3. The Worst Way To Escape

If Qiao Chen recalls all things that he considered coincidence, he will find that those circumstances weren't happenstances, it was fabricated.

He overestimated his foresight that he, indeed, thought that Yong Guan's obsession developed with their several encounters.

But it wasn't.

He got played in the beginning. He got tricked by an enemy which was worse than the protagonist and darling of fate.


He surpassed all those raging emotion and forced himself to remain calm, and stifled the flames surging into his body.

This wasn't the perfect time to retaliate.

He looked up and saw the cold face of the Emperor. He couldn't believe that he felt guilty about this man, the reason why he didn't dispose and eliminate his attachment like he did with Qi Ran and Qi Lan.

He regrets it.

The protagonist also noticed the incoming danger, but instead of running away, he stood still, waiting for the outburst of the lovely sparrow, waiting for the two of them confronting each other.

But Qiao Chen... wouldn't let his goals be obtained.

The pure madness on his eyes dissipated, thus was replaced by a calm and collected sight. He lifted his chin and instantly pretended to be oblivious about those confrontations.

Yong An feels something wrong and instantly turned his eyes to the sparrow. Seeing him seems not believing what he said, he started to panic and immediately retreated few steps backward, but before he can jump down to the window, a small dagger penetrated his limbs making him screamed in agony.

He fell down and saw his shadow guards already filled with blood. His eyes trembled for a second.


Why is the result different?!

Qiao Chen should hate Yong Guan for his manipulation and should wish him death!

But why is the sparrow not fueled by anger and was instead staring at Yong Guan, affectionately?!

He gnashed his teeth and forces the blood to stop oozing on his legs and shoulder. But before he can voice out his thoughts, he saw the Emperor walked past him and embraced the fragile sparrow.

In his view, he saw how the sparrow rested his chin on the broad shoulder of the Emperor, eyes full of wickedness and his lips curving into a dangerous arc whilst staring directly at him.

Once again, Yong An feels the extreme fright he once experienced with Yong Guan.

It was terrible. He was supposed to be one to played against them, watching them in distance while they kill each other. But his intuition backlash on him instead.

Why?! Why?!

The pain on his wound wasn't suffocating him, but the envy and wrath slowly contaminated his heart to burst. Why people deserved that attention? They shouldn't experience the joy!

He completely lay down on the ground, hands touching the wound on both shoulders and legs, eyes staring at the ceiling, wishing that everything was just an illusion.

As his vision slowly darkened, he heard countless familiar screams that build his character years ago. The agony, despair and wrath, it was all coming directly to him together.

Is this how those persons feels when they get played by him?

He smiled sadly.

"Are you okay?" The Emperor's voice was full of concern.

For a moment, Qiao Chen's fist clenched, he reminded himself not to be reckless and accepted the warmth of the Emperor. He forced a smile, "I'm okay, your majesty."

"I told you in the past, call me Jianshi."

This time, the calmness on his face couldn't hold back, and he looked away. There were strong sense of pain and joy on his chest once he heard that name. A strong passion and familiarity, but he couldn't remember where that senses came from. And his lips couldn't utter that name, as if he would collapse on the spot and the various emotion would suffocate him at the same time.

He pursed his lips and accidentally shifted his eyes to the protagonist, there was a trace of doubt in his heart, "I-Is he dead?"

The Emperor also turned his eyes to his direction and replied plainly, "He is."

Suddenly, Qiao Chen almost fainted. Yong An was the protagonist, and he shouldn't die like that easily. His halo was still functioning and if he dies unexpectedly, the main system would trace his existence but not only, he didn't felt the punishment of heaven, he also couldn't find any peculiarity.

He returned his gaze to the Emperor. Just who is this man?

Sensing his heated gaze, Yong Guan thought he needed to explain further information, "Even if I didn't kill him, he will die slowly. I already injected some poison in his system, the moment he tried to escape."

Qiao Chen feels so ashamed and almost couldn't breathe. He thought the fourth prince was strong but naive, dangerous but too soft. Nonetheless, those impressions made him guilty but in the end, he was the one wondering on his chessboard.

Now Qiao Chen was able to connect all the dots. That's why Yong An, the protagonist, deliberately confronted him about the truth, expecting that he can both dragged them to hell with his decaying health. But Qiao Chen was also cunning, he didn't act rashly and pretended that he didn't find out Yong Guan's schemes.

"Did he tell you about something?" Once again he was awakened by that voice.

Qiao Chen stiffened and the fire within his chest almost exploded, he was unfortunate right now, he couldn't control the anxiety in his face, but gladly he had a strong mental health thus forcedly put a smile.

"No. He didn't."

If the Emperor would know about their confrontation, the sparrow had no idea what will the latter would do. Therefore, he chose to deny. He needed time.

There was unusually calmness in the Emperor's eyes, no sense of any other emotion, and it was just a pure tranquility which made Qiao Chen nervous for no reason.

Yong Guan lifted him from the floor and slowly walked away. Qiao Chen on the other hand saw how the guards cleaned the mess, including the corpse of the protagonist. His eyes were chilly.

Bai Menxiang was guilty.

He was already a minister months ago and had a very stable life. His brother becomes a General and the country was in peace.

There were no disaster nor catastrophe.

The Emperor already cleaned the mess in the court and all the corrupt ministers and officials had faced their retribution. Bai Menxiang even replaced the right Minister, Han. Of course, there are many who protested and questioned his abilities, however just one month, Bai Menxiang manage to succeed in their expectations.

He should be happy, now that he and his brother reunited, also he had avenged their mother.

But guilt was crawling inside his dream, the figure of the beautiful sparrow who was trapped inside the golden cage frequently visited his sleep. He had grown dark circles in his eye sockets, which affected his decision in the morning court.

Qiao Chen and the Emperor were both his benefactor. Without them, he couldn't reach his firm position right now.

He could warn Qiao Chen and help him escape, but he didn't. He was grateful, but he was also selfish. Bai Menxiang feared what will the outcome once he participated in freeing the sparrow of the Emperor.

Yong Guan was dangerous and ruthless, Bai Menxiang had long known this. Many people had been played in his palms effortless and Qiao Chen was the only one who can calm that beast. He was like a tranquilizer in the crazy patient.

"Why are you thinking so deeply?" The arrogant voice made him came back to his senses.

He paused and put down the quill, turned his head to the handsome young man. Instantly, there was a frown on his face.

He pushed the materials on the table and cold smiled, "What is his highness doing here?"

"Tss. I'm not a prince anymore." He sneered and his brow furrowed.

"Ah, right, his highness was already a traitor and criminal in the country."

Though, the third prince had lost his title, his arrogance and fierceness remained. His rebellion gave a deep impact in the sea of people, and he couldn't show his face on the crowd; thus he can only pretend to be a shadow guard and explored his adventurous nature. When he was bored, he will go to Bai Menxiang's study and tried to pester the hard-working minister.

Bai Menxiang was already familiar by the temper of this prince. In fact, they had cooperated several times and his wild temperament, Bai Menxiang was used to it.

The third prince easily found an extra chair and eagerly sat on it, "I heard the new Emperor has yet to appoint an Empress?"

Bai Menxiang paused, his eyes suddenly turned cold, "His majesty will never appoint an Empress."

"Eh? Then what about his fiancé? Isn't he supposed to wed the fifth daughter of Minister Zhao?"

"Their engagement had been canceled long ago besides, Minister Zhao only uses his daughter to support his majesty in the fight of the throne, to avoid suspicion. To clarify that, their engagement was only a tool." Besides, the Emperor was crazy for Qiao Chen, how can he suppose to marry another woman? Bai Menxiang wanted to add that.

The third prince clicked his tongue inside his cheeks, "I never knew fourth brother was a scum man, but howbeit not having an Empress will surely put him into a difficult position."

In fact, no matter how much the Emperor's obsession to the sparrow, he couldn't make him pregnant. And having an heir is significant for the Emperor, if he doesn't have one, then there will be many who was in his clan to covet that throne. That's why several ministers had been urging the Emperor to take a concubine, just to birth an heir, that suggestion only last once since the one who proposed that idea suddenly face his death. Therefore, no ministers once again open that topic.

Bai Menxiang turned his eyes to the other, "Even if the Emperor couldn't have a child... isn't that your purpose from the beginning?"

The light on the third prince's eyes dissipated, and his expression turned serious. Yes, actually, the sole reason why the new Emperor kept the third prince was mainly because his child will inherit the throne in the future.

The third prince sighed, "Of course, I would never forget that." With that, he left angrily.

Bai Menxiang once again stared at his back helplessly.

The Emperor...was really a genius.

The third prince was actually his first pawn. In the beginning, he used the mother of the latter to force him to cooperate in his plans. Firstly, he established the rebellious image of the third prince deep-rooted in the mind of people, since his rebellion in the future will not be questioned. Secondly, the third prince's rebellion eliminated the threat of the deceitful and corrupt officials. Lastly, the third prince's effort wouldn't be in vain, for a reason that all of those will exchange for his mother's protection in the harem and also for his future child to have a firm future.

The Emperor really predicted all of this, which made Bai Menxiang felt scary. His only fault was the obsession he had for the sparrow.

Bai Menxiang can only wish that the Emperor wouldn't treat Qiao Chen poorly.

It's been a week since Qiao Chen regained his usual routine with the Emperor. And he was already getting crazy. The fierce cold flames would be ignited whenever he was with the Emperor, but he couldn't still find an opportunity to take an action.

There was already a psychological shadow rooted on his mentality which made him angry.

He coughed and saw his spit mixed with blood on the cloth. His teeth were gritted harshly and wiped out the blood on his lips.

He can feel it. His body was at its limit. His times were ticking, and he had still no idea how to escape in this realm.

He leaned weakly on the bed and closed his eyes. In fact, the Emperor seems lightened his restraint, which was supposed to be beneficial to him. His ankles were already healed and the shadow guards tailing him were dismissed a long time ago. Except for the possessiveness of the Emperor, all things were back to normal.

But Qiao Chen knew that Yong Guan was testing him. The Emperor actually knew that the protagonist told Qiao Chen everything and was pretending to be oblivious. And that's why Qiao Chen couldn't make his move in present.

He coughed and exhaled a deep partial of air. If he were to recall the strange phenomena, his conclusion verify that the reason why he couldn't get out of this realm was because of the existence of Yong Guan. If he eliminates him... would he actually get out of this dimension?

There was a possibility, but there was another problem. With his strength, killing Yong Guan will be difficult. Even his injured eye could heal itself, then what currently qualifications that he had?

Maybe, the heavens took pity on him since an opportunity knocked on his door.

It was night, and the Emperor was busy, so Qiao Chen take this time to wondered around the area. This place was the farthest from the main palace and was very different compared to the other buildings. It was calm, and the ambience was soothing. If it weren't for the situation right now, Qiao Chen will surely enjoy staying here.

As he was indulging with the calmness of the night, a black figure appeared on his front. He was startled but instantly settle down when he saw the man.

It's General Du, the lover of the Empress.

The sparrow's face was wary, "What is the General doing here?"

Sensing his wariness, the General straightened his back, "Don't worry, young master. I was here for something."

Of course Qiao Chen wouldn't put down his guard, he heard that when Yong Guan ascended the throne, the Empress, the General together with first prince withdrew and retired from the palace. But why is the General coming to him right now?

"I heard that the young master was kept in captivity by the new Emperor." The General stated, "So the Empress wanted to cooperate, we will help the young master to escape."

"What's the catch? According to the rules, ones wouldn't cooperate if the other can't have benefits, right?"

"The young master was wise." The General smiled faintly, "We wanted to get the things that was supposedly ours, including the throne."

Qiao Chen was taken back. He knew that the General wouldn't come here just to play to tricks and with his determination, he knew that the General was serious. If the Empress wanted to take the throne... that mean the first prince was already cured?

It is indeed a good opportunity.

But Qiao Chen was already tricked once. Such words wouldn't convince him immediately.

The General seems noticed his refusal, "In fact, the young master shouldn't be skeptical. We just needed the young master to poison the Emperor. The rest will our doings."

Kill the Emperor.

He had long prepared that this was the only way to escaped in this dimension. However, there was strange pain on his chest when thought of killing Yong Guan. Maybe this is guilt or anger, but Qiao Chen can only be selfish.

"Then, I shall accept it."

"Good. Tomorrow night, once we get the young master's signal, we will immediately start."

It was quiet and cold. The ambience in the place was filled with strange tranquility, that even the sky was at peace. The moon shines brightly, which was reflected on the transparent river. The trees whispered softly on the wind and the breeze gently wondered on the field.

Qiao Chen stared at the dagger in his hands, it was sharp and heavy, but the determination on his heart was heavier than the object. On the pointed part was sparkling, the poison stick on the surface, indicating that this will be the end.

But there was a hesitation on his heart.


Why is he wavering? He should be angry by what the Emperor had done to him. He got played, tricked and even kept in this cage.

The thin white robe hugged his slender body, his dark hair was blown unconsciously and the expression on his face was full of silence. He was like a bird, waiting to be freed in the amidst of the catastrophe.

He put down the dagger and covered it with the quilt, the door itself was pushed opened, revealing the Emperor with his calm face.

Qiao Chen met his gaze and the hesitation on his heart seems boasted, he frowned and took a deep breath.

This is the final. He shouldn't let his emotion affect him.

"Why aren't you sleep?" The Emperor took off his complicated robe, leaving only his undergarment, which displayed his appealing body. He slowly walked towards the dazed sparrow.

Qiao Chen blinked and pursed his lips innocently, "I was waiting for you."

The silence on the Emperor's eyes instantly cracked, and riffles of endurance gradually take over. He bowed down and lifted the sparrow's chin, face darkened and jaw clenched repeatedly, surpassing the beast who was about to come out.

"Tell me, what made you wait for me?" He asked eagerly, ready to swallow him whole.

Qiao Chen stiffened and took the initiative to hook his arms around his neck, pulling him and filling the gap between them. Their breath collided for a second before the Emperor pushed and pressed him into the bed aggressively.

"When you grabbed me right now, you should know what would be the outcome." He warned dangerously.

The sparrow wasn't threatened, instead his eyes was unusually calm. "I know." He faintly answered.

The Emperor's face completely darkened and pulled him firmly, landing him to his lap. Their face was closed enough to exhale each other breaths. The sparrow put his arms into his shoulder, gaining support, and closed his eyes for a second. Their noses touched and the ignited flames suddenly exploded.

"Xiao Chen... why are you anxious?" Yong Guan's asked suddenly.

Qiao Chen eyes opened, he noticed that although his face was calm, his shoulders and body was trembling. He pursed his lips and tried to push him away. However, the Emperor's hands grabbed his waist firmly and the silver thing appeared on his sight.

Qiao Chen's face tightened.

The Emperor... already knew that he was about to kill him.

"Is this the reason why you're anxious?" The Emperor asked calmly. "When you are going to decide something, you should be firm and stern." Yong Guan unexpectedly grabbed his hand and put the dagger on his palms, took an initiative to point the dagger on his chest. "Just push, and you will get your freedom, but when that dagger couldn't take my life, I will never let you go again. Just push."

Qiao Chen yelled, and his fingers trembled violently. Because Yong Guan leaned down, the dagger penetrated softly on the chest, drawing small patches of blood on his white robe.

Just push. With one single push, he could escape in this realm. Just...

"Why are you crying?" A large hand wiped away his tears, which he didn't know when did it appear. "You shouldn't cry when you wanted to do this, Xiao Chen..."

Yes. He shouldn't shred tears with this man. He should hate him for playing and interrupting all his plans. He hates him! He hated him to death!

"Shh. You should stop crying. You're making me have false assumptions, you hated me enough to wish my death, why cry?"

"I-I hate you..." Qiao Chen murmured faintly. There were no anger on his voice, which was the opposite of his conclusion.

Yong Guan's eyes darkened, "When you ask me what I've felt about you. You concluded that it wasn't love. Then I want to answer it now." He paused and stared at him intensely, "I also hate you. I hate you to the point that I wanted to engrave you in myself. This hate will never disappeared, even death, even in the next life. We should hate each others... I wouldn't tolerate you hating anyone else other than me."

Qiao Chen was stunned. The sparkling vapors on his cheeks stopped flowing, and his eyes was red from crying. His chest burned, and his thoughts went misty.

Yong Guan couched down, the dagger already fell off the bed, "I want this hate to connect us in eternity." With that, he captured his lips.

This is the last time, he should pour his feelings altogether.

The Emperor leaned over completely pressing the lovely sparrow and buckled his hand on the silk quilt, and then pulled off the golden hook that held bed curtains, entirely covering the view from the bed in the distance.

The silhouettes intertwined into the narrow space, and the long hair flowing down is grasped by the man with one hand, passing through the rough fingers, sliding down at the back of the hand, the end swinging in midair and the clothes fell down one by one.

The young sparrow tensed his body, arched his head, his slender neck trembling in pleasure like a dying swan confuses by strange sensation, his pink lips was parted. The emerald orbs were filled with vapor, completely lost in the journey, and was eaten wholly by the dragon.

As the man pressed his hands on the cushion, thoroughly conquering his whole being and was devouring his insides. Lips were used to traced his every corner and the bird seems to lost his voice.

Those shadows were interacting, gradually sailing from the bed, pulling into a surging waves, throughout the entire room.

Qiao Chen opened his eyes. The soreness of his body made him flinched for a few moments before he settled down. He picked up the clothes from the ground and put it on his body, covering the marks that was left behind. He glanced at the man in the bed, and deep regret flashed into his eyes.

The poison wasn't actually deadly, it can only make the taker sleep. Because no matter how this man played Qiao Chen, he couldn't kill him entirely.

He took a deep breath and walked away slowly.

What he didn't know was the sleeping man opened his eyes slowly.

The whole country was in chaos, rebels started to attack and there was a huge war at every corner. Qiao Chen was greeted by this sight, the moment he stepped out from the palace. His head throb painfully. All his efforts were in vain! The country will soon be destroyed.

He run to the sides and ignored the screams of the people. He needed to get out here, but suddenly, a black horse stopped on his front. His body trembled, luckily, the black robe covered his face.

"Qiao Chen?" Called by a familiar voice.

The sparrow lifted his face and saw Bai Menxiang.

"It's really you! Come here!" Bai Menxiang exclaimed happily.

"No!" Qiao Chen refuted.

"There were rebels everywhere, come up here, and I will keep you safe."

Qiao Chen didn't move.

Seeing him not moving, Bai Menxiang was at loss but instantly understood why Qiao Chen didn't want to follow him, "I will help you escape, I don't plan giving you back to the Emperor."

"Do you think I will trust you?"

"Even if you can't, you should. The Emperor already knew that the Empress and the first prince will attack today. If you don't move fast, he will catch you soon."

Qiao Chen had no choice but to climbed up in the horse. They instantly strode away from this place.

There were fire everywhere and various soldiers keep fighting. Fortunately, Bai Menxiang was a skilled rider, otherwise they would already fell off from the horse. With the fastest pace, they reach the city gate, just a small distance, they could get out in this country, but suddenly, an arrow rapidly flew in their direction, penetrating into the horse.

They both stumbled and rolled on the ground. Bai Menxiang hissed and tried to get off. The footstep was getting nearer to them and Bai Menxiang knows that they can't make it.

"Run away! I will stop them here!" He suggested.

Qiao Chen gave him a profound look and instantly run fast. Suddenly, a huge explosion erupted, Qiao Chen paused and saw Wen Yang smiling from distance. His eyes widened and turned his head from the opposite direction, and was about to continue running, but also saw Yong Guan.

At that moment, the explosion caused a huge cracked on the palace wall, and large bricks started to fell. Qiao Chen watched as the bricks completely covered his body as he lost his consciousness.

Yong Guan's eyes widened and instantly run in his direction, but he was too late. The palace wall completely collapsed, and Qiao Chen was nowhere to be found. The guards from his behind watched him jumped down to his horse and quickly picked up the heavy bricks on the ground.

The guards also followed the Emperor and altogether picked up some bricks. The moment a familiar body appeared on the Emperor's eyes, he paused.

His eyes were unusually calmed and the coldness on his body exudes intensely.

He was dead.

Xiao Chen was dead.

There were no sadness in his eyes and only pure madness. Suddenly, he laughed crazily.

"Do you think you can escape me through this? Xiao Chen, even if you are dead, I will find you! You can't escape from me!" He shouted mercilessly, which gave the guards some chills.

It was not good. The Emperor was going crazy!

"I remember that you wanted me to become the Emperor was because you thought I was good enough to make this country better."

"But now that you choose this, I will also destroy the things that you wish. I will make this country dragged down with you."

"Until, you come back to me."

On this day, the history about the Emperor who destroyed the four nations was born.