
WARNING: NSFW (A/N: It's my compensation for not able to update for a week due to school works ಥ⌣ಥ)






"Your highness, the goods that we collected was already distributed in the northern area."

The luxurious and spacious room was covered with thick and soft mattress. In the middle, a western huge bed with dragons crafting, and elegant design took place. Currently, a handsome man with his thin robe barely covering his upper body, revealing a wheat colored muscle chest and sharp shoulder blades. Presently, his gentle dark set of eyes absentmindedly curved into a crescent moon, exuding a serene package.

But the servant kneeling knows how dangerous this man was. The air beneath his presence showed a very calculative and fierce person. Even the tranquil gaze bore a thousand schemes. Under his ambience, the servant feels the atmosphere tightened, suffocating his throat, just standing beside him.

Slowly, Yong An turned his eyes to the servant, resulting the latter to stiffened and startled. Just by his mere sight, the servant feels his body trembled.

However, Yong An only replied with a kind smile. He rose from the bed, causing the thin fabric loosened to the point that it was only hanging on the edge of his shoulder blades. The servant followed his movements, but did not dare to meet the tranquil eyes of the latter.

"Ah, good job." Yong An simply uttered and once again seated on the chair, the maid who was standing instantly poured some wine on his teacup before bowing and retreating to his side, "What about the individuals that was arranged to become the suspect in the reported murders in the East?"

"We already arrange some evidences that will prove that they indeed perpetrated against the sovereign area. Even if they complain nor deny the crimes, they will never validate that they don't have any connection to the murders. Even if they did, their families was already taken as hostage."

"Hmm." Yong An smirked in satisfaction, his slender fingers encircled the small teacup and moves it next to his lips, gulping the strong alcohol. His cheeks flushed, but his expression did not change. "How about the farmers?"

"T-The farmers..." The servant sweats and trembled, his lips unconsciously pursed, "Our men was already executing various offers to convince them, but their side was on Minister Zhao. Even if hunger strikes and lack of resources consume them, they will never take the goods of his highness. They stand beside Minister Zhao, and we believe that Minister Zhao has already taken an action." As he uttered every single word, his eyes gradually observed the expression of the Prince.

Yong An chuckled dangerously, "As I expected, that old man instantly moves against me." His smile widened, "Don't waste your time on that farmers. Proceed to the Southern area."

"Yes, your highness."


The servant hurriedly bowed and ran towards the door. Leaving Yong An with a maid servant on his side.

He frowned and his eyes darkened a little. But ironically, amusement slowly flashed in his dark eyes. Immense amount of pleasure burst beneath his heart, softly cresting in his insides. He was never this excited before. He thought, that the beautiful sparrow was only wise and talented, but not his match. That's why he already lay a trap for him. A restriction. For Yong An, only a man with an astute mind can be considered as a worthy being living in this society. He did not see mankind as living being, he only regards them as tools and plaything.

Like now, he produces numerous kind of catastrophes in order to catch the trust of each individual. He wants to dethrone the Emperor and become a person that was also considered as god. Like a ruler who with just a single flicked of finger, those people will instantly bark nor bow in his feet. But he knows that dethroning the Emperor was not an easy task. Even though, the Emperor will neglect his duties, there were still some ministers and officials willing to support him.

That's why, at first, he caused disturbance and calamities in the country. With that, all individuals will seek help from the Emperor. But he already lay a trap for the latter. In the beginning, he never knows that Qiao Chen was making the Emperor thinks that they have an ambiguous relationship. Yong An at first, did not foresee it. But luckily, this unforeseen event made his plans go smoother. Even if he will not obtain the support of the Emperor. That's the reason why he deliberately lures the Emperor into thinking that the two truly had that relationship. That will result in the neglected duties of the Emperor and, at the same time, that will restrict the movements of the sparrow.

Unexpectedly, with the traps he executed, the sparrow manage to overthrow him. Excitement burst into his chest, with countless expectations he harbored from the beautiful sparrow. If only, he did not oppose him, he will immediately regard him as a companion.

Sadly... he moves against him.

He did not have to feel pity about that, instead, he was even glad that the latter choose to oppose him. In that way, the journey to conquer the country was more pleasurable than before.

His lips curved handsomely, making the servant beside him flustered. He gulped the wine that was served before him and let out a satisfied chuckle.

In the past few days, the Emperor's mind was always occupied by the thought of his sparrow leaving him one day. In result, even if all the ministers and officials frequently visited or asking for an audience, the Emperor will always reject. His duties have been neglected for several weeks and some ministers has already showed dissatisfaction and hatred towards his majesty. However, the Emperor had no time to quell their anger, as for the fact that his brain was rather tenanted by his lovely sparrow.

But, this has to end right now.

The Emperor's fierce eyes travelled in the surface of the sleeping sparrow. With his gaze burning in flames, whether it was anger or desire, it was no longer a look of an eye that held lust and passion. Instead, an eye that bear obsession and possession. It was dangerous. Like an indignant inclination that drowns in waves of devotion, never to escape at the clutches of the steering ripples of water.

The Emperor softly narrowed his eyes, slender fingers touches the soft and tender cheeks of the sparrow, eyes full of love and fondness. The surrounding lights deeply illuminated the figures of the two, embellishing the radiant glow towards the dim light of the blinking windows. Afterwards, the movement of the Emperor turned maniacally lustful, hands travel in the pale skin of the sparrow, tracing and rubbing, like a hungry wolf, ready to devour his prey.

But it was not enough.

He needed more skin contact.

But he also knows that it is not the time to claim what his rightfully own.

He sighed and once again properly arrange the thin fabric that turned wrinkle because of his aggressiveness. He leaned down and give a soft kiss to his forehead, gradually feeling the faint breath of his lovely sparrow, before turning away.

He shifted his gaze to the servants, "Guard the young master well, or else, all of you will be executed."

The servants nodded and bowed respectfully.

Thus, the Emperor finally relaxed his eyes and move directly to the door.

He knows that he cannot keep his lovely sparrow in this cage. Even if he does that, he knows one of these days, his sparrow will escape. What he needed to do was to destroy the dots that lead the sparrow into leaving away.

Destroy the second prince.

The Emperor was now clear-headed, and various of plans slowly produced in his mind.

It seems like, he needed to take an action. Only killing that bastard prince will make him relief. His expression turned fierce and violent.

Once the Emperor left, an unpleasant smell spread in the whole room, leaving no sense of space. Once this smell traveled to the individual present in the room, their senses become blurry and gauzy, with their limbs started to weakened, they have no idea that their line of sight has already consumed by darkness.

When the awful smell disappeared, the shadow that was form in the window slowly moves. The sparrow opened his green eyes and examine the whole area. A cunning and wicked smile emerge in his lips, feet moving in the soft mattress and touching the soft carpet. He pulled the thin fabric into his shoulder blades and softly released a faint breath. Instantly, a large figure apparently appeared on his back, rough and large hands sneaked into his waist, resulting his back touched a hard muscle chest, thus was embraced.

Qiao Chen was slightly startled and tried to move away from the restriction of the black figure. However, it seems like, the man noticed his struggles therefore the hands on his waist tightened and a soft breath travel in his bare neck. Qiao Chen had no chance to reject the sudden invasion of the man and only swallowed his scuffle, as the latter rested his face into the sparrow's naked neck.

The embracing silhouette of the two seems like, a lover that has not meet in a couple of years. With the cloudless sky on the bare window, gently irradiated their contrasting build, apparently creating an illusion that the time has stopped.

Yong Guan rested his face into the sparrow's neck, traveling down to his shoulder. He almost lost control by the sudden submission of the beautiful sparrow. All the efforts he had executed in the past few weeks seems like rewarded by this embraced. All exhaustion and exertion was definitely worth it, if the prize was the submission of this sparrow. He pay no mind, if being a tool was the only way to stay by this sparrow's side.

He doesn't even know how it started. How he started to experience this novice sensation whenever he was with his sparrow. The pleasurable amount of these feelings can't distinguish the emotions he experiences. He was like a knot, that was connected in his heart and soul. They were destined. He knows that. He was his.

Qiao Chen finally regained his senses and retreated backwards, before turning his eyes to the handsome man. His heart subconsciously clenched. But he ignored that sudden sensation and hardened his face.

"How've you been?" He asked, observing the expression of the latter.

Yong Guan inwardly hid the displeasure on his heart and forced a smile to the sparrow, "The plans was working the way you want it to be."

Qiao Chen knows that the man beside him was tragically handsome. His slender but strong figure was enveloped by the black clothing outlining the structures of his muscle, carrying a dominant air that can rival with the protagonist.

He snapped, and frowned by his imaginative thoughts, "Minister Zhao will absolutely support you in the incoming Crown Prince's selection... in my predictions, the Minister will definitely betroth one of his daughter to his highness, in order to support his highness without suspicion."

Suddenly, the calm face of Yong Guan distorted and, turned fierce and violent. The suffocating invisible rope instantly work, and tightened him in each second. His teeth were gritted harshly, with his eyes mutating into a deeper shade of black.

"You want me to marry his daughter?" His voice was hoarse and detected, a gaze that was ferocious and brutal, like an active volcano, in the verge of eruption.

However, Qiao Chen's face nonetheless changed and still held tranquility, despite the murderous sight of the prince, he lifted his eyes embracing the anger of Yong Guan, "His highness know that this is the only way—"

He wouldn't able to finish his words as a soft feather-like landed on his lips. Eyes widened in shocked and disbelief, Qiao Chen had no chance to push the man towering him. The kiss was slow that turned harsh and violent, that seems held countless emotions. The sparrow didn't even notice that his back has already landed on the mattress, with his hands restricted above his head, making him accepted the wild kiss and giving him no sense of escape.

"W-What are you—hmp—"

Just as his lips parted, Yong Guan immediately invaded his mouth, now using his expert tongue, tracing the insides of his lips, wild and fierce. He had lost it. He had lost his sanity the moment this sparrow suggested him to marry. Furthermore, he can't do that. His eyes turned vicious for a while, then his movements turned aggressive and rough.

Qiao Chen flustered, with their lips still connected, feeling his mouth deeply pierce by a strange object. A soft moan escape in his lips. Qiao Chen instantly regretted his action, because that moan caused Yong Guan to become more shameless.

Their lips intertwined, faint breathing and subconsciously moans and groans, at the quiet night. They pay no mind at their surrounding, and was deeply devoted at their intimacy.

Qiao Chen denial weakened, closing his eyes, making some tears escape in his eyes from the intense passion. He knew that this is the first time that both of them shared a kiss, however, it seems like he already experienced this intimacy. Familiar sensation burst into his inked soul, his struggles disappeared, finally giving in by the immense pleasure.

Yong Guan noticed that Qiao Chen was not against his action anymore, he even feels like the latter was accepting his intimacy. Joyful emotions floated on the surface of his face, making his kiss more passionate and devoted. His hands no longer restricted the arms of the sparrow and was roaming into the soft body.

Qiao Chen involuntarily encircled his hands into the man's neck, pulling hims closer, deepening the kiss. The prince become excited and impatient, his lips leave the mouth of the sparrow, slowly traveled to his chin, not forgetting to leave soft kisses and finally landed into the naked neck. A building electricity outburst into Qiao Chen's body, when Yong Guan's lips made a contact with his sensitive flesh.


He did not notice that his legs was already spreading far away from each other, and in the middle stood Yong Guan with his massive covered bulge, that unconsciously rubbed and grind a few times into his stomach.

Qiao Chen arched back and a sweet moan escape in his mouth, when his naked neck was harshly sucked licked by that veteran tongue. His hands let go of Yong Guan's neck, moving to his mouth to restrict the leaking sounds. Eyes that held several tears by the intense pleasure. Yong Guan once again lowered his head and gently split the thin fabric covering the flesh of Qiao Chen's. Two pink buds in contrast to his very pale skin appeared on his eyes, very inviting and appetizing.

"Y-Yong Guan—w-wait—" Qiao Chen did not manage to finish his protest when a soft and wet tongue made a contact with his nipple. He screamed in pleasure.

"You're so loud." Yong Guan sexily chuckled and continued his unfinished work

His tongue excellently bite and lick the tender bud, whilst his other hand played with the other bud. While doing this, his eyes observe the expression of the sparrow. It brought him more pleasure, seeing the usually calm and collected sparrow showing some shameless behavior.

"Ah... N-No—"

Suddenly, the belt that was only connecting the fabric slowly loosened, making him took a quick glance at the sparrow's member.

Yong Guan was not fond of beauties in the beginning, what's more if the latter was a man. He doesn't have any source of fondness, having contact with a man with the same genitals. Only this beautiful sparrow make him feels this enormous sensation. He was only the exception.

He left the swollen buds and softly kissed the tears that escape from the sparrow's eyes. His hands successfully removes the belt that was restricting him from seeing the most sensitive organ of the youth. Qiao Chen flustered. He was now naked in front of this prince, he was not even aware of.

Yong Guan proudly kiss the blushing cheeks of the lovely sparrow and slowly lowered his eyes.

An innocent shaft that was standing tall and proud, with transparent liquid leaking in the pink head due to the pleasure the sparrow experience. It was not big nor small, it was just an average size. Overall, for Yong Guan, it was gorgeous.

He chuckled and licked the earlobe of the sparrow, "You are even beautiful down there."

No longer feels shy about, Qiao Chen bite the Prince's fully clothed shoulder, receiving a lowly groaned whether pain or pleasure. But it was more like pleasure, because Yong Guan's eyes darkened and aggressively kiss the beautiful sparrow.

His rough hands gently encircled the shaft of Qiao Chen, generating a loud moan inside his mouth. Large hands started moving up and down, with equally tightness at the head of the member, making Qiao Chen lost his mind.

"Ah...so slow..."

He was getting crazy! Saliva, tears and sweats escaping in his pores and skin, while his body was drowning in pleasure. His breath turned heavy, and his moans turned louder. Luckily, the servants have already fallen into their consciousness.

Yong Guan stroke slower than usual, receiving an impatient growl from the latter. His lips landed on the naked neck, sucking deeply.

"N-No... D-Don't be so slow..."

However, Yong Guan seems happy by the torment of the sparrow. His hands started stroking faster then slowing in the middle. The process repeatedly occurred several times.

Qiao Chen closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, he punch the prince angrily, "You're intentionally teasing me...ah..."



There was something building in the inside of Qiao Chen. His seductive voice turned louder and louder by each stroke. He can feel it. He was getting close. But suddenly the movement stopped. His eyes opened in anger.

"Why did you stop?!"

Yong Guan kissed the tip of his nose and uttered in a low, sexy voice, "You are not planning on exploding alone, don't you?"

Before Qiao Chen can process his words, he feels a foreign, hot and large object touching his shaft. He lowered his eyes and his mouth widened.

'What is this?! Is this even a human's organ?!'

Yong Guan noticed his frozen state, chuckled, "I know it's not beautiful as yours, but it was still functioning."

Qiao Chen bite his lips, "W-What am I supposed to do with that?"

"Use your hands, like what I am doing to you."

"I-It was so big... I can't even reach my finger if I were to stroke that."

Yong Guan laughed. He pulled Qiao Chen's hands and position them to their shafts. Moans escape from their mouth as the two cocks made a contact in each other. The pleasure they felt grew intense and the hotness of their body is simply indescribable.

Yong Guan guided the sparrow into stroking both of their organs. Two pairs of hands gladly rubbing the two shafts. Both moans from the light rapture.

Yong Guan began to move their hands slowly then faster. With his strength guiding Qiao Chen, the movements become harmonious.

"Ah... W-Wait... So fast."


The stroking continues and even turned fiercer and faster. Qiao Chen's sweet moans and Yong Guan's sexy groans that reverberated in the silent night. Sweats appeared on their forehead, as Yong Guan's bowed down to kiss the already swollen lips of the latter.

"I-I'm c-close... Ah!"

Both closed their eyes and, apparently, a loud scream escaped from the sparrow's mouth as the two shafts exploded with white substance. Yong Guan collapsed into Qiao Chen's body, trembling and shaking by the after sex. He gave a soft kiss in the sparrow, that seems like still had not regained his senses.

"I can follow all your demand." Yong Guan spoke in a hoarse voice, with his face darkened a little,

"But don't demand me to marry someone else, hmm?"