3.25 [P] [Bai Menxiang's] [2]

Trigger Warning!!!

"Menxiang should follow gege, don't try to be stubborn anymore!" His brother's annoyed voice sounded behind him.

Howbeit, Bai Menxiang only give him a blank face, and a bored look.

In terms of appearance, his brother, Bai Yunsheng had completely rough features. He doesn't resemblances their mother, and most likely, he gained his father's overall features. Tan skin that was glistening in the afternoon rays, hair unusually shorter than average men and his bone like body in the past was now lightly bulky and strong. Is this the result of following the fourth prince and leaving them behind?

His calm face distorted, remembering the sudden misfortune of his mother.

If his brother didn't leave... and didn't follow the fourth prince, there is a possibility that their mother would still alive right now. If the fourth prince didn't approach his brother and encourage him to be a warrior... none of this surely will happen. They will stay together, although hungry and poor, they would survive. And he wouldn't lost his mother.


Why is it the royal blood again?!

His hands unconsciously clenched, turning into a fist, with veins almost popping in anger. His eyes involuntary traveled to his brother's worried face then to his back, where a mysterious man currently sat.

The fourth prince.

He heard several rumors engaging about the fourth prince. He was born only by mistake of the Emperor, and was considered a taboo because of his mother. His identity was even lower than commoners, and his cowardly presence seems like a huge mishap. And reaching a certain age, he left the palace in his own.

But none of the rumors should be considered reliable, meeting the real one. Though, he had low identity, his air of presence were hooking anyone into submission involuntarily, like a hawk, watching silently an incoming prey, studying its condition, in order to catch perfectly. He was like a walking judge, quietly observing and at the same time, constructing the dead end. There were no cowardly on him, only intense... mysteriously claws.

If Bai Menxiang wasn't a keen child to begin with, he wouldn't notice those subtable changes on the fourth prince's expression, and will believe that those rumors are accurate.

In sudden, his observing eyes met the bored one. This short clash of intensity almost burn the insides of Bai Menxiang. He looked away, feeling a sudden coldness of his body.

No wonder, the fourth prince was usually rumored as a recreant one as his eyes always on the ground.

It's not because he was startled meeting anyone's gaze, but because... meeting those eyes was equal... to courting death.

How was he able to hide those eyes? And how cunning he was in order to trick all those onlookers and even his brother... his subordinate?

The hate he had for the royal family boasted more by unveiling those secret, and that's when he remembered that he didn't still give an answer to his brother.

"No, brother. Menxiang will follow what mother had said in the letter. Menxiang will take an exam in the imperial palace." He gritted his teeth, avoiding meeting those eyes again.

His naive brother did not seems to realize his brother's discomfort and only knitted his eyebrow, "Take an exam? How would you be able to take it when you don't have money?!"

Bai Menxiang opened the small purse and pick up a small token, "This was left by mother. This would help Menxiang in the imperial palace."

Realizing what it was, Yunsheng did not feel relieve, and was instead anger by this, "So what if you had an imperial token? Don't you know how bloody the palace was? And now that you had that token, other scholars will find you a thorn in their eyes! You will be schemed! Frame! And at worst, beheaded!"

Of course, this matter was already considered by Bai Menxiang. He was prepared, and how would he give justice to his mother when he can't even manage some scheming person? Nonetheless, staying with his brother will only arouse the suspicion of the fourth prince. It will be a dead end. He understands why the fourth prince kept his brother because Yunsheng was naive and devoted to him, he will never doubt him, it was different to Bai Menxiang.

Thus, he needs to compromise. He wouldn't let his brother drag down with him.

This revenge, he will going to start it alone.

With consistent refusals, his brother did not convince him anymore. He left money to Bai Menxiang and even a place for him to stay. Since the brothel had been burned down, onlookers did not find that it was completely an orchestrated crime by the Concubine. All those witnesses had been paid off, even the brothel owner was completely sealed. Only Bai Menxiang escaped from those evil doers.

Done with the grief, and preparing to engage in vengeance, Bai Menxiang pick up the imperial token and handed it to the guards.

Those two guards look each other before calling some servants, and finally opened the door. A servant silently approached Bai Menxiang and guided him to the study of the Emperor.

The imperial palace is big and entirely different from where he lived. Different kind of interior and exterior design complemented in each of structures of the palace. If those tragedy didn't take place, Bai Menxiang will surely enjoy scrolling in this place. However, he had now different perspective. His eyes roamed in every direction finding pros and cons.

In a couple of minutes, they arrived at the Emperor's study. Two of the Eunuchs immediately opened the door for him as if they already awaited for his arrival, leaving Bai Menxiang bewildered.

Nevertheless, his queries shouldn't lead him to delay the time right now. He ignored his confusion and proceed to the study.

It was afternoon, but the insides seems covered in thick darkness, it shouldn't call Emperor's study at all. Anxiousness slowly crept inside his heart, making him subconsciously stepped back. In an instant, the door from behind closed harshly, leaving no sense of escape.

"You arrived earlier than I expected." A voice reverberated inside the quiet room.

Immediately, Bai Menxiang swiftly turned his eyes. His gaze met the imposing and superior figure of the Emperor. Golden robe displayed on his body, exuding assertive and domineering aura that transcend beyond common folks. Far from his regular yet luxurious clothes, when his mother perform his services. Far from his usual amusing gaze, that was filled and longing for interest.

For the mean time, Bai Menxiang understood how big and dangerous his opponent was. How high and long will he climb just to find justice?

"T-This servant greets his majesty..." He bowed hurriedly yet respectively.

The Emperor lifted the corner of his lips, "I heard that your mother died. She was such a great friend."

Bai Menxiang gritted his teeth and swallowed his anger. He can't act impulsively right now. He needed to control his anger.

Not receiving a response, the Emperor flashed a disappointed gaze and turned around to lead him to the table.

Bai Menxiang was surprised when he found out that there were two teacups on the table. The tea was still hot, and he didn't notice some servants delivered this. Where did this came from?"

Maybe the Emperor noticed his eyes, "Come. Accompany the Emperor to drink some tea."

Bai Menxiang followed all his demands and finally sat down, drinking the tea, which had a blunt taste. His eyes did not perceive the unusual grin on the Emperor's lips.

Only after drinking half of those teas, did he remember his motives. "Your majesty, this servant wants to participate in the next imperial exam!" He stated, full of confidence.

The Emperor nodded, not hiding those wicked smile, "I see. Then this Emperor will arrange the things that you need."

Bai Menxiang furrowed his eyebrow.

Isn't this too much, easy? How can the Emperor instantly approved his demand? Back then, he rehearsed numerous reasons sugar-coated on those flowery words just to convince his majesty. He can't believe it was this easy!

N-No... there is something wrong. The Emperor was not a pushover nor forgiving! He won't care about his mother much more on him. Howbeit, those thoughts weakened as his consciousness slowly drifted apart.

The next moment he wakes up, there was endless darkness in his vision. He panicked and started to struggled in the thing that was keeping him in check.

He cursed regretfully. Damn it. He shouldn't trust that bastard in the first place! Moreover, the blame should fall upon himself. He was still naive!

A couple of hours when the door was opened, lighting the dark room immediately. His vision blurred for a moment before regaining it usual function. The man who entered was an old man, filled with the smell of medicines. There were plenty of servants on his back, carrying stuff that Bai Menxiang didn't know.

"Who are you?! Let me go!"

"Help me!"

"Released this young master!"

To his surprised, Bai Menxiang was not the only one in the room. In fact, there were plenty of them. All tied up in a chair like him and was even worse. He clenched his fist. What is this?!

"There were many aspiring sparrows this time. I hope this batch won't disappoint us as for the fact that, only three youths on the first were able to survive. I hope this batch will have plenty of sparrows in the making." He heard the old man talked.


That bastard Emperor! Bai Menxiang wanted to kill himself right now. He should have followed his brother and remain oblivious of the fourth prince's evil facade. He shouldn't have taken the matter alone, expecting he was prepared.

His trail of regrets stopped when those servants approached them one by one. Tearing their clothes rapidly, without minding those shouts and yells. Bai Menxiang like others, started to struggle and fought back, but his limbs was still weak and uncooperative, leaving him choke on bitter tears.

They were all completely naked, both young men and women. Coldness started to interrupted their protest. Cries and shouts echoed in disarray. The servants once again came back, holding a bucket, and suddenly splashed at them individually.

"Fuck! You monster!"

"P-Please stop!"

"I want t-to go home, please!"

Nevertheless, those complaints were no avail. Even Bai Menxiang stopped crying and shouting, shielding himself with his remaining will.

It was cold. Their body was left uncover, and the cold water made them shiver. Why would this happen to them? Some were just victims who were being tossed by their families just to carry favor of his majesty, some may indeed voluntary, but this was not the thing they expected.

"The cold and wintery night will approach everyone slowly. There were no clothes prepared by the servants, only your bare bodies accompanying this incoming storm. However, the Emperor is the only one who can save you... and take away this coldness. Does anyone want not to feel cold again? Just devote yourself to his majesty." The old man's words seems like a persuasive tone that was their only way to survive. In such a small conviction, small partial of the pitiful youngster already shouted the Emperor's name.

Howbeit, this was not the end. This was only the beginning.

Days passed of being keep cold and not giving them food, only they were finally giving a small piece of clothes and small bread and water. They all cried out loud, thanking the Emperor.

At this point, the old man and his servants force those youths to drink some liquid substance that held the Emperor's blood and impel them to become addictive at the taste and smell.

Months passed, and their mental health started to collapse. Not only their mind was filled with everyday torture, but also filled with the Emperor. Their majesty. Their savior. Their lord.

As their torture gets heavier and harder, it reached to certain point where they were being taken against their will by several unknown men, and trained their bodies to become sensitive.

Some didn't survive, some manage to hold on only to die at the hands of those unknown men, but majority survive howbeit they all lost their sense of existence and only was completely devoted to the Emperor.

The torture lasted for a year.

Bai Menxiang gritted his teeth. Those memories were still fresh to him, and now, sitting in the Emperor's chambers with those fellow youths that had experienced what he had gone through made his blood boiled. Truthfully, these youth had lost their mind,, but Bai Menxiang's mental health was still functioning. He manages to hold on.

Right now, the new sparrows were waiting for the Emperor like dolls perfectly crafted for his amusement. And Bai Menxiang was one of them. However, his mind was not occupied by the Emperor's heroic figure like anybody else, his thoughts was only filled with strong killing intent for the latter.

But those thoughts vanished, the moment the Emperor entered his chambers. His scents almost made them reach in peak.

Bai Menxiang was confused. What was happening? Why is he reacting to the Emperor, even if he didn't want to? Why...

No. The Emperor was the one who save him, and he was a sparrow. A person who belonged to his majesty.

When his consciousness was clear, there were only faint memories in his mind. His face turned rather ugly. What's happening to him?! Why can't he kill the Emperor?! Why is he being so clingy to the Emperor?!

He tried several times to assassinate the Emperor by wicked means, but with just his scent and touch, those thoughts will vanished instantly, leaving him to become his full devoted follower. His brother Yunsheng also persuade him to leave, but the moment his brother made a bad comment about his majesty, he will become crazy and mad, resulting him to cast away his blood relationship with his brother even if he doesn't want to.

Apparently, he was slowly becoming a true sparrow.

The sparrow's responsibility was only to serve the Emperor and serve in any means. So, Bai Menxiang was okay sharing the Emperor with others.

But there is one person, he was very hostile about. The person who were the Emperor's most favored sparrow, Qiao Chen.

He was the most beautiful and elegant one, the Emperor loved his eyes and face. But Bai Menxiang and the other sparrow found him particularly different from them.

His scent. His scent didn't carried the blood of the Emperor, and his majesty himself dare love such a frivolous person, causing their jealousy to trigger each time. The only assurance that they have was the fact that his majesty never bed him. But still, they wouldn't tolerate it! It's okay for them to share the Emperor, but it was different for Qiao Chen who bore a different scent!

Bai Menxiang tried countless times to surpass the years of torture in his body just to kill that bastard Emperor. He even saw the new sparrow, Wen Yang, revealing himself as a spy. This time, he tried hard just to surpass the killing intent in his eyes and tried to negotiate with the enemy prince just to escape at this cage. Still, it was no avail. The result was the same.

Until one day.

"What are you doing here?!" He shouted at Qiao Chen.

Howbeit, the other didn't bother to answer him and threw a small bottle to him. He gently caught it and examine it.

"What is this?"

"That's the antidote for the poison in your body."

He gnashed his teeth, "I don't have any poison in my body!"

"Of course, you wouldn't know." Qiao Chen smirked, "Do you feel like you want to kill the Emperor but wouldn't manage to do that, am I right? Just his touch and all those plans in your head disappeared."

His eyes widened. "H-How did you—"

"You had been poison for a long time. That poison contains the Emperor's blood, which every sparrow drank daily. With his blood mixed in that poison, just smelling his scent, everyone who had taken that poison will immediately force to submission. In the reason why you hate me in the first place, was because I was not poison. I bore a different scent. That's what your hatred came from."

As he slowly drank the antidote, all his thoughts cleared in an instant. He was amazed by the effect of the antidote. But how did Qiao Chen get this?

"I get this medicine by the help of the fourth prince. It was in the treasure house, deeply hidden by the Emperor, but we manage to get that, claiming the victorious hunt in the Mid-Autumn Hunt." The sparrow explained, "We choose to help you because we needed your help."

"We are going to let the fourth prince be the next Emperor."

With his brain regains its function, Bai Menxiang started helping Qiao Chen and the fourth prince. He pretends to negotiate with Wen Yang, but all those plans will backfired on him. Those rebels attack, Bai Menxiang pretended all those to happened by revealing this information with the fourth prince, in result, the fourth prince gain achievement and supports.

He still put an act with an innocent sparrow who hated Qiao Chen just avoid unexpected suspicion. He followed all the demand of his benefactors.

"Put this at the food of Wen Yang." Qiao Chen handed him a poison.

"What's this?"

"It was like what you've taken before, but just lesser foundation. Maybe it's time for Wen Yang to serve the Emperor."

He nodded and perform his task effortless. He watched as Wen Yang was deeply humiliated by the fact that the Emperor sleep with him and was destroying his mental health.

All their plans went smoothly. Bai Menxiang knows that this country will soon become a good one.

Not until, he discovered something.

He entered the residence of the fourth prince when he received no response at the inside. He left the message on the table and was about to leave, when he suddenly stepped into something and stumbled.

Furthermore, he saw a large box that was opened slightly. Out of curiosity, he opened it and his eyes widened. He almost dropped the box in surprised.

The box contains...

Several Qiao Chen's drawing image with deep possessive marks that has a strange smell on it. White stains that have long dry and a new one. Bai Menxiang was a man, and he serves the Emperor in the bed several times...he knew what those marks are.

Extreme nervousness floated on nerves. He recalls the deadly eyes of the fourth prince.

"What are you holding?"

"Y-Your highness."

He almost drops the box in shock. His eyes trembled and slowly put the box back. He unconsciously stepped back, sensing an incoming crisis.

But the fourth prince only passed at him, picking the box up and placing it at the top of the table. There were no anger on his face of being found out. Only pure coldness.

"You are a genius, You know what to say and not." The voice carried limitless chills in his body.

He nodded directly. How can he forget that one of the reason why he didn't follow his brother from the past was because of this man. The man who was more terrible than the Emperor.

He was heartless and manipulative. The most dangerous person in this dynasty.

A flicker of air made him reconcile those memories once again.

"It's just a matter of time before the fourth prince ascend to the throne." Qiao Chen stated.

Bai Menxiang bit his lips, stifling his self to say something about the beast that was waiting for this lovely sparrow.

If Qiao Chen only know that the fourth prince was not aiming for the throne and instead...

He was aiming to trap him in this cage forever.