
Warning: Mature Content

The room wasn't dim, so they could clearly see the streaks of panic drew on Qiao Chen's face. The fabric covering his body was loose and split in two sides revealing a soft and tender clavicle, with miniscule red and blue marks seeping through, embellishing the white skin due to the impact when the Emperor throw him on the ground. As the surface of Qiao Chen's face was tainted in fright, his eyes faintly lowered making his eyelashes cast a shadow as he remained sitting on the ground, seemingly pitiful and fragile.

The atmosphere suddenly turned into a tragically beautiful scenery.

It's been a long time since the Emperor has gotten angry on Qiao Chen, making the other sparrow filled with joy as the latter has finally lost his favor.

The Emperor's face distorted as it glued only on the pitiful youth who remained on the ground. His anger changes into a different kind of desire. He suddenly recalled the message of the secret spy he sent to guard Qiao Chen, his face rather turned back into a furious countenance.

The Emperor slowly approached the youth and squatted down, lightly lifting his face. The Emperor's face was painted in infatuation and lust as it stared deeply at Qiao Chen's gorgeous features.

"This Emperor was mad. The spy I sent to protect you told me that you planned out the broken carriage from the start and was secretly meeting someone without this Emperor's consent."his voice was calm yet carried a different kind of horror, it made the latter subconsciously flinched and pursed his lips.

Qiao Chen's expression was still calm on the surface allowing him to face the wrath of the Emperor, he responded firmly, "Since his majesty already believed it. This young master can no longer explain."after that, the already loose red robe completely slide down on his body, revealing a very delicate and beautiful skin that has no exposure in any sunlight. It was glowing under the mercy of the faint light surrounding the chambers.

The Emperor's eyes completely darkened, and his heart was reaching into the peak whilst drowning by this lust he has on the youth. His semi hardened cock quickly stood up under his naked glory. The last anger that he had, has entirely dissipated as his eyes bore on the youth's delicate skin masked with his two pink and unaroused nipples, making other's bite and suck in heart's content. A wave of satisfaction rose on his heart when his sight drifted to the marks his fingers leave on his neck, a contentment has triggered his monopolize to control.

The obsession in his chest subdue into a usual sensation as he reconciled the words of the youth had just uttered. His face softened as it drifted on Qiao Chen's seductive body.

Truly, even a slight mark he printed made him the worst sinner of the century.

It's making him insane just the thought of leaving those marks on his body and destroying the gorgeousness of it.

The Emperor's vexation fully vanished and was left with a restrained sexual desire, his long fingers caress the smooth hair of the youth vaguely putting it close to his nose, sniffing the aroma then finally said, "This Emperor will let you explain what happen awhile ago. Quickly, tell the Emperor the real circumstances."

Thus, Qiao Chen lowered his head but was met by a huge hardened purplish cock and immediately lifted his head, avoiding seeing those disgusting thing, "This sparrow was very devoted in serving the Emperor. The carriage was not my fault to begin with as I already told the official the reason why this young master choose to rode that old carriage instead."his voice was sweet, yet sincere making listener instantly believes his words.

Hearing this, the Emperor's face become furious, "Which official did you state your reason?"

"The official whose majesty sent to convey your command."

"So it was like this, huh..." The Emperor grinned, and it was unknown what his mind was currently thinking, then he added, "This Emperor wrong you Xiao Chen. This Emperor will only listen to Xiao Chen in the future and will not be wavered by those false information."

Qiao Chen nodded and lightly tremble as his upper body was bare and not clothed, his skin exudes a soft cold smell making the Emperor took a quick look and proceed to put his palms on the juvenile's skin.

The skin beneath his fingers was very fragile and soft, every thought lingering on the Emperor's mind was not hideous and verily vulgar. His length was already leaking of precum releasing a faint smell of sex.

"Xiao Chen's body is not supposed to be tainted with immoral activities. This was the masterpiece of god and I, as the Emperor will not let someone even myself destroy the purity of this masterpiece."he declared with his voice deep and firm as he supported the youth from standing up, "Let just this Emperor adores you."then he pulled the fabric up, covering the bare body of the youth and proceed to tie the belt. His action was precise and smitten as the Emperor's handsome face give a faint smile while caressing Qiao Chen's face.

Qiao Chen was guided to the chair at the center and sat properly. His expression was now calm without a hint of panic as he watched the Emperor slowly walk to his chamber and was still displaying his nakedness.

The angry face of sparrows quickly changed into a lustful one as they surrounded the nakedness of the Emperor...serving him in a various kind of pleasure. As the Emperor was indulging in his desire, his eyes never left Qiao Chen and was imagining that the latter was doing this kind of touch towards him.

Perceiving the lecherous gaze of the Emperor, Qiao Chen control himself to vomit and was only clenching his fist underneath the loose fabric. He closed his eyes and completely ignored the lewd moans and groans the whole night.

It takes two hours before the Emperor was finished venting his desire and finally willing to let Qiao Chen returned to his room.

Once his footstep inside his room, Qiao Chen instantly took a bath and harshly removed the invisible stains that was left on his body. His teeth were gritted, and his calm eyes was now in deep fury.

He can't wait to finish his mission and wickedly kill that Emperor!

The anger made him easily feel asleep.

Qiao Chen woke early, the next day. He did his regular routine and changed into his usual set of clothes.

He lost two servants yesterday and the Emperor give him four servants in compensation. Qiao Chen subconsciously smirked and let the maid brushed his hair.

The Emperor won't be having his breakfast for today as the latter was handling the court affairs.

Qiao Chen knew what is the reason why the Emperor was busy, it was now to conquer the neighboring kingdom. After the Emperor give his words to the army, the army instantly invaded the closed kingdom which happened to be Prince Wen Yang's place. The war will only lasted for three days as both of the Emperor decided to negotiate.

As the Emperor Yong Shi Ran was known for his love on beauties, the Emperor of Shu Kingdom decided to send his eldest son as sacrifice and to end the war of the two kingdoms. His eldest son, Prince Wen Yang has an appearance that surpasses mortals and outshines deities. There were no doubt that the Emperor of Shu kingdom loved his son, but this love was not enough to let them live in several centuries thus he sent his son and become a sparrow.

The Emperor who saw the appearance of the prince instantly become infatuated with latter and accepted the partnership of the two kingdom.

It is hard to say that this day is the start of the plot.

Thinking of this, Qiao Chen let out a soft yet sincere smile. His smile made the attentive maid flinched and went in daze. The light curved of his lips was like a spring tree that blossom towards the darkest side of the mountain. However, the more mysterious it was, the more dangerous it is. A petrichor chills give off a devilish hue, making someone unable to look away.

Noticing the stunned gaze of the maid, Qiao Chen quickly turned back to his usual expression and let the maid design his hair.

After he was fully dressed, he went to the west side pavilion, especially created just for him.

It was his latest birthday gift from the Emperor as the original host like quiet and has a great atmosphere places while practicing his guqin.

An oval shaped pavilion rested in the center of the open field, facing the crystallized blueish lake and had a deep green surrounding. Qiao Che sat down on the cold ground. Several maids were placing various foods beside him as the latter only position the guqin. He then observed the faces of the maids serving him and frowned.

"Call the twins and let them serve me."he commanded firmly.

The maids nodded and bowed before following his command.

In just a minute, the twins arrived with a joyous expression on their face.

Qiao Chen's calm eyes relaxed. Qi Ran and Qi Lan has very identical faces. And only Qiao Chen can distinguish their identity. The two were only fifteen this year and was fully devoted in serving the young sparrow.

In truth, the twins regarded Qiao Chen as their light. He was the one who let them escape in that tortured place which is the slave market. The two were born orphan and with their nice faces, the twins quickly become a male pets. Qiao Chen discovered them and was brought by ten silvers.

In the original plot, they will die together with Qiao Chen despite the fact that Qiao Chen's last wish on Yong An was to save and let the twins escape.

Qiao Chen let out a faint smile and started to pull the strings of the guqin. A light sound sounded in the quiet air. The ambience was solivagant trample with Qiao Chen continuously producing sound, the fallen leaves of autumn harmoniously fell unto the open air, unconsciously following the flow of the river sound of guqin. Soon, the music ended with an ardor.

"Young master's skill was still outstanding."one of the twins complimented.

Qiao Chen rose his eyebrow and mockingly asked, "Oh? Are you saying that to please me?"

Both of their eyes widened and immediately denied, "No! It was not like that young master!"

"We are thanking you!"

Both said the same words at the same time and was in panic.

Qiao Chen secretly smirked and was not confused in their answered, "Why are you thanking me?"

Instantly the two naive face turned serious, "This servant already know that the young master left us yesterday for a reason."

Qi Lan smiled nicely, "If us two, follow the young master yesterday, our heads will be separated from our body."

An imposing wicked air was released on Qiao Chen's body. He stretched his hands and was quickly accepted by the two servants, licking and sucking at their master's affection, "Why did you think I let the two of you alive?"

"Because we are still useful to the young master!"the two answered and union and has a crazy smile while continuously rubbing their faces on the latter's hands.

"Indeed. Both of you are still useful."Qiao Chen's smiled widened.

He doesn't have to worry about his action, now that the Emperor removed the spy he will secretly send to guard Qiao Chen. His eyes flashed in deep vigorous light.

His first step was done.

At the first place, his real intention was not the cooperation of the fourth prince.

His first step was to get rid of the spy the Emperor always sent.

How can he move freely if there were several spies watching his every move?

The carriage's conflict was indeed to deceive the onlookers. The meeting of the prince was only a cover to mislead those spy in thinking of this catastrophe was organized.

Once they sent a false accusation to the Emperor, this will be the result of their end.

Gladly, Qiao Chen's plan seems to worked.

He flinched unintentionally when his bare feet has been licked clean by the twins. His smile widened slowly.

As for the fourth prince?

Qiao Chen has already a planned for him.