignoring Yunho.

But the result was not Yunho expected.

---- This newbie is really clingy ah. Does he not understand if a person don't like you?

--- This kind of people disgust me the most. They only pretend to be a kind-hearted but will talk back behind your back. Look at his eyes, it was staring at the camera!

---- Yeonwoo was already called the artist scanner and him, being rude to some artist was not new to us as we already know that there is a reason why he doesn't like this certain artist. I wonder what will be the reason for Queen Yeonwoo disliking this person?

Yunho can't take it anymore as he throws the phone on the wall. The crashed sound was loud and deafening in a short second.

"No... It shouldn't be like this..."

No matter what he thinks, the result shouldn't be like this. Yunho should be obtaining all those attentions. All those praises should be him. Why is it on Yeonwoo?!

He finally controlled and manipulate all his family and made them his backing. He also collided with Jiyeon and manage to seduced Hyunjin. Then what does possibly go wrong?

That question did not receive an answer as his reputation only worsened.

"Don't think about so much, and just rest."his agent called him after finding out this situation.

Yunho shouted in protest but was cut off by the agent.

His hatred only grew as the day passed by. Not only his reputation got destroyed, his family started to ignored him once again.

"Yeonwoo...you wench!"

On the other side, not only Yeonwoo's reputation got ameliorate, but also his group. They received countless contract from different music company and also endorsement. They become in line with several professional artists and Yeonwoo was cast again in a popular drama series that the official soundtrack will also sing by their group.

As Yeonwoo's schedule was getting busier and busier, his engagement party was also postpone in several times, making someone angry and furious. And Yeonwoo could only use his body as a compensation.

Whilst, Jiyeon's temper was getting the worst day by day. He did not only beat the butler, and was starting to throw an arm to the few servants who was still loyal for him. This made a thirty degree turned and made them accepted Hans proposal to change side, including the butler.

Jiyeon who was not aware of this, was only staring at the documents on the table. He can't actually believe in his eyes, that his numerous attempt to framed Sobin was no avail. Albeit he did not underestimate Sobin's ability, but his EQ was lacking. But now, he seems to perceive that someone was plotting on his back.

Jiyeon's angry eyes was bursting in fury as only one person can be responsible for this. That slut Yeonwoo!


Yeonwoo stretched his arm and yawned. His eyes were still hazy and half closed. His body feels so sore and heavy as the beast ate him entirely the whole day.

He can't blame him though. He stayed in crew for several months to finished all the scenes and was busy shooting the new music video of their group. And after he got home yesterday, the beast immediately devoured him completely.

Annoyance flashed in his eyes as he scanned the whole surroundings of the room. All of their traces was left from the bed...to the bathroom...and even to Hee-Ryang's office.

But when he looked at the clock, his eyes brightened. He quickly dressed his body into Hee-Ryang's shirt and pick up the phone on the table.

A satisfied smile crept on his lips as he received a message from his brother.


His last chess piece.

He hurriedly took a bath and dressed himself nicely. He did not forget to send a text to Hee-Ryang before he finally left the house and drove all the way from the airport.

The airport was a private property of their family, it was owned by his grandfather that's why, even if Yeonwoo don't disguise himself, he won't have trouble coming here. After he arrived, his brother, Sobin who was usually on his casual office clothes gave him a quick smile before proceeding inside.

The mission will be considered done after this. Yeonwoo was confident at his thought, when the last piece finally arrived.

Suddenly, a fierce and strong ambience of air penetrated their body as their eyes drifted to the old man exiting a private jet.

Yeonwoo's lips curved beautifully.

Jung Choi-Sung. The grandfather of Yeonwoo. And also, the strongest back up of Taeha.

In the plot, after Jiyeon claimed the company, Grandfather Jung was the only one who can compete with him. He was a retired governor and was resting in one of the ancestral home in the foreign country. After he received the tragic fate of his son, he immediately flew back to the city and fight head on the bastard Jiyeon. But because of his old age, he did not manage to claim back the company and died in a severe heart attack.

But right now, his reason for coming back was not because of Taeha's damage fate. The change of plot was like a blooming rose in Yeonwoo's heart. Grandfather Jung only stayed at the ancestral home to enjoyed and cherished the memories he had with his dead lover and wait for his dead.

Yeonwoo worked and double the amount he had, thus finally convinced Grandfather Jung to returned home.

"Ah, this kids has grown up now, huh?"a sweet voice greeted them. Grandpa Jung together with his several attendants went all the way to their direction.

Yeonwoo displayed his arrogant smile and ran towards the old man, hugging him tightly: "Grandpa, I miss you!"

Sobin only chuckled and slowly walks towards the old man, nodding.

Grandpa Jung smiled calmly, but his eyes was tracing a missing person, when the youth let go of him, he then asked, "Where is your mother?"

Both Sobin and Yeonwoo looked at each other and hesitation appeared on their eyes.

Seeing this, Grandpa Jung revealed an angry face, "Where is Kim Taeha?!"

Sobin pursed his lips and sighed, "He went to see father at the company."

Hearing this, the anger on Grandpa Jung's face not only deceased, it also went intense. He turned his head on one of his servants and commanded some other things. The servant nodded and went to performed the command. After the servant left, Grandpa Jung turned his head with still irritated countenance on his grandsons and uttered solemnly.

"Let's go to the company."

Sobin's face panic, "This..."

"Am I not allowed to visit my company now?"

Although, President Kim was now the CEO of the company, he was still not the real owner of this. Grandpa Jung held the biggest stockholder in the company. In the legal document, he was still the owner and stopping him from visiting his company...was very suspicious.

Sobin went silent and slowly nodded.

While on the opposite side, Yeonwoo let out a wicked smile and attentively count every second and minutes passing.

Maybe it's time.

It only takes a couple of minutes before they arrived at the company. Immediately, some old workers and confused new workers respectfully greeted them. The secretary with a trouble face guide them to President Kim's office.

As they get closer, a loud shout and deep cries sounded on their ears. When the Secretary heard this, he nervously glanced at Grandpa Jung's face and suggested to wait for the President. But how can a cry similar to his son can make Grandpa Jung wait? He pushed the young Secretary then forcibly opened the door.

What they saw was Taeha crying on the ground and President Kim with an angry face...and half naked. His hands were holding a thick fabric that was hiding a small figure.

Grandpa Jung's face immediately darkened, "What is the meaning of this?!"

His voice was so loud making his body trembled, the servant beside him abruptly supported him and urging him to calm down.

Hyunjin's face turned completely ugly as the hermaphrodite in his arms paled,

"Father..."Taeha covered his mouth, surpassing his cries, "W-When did you arrived?" he was still trembling on the ground and both Yeonwoo and Sobin instantly supported him.

Seeing the pitiful state of his youngest son, Grandpa Jung's face was raging in fury as he turned his head on the scum Hyunjin. A loud sound of slap echoed in the office.

"Taeha! Divorce this scum at once!"

Hyunjin face panic and hurriedly responded, "This I can explain—"

"Explain what?!"

"Tch." Yeonwoo flinched, but his eyes was stocked on the person in his father's arms, "Is being a homewrecker now your talent Yunho?"

Hearing his name, Yunho paled more. He silently prayed that all of these things was just an illusion.

"You have no shame, Hyunjin! I definitely regretted letting my son married a scum like you!"

The news of getting divorced was publicized due to Grandpa Jung's command. The family that was an epitome of a perfect relationship was huge innuendos in either news or in person. But, Grandpa Jung did not care for this as he, together with Sobin cooperated to unveiled all the unholy deeds of Hyunjin. After a couple of days, the immoral crimes of the said perfect father was reported to the public. His crimes included child abused, gambling, drugs and any other.

Kim Hyunjin was furious and tried to escape but was caught by the prepared Grandpa Jung. He was sent to prison and faced his retribution.

After sending his father to the prison, Yeonwoo's mission rate value has increased in half. During those days, he only spent his time with Hee-Ryang cuddling and night exercising. He chuckled as he read the news of Yunho, hiding in corner completely nervousness. His wicked smile again invaded his lips.

Because of the crime of his father, Jiyeon not only received a heavy blow. All those hard work that he has done completely dissipated. But good thing that, Taeha was still on his side, and his plan to take over the company was still not on the risk. Kim Taeha rented him a private hotel to settle for a short time and let the news about their family disappeared first. And Jiyeon also agreed with this.


The warehouse was full of foods and lively lights as each servant sat on the chair provided. The excitement was very noticeable on their face as their eyes traces all those rich foods.

"This is a secluded area, Jiyeon won't be able to reach here." Yeonwoo in the center smiled and clasped his hands on the table, "You deserve to be treated better. I prepared this all for you."

The servants can't help but to shred tears as they heard the words of the young master.

"But...young master, we put harm on you...and even your family!"

"Young master...we don't deserve all of this..."

"Young master is very kind...if young master Jiyeon did not threaten us...we will surely choose to serve you!"

Only Yeonwoo grinned and faintly chuckled, "No need for praise. You all suffered enough. You can start eating now."

They nodded and started placing the food on their plate. The warehouse was big and lively as countless of excited guffaws and noises sounded.

The Butler beside Yeonwoo can't help but to sadly smile, "We are deeply sorry for choosing a wrong master and harm you in any way."he softly said and bowed his head on the table.

When the others saw this, they immediately followed the old butler.

Yeonwoo displayed his sincere eyes and look as be traces the expression of the servant.

"It's not your fault to begin with. Jiyeon is a despicable man, you all feel threatened and scared. I understand it all."

The butler held back his cries and nodded eagerly. He then started placing the food on his plate and smiled happily.

"I told you! Young master Yeonwoo is a very good person!" Hans shouted and the others soon agree.

The food was very tantalizing and indulge themselves from this rare event. Only Yeonwoo who was quite watched this in sinister.

How pathetic.

Mercy. Is the last thing he will show towards the people who harmed him or the original host.

He has grown tired of those who betrayed him in the first place. And Yeonwoo's smiled deepened.

As slowly by slowly, coughed by coughed, blood came out in their mouth and the continuously struggled.

The shocked gaze cast to him was no use on a petty person like him.

"T-There was a poison...on the food..." Hans hardly breathe.

"W-Why..."the butler asked as he threw up a huge amount of blood.

Yeonwoo only grinned and closed his eyes, "Why? I wonder why."when it opened, several lifeless corpses scattered in the floor.

He then stood up and went to the black room. Several black men that he hired was holding a person, hands was tied, and his eyes was covered. Only his movements seems calm and collected. Of course, Yeonwoo already know why is his expression like this.

"You go out."

The black men nodded and left him alone. Once they left, Yeonwoo hurriedly take off the blindfold and was met by an emotionless eye of the watcher.


The watcher, Relle deeply stared at his eyes, seemingly looking at his soul, then suddenly his eyes trembled, "Y-You..."

"That's right."Yeonwoo smiled friendly, "I am the rebel soul that you are currently detecting."

The watcher summoned his spirit power only to be stopped by Yeonwoo's next words.

"System come out."

A ball of light appeared on their sight, the watcher was filled with horror as he scanned the power level of the ball light.

"Y-You had a system?!..."

Yeonwoo did not answer him and stared at the system, "Go, do your thing."

[Okay Host!] the system flutters and hurriedly summoned a wave of lights that immediately penetrated invaded the watcher's body. His soul power was completely devoured, and the system happily rub his virtual body towards his host, seemingly ate his fill.

Yeonwoo furrowed his eyebrow at the system, "You told me that you can only devour the watcher if the mission was complete?"

The system stopped moving and virtually played his invisible fingers, [Host already forget. I told you that, the watcher's power was depended on the plot. If the completion rate increased, his power will decrease. And as we, spiritual creature can only devour someone weaker than us!]

Yeonwoo only nodded and patted his head. Then his phone vibrated.


"Yeonwoo?! Come....at the hospital....something happened to Hee-Ryang!"