
In the rage of the early sun, an air filled with premature ambience, together with a long table full of utensils and necessities. The atmosphere was elegant as it poured towards the group of young people who sat beside. Their exquisite clothing complemented in each of their different beautiful faces and appearances.

Same expression, serene and tranquil without a hint of disobedience. Several maids line up from their sides with a lowered face and straightened back.

The whole room was polished with expensive palace design and framed. The chairs used was deep in silver and the only one in center was made in gold. A hornless dragon chair stood beside the rest and the only one, whose chair was not filled. All young individuals only stared at the golden chair and was not moving at all.

Then, the huge double door opened, but their eyes still remained at the specific chair.

Qiao Chen who entered, walk with graceful steps. The edge of his costly robe fell down on the ground and his face was calm without a hint of distraction. Several maids walk closed behind him with their eyes only stared at the ground. Qiao Chen went directly to his usual chair and did not spare a glance to his fellow sparrow and like them, his eyes only stayed at the golden chair. His maids also stood beside him.

He was the most loved sparrow of the Emperor. That's why his chair was closest to him. And other sparrow seeing him can't help but to feel envy. But once they remembered that the Emperor not once bed him, their face returned to calm.

Perceiving this usual countenance, Qiao Chen secretly smiled.

In the rule of the kingdom, to be become a sparrow once has need to undergo education and spend a year to study and exudes the perfect character of the latter.

But the way of learning was not formed in book.

It was to undergo physical and mental tortured.

All children who will become a sparrow will experience this kind of pain. Some hidden expert will manipulate and abuse the mind of the young people and brainwashed them to offer their full devotion to the Emperor. Some even had a mental breakdown because of these struggles. And when the catastrophe was done, the young individual will show dependence to the Emperor and regard him as their lord.

Qiao Chen and his sister also experience this kind of thing. But Qiao Chen's mental health was strong enough to withstand the suffering. Only his sister was completely brainwashed.

Only the darling of fate did not face this kind of tortured and was directly become one of the Emperor's sparrow.

And the duty of the Emperor's sparrow was to served him in full love and admiration. Sparrow will get mad at anyone who will oppose the Emperor, and they have the power to punish common people and even nobles.

That's why common people had an intense hatred on every sparrow.

Even the princes, concubines and consort can't be treated as good as them.

That's the reason Qiao Chen understand why his fellow sparrow showed hostile personality towards him.

He did not manage to serve the Emperor properly and what made them mad was the fact that the Emperor did not do something or punish him.

They are jealous people. And only the Emperor can make their jealousy disappear.

"The Emperor has arrived!" A Eunuch announced.

Instantly, the sparrows stand up with their face full of adoration and affection at the man who arrived.

Dressed in a golden clothing with his jade crown designed especially for his head. His features were sharp and handsome that carried the hint of his old age, but his whole demeanor was still comparable to the young one. The current Emperor of the dynasty. Yong Shi Ran.

The Emperor examined the faces of his possession and showed a satisfied smile that replaces his cold face. His heart was filled with contentment as his sparrow's faces displayed in full devotion dedicated only to him. He walked straight away to the golden chair and several Eunuchs followed him from behind. Once he was standing at his position, he flashed a dazzling smile towards his possession.

"We greet the lord of the country and the father of the dynasty. We greet the Emperor of the golden dragon."his sparrows greeted in graceful harmony.

His face was lifted, showing a proud look, and responded in a firm voice, "You may sit."

The sparrows nodded and followed his every command. The Emperor quickly looked at his Eunuch and sat down on his chair. His long golden robe was scattered in the chair and the servants immediately arranged his fabric properly.

All of the attendant quickly served all the foods prepared on the table. Their movements were accurate and professionally dignified. Once they were finished, they straight away retreated to the side.

Silence was filled again in the whole dining hall as the noises from chewing only has a faint sound. The Emperor only watched in adoration at each of his sparrow. All of his sparrow had a very beautiful and androgynous features. The youngest being a twelve and the oldest being twenty. Then his eyes paused on the specific sparrow.

A gorgeous youth in white and green clothing, his whole countenance discreet him from the rest. And just he alone can make his demeanor applaud by nobility and the rest. His calm and serene face made the Emperor subconsciously stared in daze. Inwardly, a smile crept on his lips.

"Xiao Chen, how are you today?"he asked affectionately. His cold face was no longer arrogant and only an infatuated man.

"This subject felt lonely as a nightmare disturbed this subject sleep last night..."then Qiao Chen lowered his head, his long eyelashes cast a shadow on his jade like face before he continued, "Maybe, I was cursed by an unknown creature. The nightmare was very terrifying and horrific... I'm afraid this subject can no longer sleep peacefully."

The Emperor's face turned ugly, and he slammed his fist on the table, a loud bang echoed in the quiet atmosphere. The servants together with the Eunuch trembled in fear as their face was met the cold ground, bowing and hoping for the Emperor to quell his anger. Only the sparrow children was calm and tranquil while waiting for the Emperor to finish his wrath.

"Who dared put a cursed in one of my sparrow!" The Emperor's angry voice reverberated in the whole dining hall.

The servants only trembled and did not utter any single word.

Qiao Chen's calm face was persuasive as his slender hands caress the clenching fist of the Emperor, gently coaxing, "The Emperor doesn't need to get angry about this matter. This subject can go to the Hanwu temple and burn an incense stick to put an end at this nightmare. The Buddha was merciful towards anyone who were the possession of the Emperor."

The Emperor immediately softened and also caress the hands of the youth. His anger completely dissipated.

"Good. I will let someone arrange it. Xiao Chen need to take care of his self. This Emperor will find the one who cursed Xiao Chen!"

Qiao Chen only smiled and nodded. His wicked and cunning thoughts was deeply hidden.

Afterwards, the Emperor consistently listened to the endless praised of his sparrows as the breakfast has continued.


Qiao Chen who was dressed in a thick clothing was walking gracefully towards the carriage. It was already mid-autumn and the air was quite cold and chilly. The Emperor cared so much about his sparrow and did not let them encounter even a simple cold. Several maids and guards followed behind him.

"This is the carriage prepared by his majesty for the young master." An official spoken.

Qiao Chen keenly observed the official's face. This attendant is one of most trusted aid of his majesty and the one who unveiled all of Qiao Chen's schemes in the plot.

Qiao Chen can't help but to let out a mocking grinned and turned his head at the carriage. The carriage was no doubt a very expensive one. But Qiao has no plan to ride with this.

"This official can return this carriage back. I will not use this one."he spoke calmly.

Instantly, the official's face turned rather ugly, and his teeth was gritted controlling his inner anger, "This is the majesty's command. No matter what this young master identity is, you can never defy the command of his majesty."

Only Qiao Chen flip his jade colored fan and covered half of his face while vaguely staring at the carriage door. His translucent green eyes was lowered, seemingly sad and dejected. His other hand tightened the grasp on the fur cloak, "This official don't understand. This subject did not mean to opposed his majesty's command...how can I, a mere possession, can defy the will of my owner? It's sad that an official will think such things."his voice was so persuasive and sorrowful making the official tense and anxious, but before he can respond, the youth continued, "This carriage is luxurious and expensive that will certainly grab the attention of the bandits. If that happen, I'm afraid the Emperor will be furious at the lost of one of his possession."

The official feel a sudden crisis by this. He stared deeply at the face of the youth and his nervousness only worsened. He bit his teeth and only a low voice came out of his mouth.

"This young master can be accompanied by several guards..."

"No." Qiao Chen quickly contradict, "Bringing several guards and maids can display disrespect to the Buddha. Even the young ones has knowledge about this, and this official certainly push me to commit a disgrace crime."

"T-This young master misunderstand—"

"I, one of the possession of the Emperor, cannot tolerate this kind of attitude. A mere official dare to command me and even threatened and used the Emperor's name." Qiao Chen's face emitted a cold light as it landed at the official, "My position was equal to the title of the Emperor, as we, our humble selves, devoted our life towards his majesty. If his majesty know about this matter. He will be greatly disappointed."

Instantly, the official slammed his face on the ground, "This official has overstepped. T-This official deserve to be punished."

Qiao Chen only stared at the worthless state of the official, slowly a smile appeared on his lips and shifted his sight to the guard. "Ten whips from his back is definitely an even punishment."

The official gritted his teeth and clenched his hands, but he had no right to oppose the sparrow, "I thank y-young master..."

In the end, Qiao Chen was the one who selected his own carriage. He also let the two maids and a single guard accompany him. He left Qi Ran and Qi Lan even if the two eagerly wants to follow him.

In the journey, Qiao Chen vaguely stared at the road where a green scenery took placed. The road headed to the Hanwu Temple was rough and uneven, making the carriage bumpy and wavering. In the middle of their journey, the carriage stopped. The two maids beside him was confused and exited the carriage. Then, Qiao Chen lifted the curtains and examine the situation.

"What's the problem?"he asked calmly at the coachman who seems panic.

The latter lowered his head and responded, "Answering the young master, the carriage was old and not fully repaired. Now the old carriage has given up."

Qiao Chen only nodded and closed the curtain. The two maids had already returned and put some dessert on the table, silently attending him.

"Is there a problem?"Qiao Chen heard a voice outside.

"Our carriage has conflict, I'm afraid we can only call some aid from the borders."

"A royal guard? Is the owner a noble?"

"The young master is one of the Emperor's sparrow."

Suddenly, the air become silence. And Qiao Chen knew why this quietness emerges.

Who on earth will believe that a sparrow was riding on an old carriage?

Softly, Qiao Chen once again lifted the curtain and was met by the confused gaze of a young man dressed in a military uniform. When he saw Qiao Chen with his calm and serene face wearing a fur cloak that was especially design for the Emperor's sparrow, the young man unconsciously gulped and bowed down. His other friends also followed from behind.

"We greet the one of the possession of the dragon Emperor."they uttered in union.

Qiao Chen then flipped his fan and covered his lower face, shifting his eyes on the kneeling teens, "These gentlemen needn't be modest. Our carriage seems to have a problem, this subject vaguely ask for your help."

The acting leader of the group stand up and stared deeply at Qiao Chen, his eyes was unwelcoming and sighed, "We will gladly help the young master." Afterwards, he signalled and called some of his subordinate to help them fix the carriage.

Qiao Chen then again closed the curtain and let out a faint air. A minute later, a soft knocked came from the carriage's door.

Qiao Chen turned his head on one of the maid and commanded, "Go."

The maid nodded and bowed before she opened the door slowly. The familiar face appeared on Qiao Chen's eyes. This was the leader of the group.

"The young master surely was bored, and it will take a long time before the carriage will completely fix. Our master invite this young master in the pavilion."his voice was too casual and formal, but Qiao Chen did not feel offended by this.

He nodded, "May I know the name of the master?"

"My master is called his highness, the fourth prince, Yong Guan."

A surprised looked appeared on Qiao Chen's face, then he turned his face on the maid, "We will gladly accept the invitation."

The young man guided them to the pavilion, deep in the middle of the forest. The air was cold as the trees and leaves started to fell. Qiao Chen know very well that this is the training ground of the warriors.

From a far, Qiao Chen saw a figure in black hanfu sitting without a proper etiquette in the center of the jade oval pavilion. He was holding a tea cup in his hands and his one leg was placed on the chair staring at the endless sky. Qiao Chen was taking back for a while but inwardly regained his posture.

"His highness, the young master has arrived." The young man announced.

Then the black clothed man turned his head on Qiao Chen making him inspect his overall features.

His features were very identical to the Emperor, only more defined and youth looking. The edges of his jawline was sharp and perfectly crafted. The outlined of his eyebrow was like a phoenix tail that complemented his deep eyes, emitting an arrogant air. A rebellious kind of man.

"I greet his highness, the fourth prince Yong Guan." Qiao Chen bowed a little and stared calmly at the untrained man.

The prince displayed his mocking smile and place the cup back at the table. He then stands up, imposing his tall structures that entirely blocked the height of Qiao Chen.

"I also greet the one of the Emperor's possession."his toned was sarcasm enough to make other's blood boiled from anger.

The two maids beside him glared fiercely at the man and yet, Qiao Chen was not affected by this.

The fourth prince and the sword of the male protagonist, Yong Guan.

In the original plot, he was the unfavorable and lonely prince that was born from a maid of the palace. His existence was like a deep scar in the Emperor's heart as he was drugged that night. He was treated badly, even the servants neglected him, tortured him. And the only one who treated him nicely was his second brother and also the male protagonist.

In the plot, he will abandon his identity as a prince and become a warrior, together with his loyal subordinates. He rose and become the mad man General of the country and turned into the right hand of his brother. They worked together to drag down and dethrone the Emperor.

But, both Yong An and Yong Guan did not have unity sometimes, as Yong Guan was a very upright person. Although his aura was very dominant, he was kind to everyone. And some of the plans of Yong An was ruthless and selfish, making them had a short conflict on their comradeship. But in the end, they successfully opposed the Emperor and Yong An was crowned as the new ruler.

Thus, Yong Guan did not manage to obtain the recognition that he deserved.

And he was the perfect piece for Qiao Chen. He was even righteous than Yong An. But his terrible attitude made the people misunderstand, but Qiao Chen knew that he was already starting to flourished his young subordinates.

"I thank his highness for the help of his subordinates."for a long paused, Qiao Chen replied calmly despite the sarcasm.

Yong Guan flashed a dangerous smirked and lowered his head enough to meet the gaze of Qiao Chen, "No need to thank me. For sure, this young master will punish my subordinates for refusing."


"How dare a mere prince mocked our master!"

Still, the two eyes collide. One has a mocking expression and the other has calm and unaffected translucent eyes.

Yong Guan slowly retreated and shift his gaze to the young man, "You can go back now." The young man quickly followed his command and bowed before retreating slowly.

Yong Guan did not spare another glance on the young sparrow and only sat back at the chair.

Qiao Chen was not bothered by this as he took a deep look at the two silent maids, "You go back and take the foods that we brought. Give it to the soldiers."

The maids hesitantly looked at each other but still nodded and obeyed his command.

Yong Guan looked at Qiao Chen who now sat opposite to him in surprise. But his sunny face turned cold as his mind finalize a conclusion.

"This. This young master was sent by my father, right? Are you here to convince me to return home and become a puppet?"his voice was cold yet blazing with deep fury.

Qiao Chen did not answer him quickly and proceed to pour a tea on his cup before finally lifting his eyes and met the angry gaze of the prince, "The prince is too confident."he faintly grinned, "How can an Emperor sent his sparrow to convince a lowly born prince to return home? In fact, the Emperor did not care about you and maybe...has long been forgotten your existence."

Qiao Chen already perceived what is the current timeline. In the original plot, Prince Yong Guan will leave the palace and stay at the training mountain for a couple of months. After this, he will return to the palace and only to abandoned his title. Qiao Chen was lucky enough to arrive at the right time.

Hearing the fact, Yong Guan tightened the grasp on his teacup and fiercely glared at the calm youth. His face was devilishly handsome due to the dominant aura that he released.

He responded firmly, "A sparrow riding a completely old carriage and coincidentally broken right at the location of the training ground where I temporarily reside. Who won't be suspicious about this?"

"Yes. I do have ulterior motives."Qiao Chen calmly confessed, he picked up the teacup on the table and gently placed it to his lips, softly taking a sip. Instantly a rich aroma yet bitter taste linger on his tongue making him subconsciously frowned and put back the teacup, "But his highness misunderstood what my motives are."

Yong Guan who watched the elegant action of the youth was confused, and his brow was furrowed before he let out a lowly chuckled, "Aside from pleasing the Emperor what does a sparrow motives are?"

Qiao Chen coolly tilted his head and his lips slowly parted revealing a pair sets of white teeth and a pink tongue underneath, "The carriage sabotage was not meant to deceive this prince but...to trick the spy sent by his majesty to guard me."

But Yong Guan was still not convinced and only raised his eyebrow, "Do you think I believe you?"

"I did not wish to obtain the prince's trust." Qiao Chen smoothly lowered his head and held the teacup in both of his hands, "His majesty is crazily obsessed in his sparrows and meeting you openly will only arouse his suspicion. That's why I organized the carriage sabotage. To trick the onlookers in finding doubt about our encounter. It is normal for a sparrow to become demanding and impatient with fixing the carriage. And that will be a perfect opportunity to meet the prince by accident."

The Prince stared deeply the face of Qiao Chen, seemingly finding any flaws in his expression before confusingly asked, "Seriously, what is your motive in meeting me?"

"I want your cooperation."

There were a second of silence in the pavilion, afterwards Yong Guan gritted his teeth and furiously gawk at Qiao Chen.

"I don't have time for this foolish joke. And you want me to believe that an Emperor's dog need my cooperation?"

"If you believe it or not. It doesn't change the fact that I was really serious."

Yong Guan was silent again and smirked, "Why do you need my cooperation?"

Qiao Chen lifted his eyes, very deep and persuasive as it carried a trace of sadness, "I want his highness to help me escape from the Emperor."

Yong Guan has no time for joke and his face turned completely serious, "Do you think I will fall from your trap? Is this your new way to drag once again a royal family down?"

"My words are precise and true. His highness can always reject and accept my offer. As I said, I want to escape from the Emperor because I didn't want to become his sparrow in the first place."Qiao Chen spoken calmly and serious. His face was ridiculously attractive as it exudes a very graceful temperament now that his eyes stared straight in the prince.

Yong Guan's eyes darkened as it keenly observed the overall appearance of the youth. A strong novice sensation urged in his heart turning his voice to hoarse and becoming dangerous, "What can I gain from helping you?"

Qiao Chen's translucent eyes become dark and visible, like a deep abyss hiding a hundred of secrets. The air beneath his presence was faint and soft as it made his fallen hairs and loose sleeves flutters. Slowly, his slender hand flipped the jade like fan and covered his lower face. The fan only make his fingers more pale and beautiful as it was consistently swaying before the deep and round eyes of the youth unusually curved into a gorgeous crescent moon. "If your highness manage to help me..."

The weather was a faint cold today making the dim lights highlighted the every feature of the youth. But the words he has just spoken was a severe surprise in the prince's heart.

"I will make you the next Emperor."