Questions And Visit

__________ POV Ashton__________

Why is this random person trying to speak to me? Maybe I should've stopped Linne from talking earlier?

Well, responding to this person's questions is certainly better than not doing anything at all. So I guess Linne's antics will keep me entertained for the rest of the election.

Now, she was asking me about my relationship with Netero? Well, I have a lot to talk about then. But first, introductions are in order.

"Well, that's quite rude... Not even introducing yourself?" Her eyes widened a bit, I guess she forgot about it.

"Oh, I apologize! My name is Cheadle Yorkshire, I am a Three-Star Poison Hunter working for the association... I thought you'd already know me..."

Oh, so she didn't forget, it just didn't occur to her that I don't really pay attention to famous hunters.

"Oh, that's fine. I'm in no way good with names. But mine is Ashton, I am a Two-Star Hunter, my field is that of Nuclear Research." I will not mention that I have already evolved it enough to win all the prizes possible.

My identity should usually remain a secret from others. Not that I ever cared much about it, the governments founding my laboratory seem to care a lot more than me.

As I said, there are already assassins after me most of the time. Gaining a few more would still be a pain.

She seems quite surprised at my field of study. I guess it is a rare field of study for a hunter to get interested in. She has no way of knowing that I don't take being a hunter seriously at all.

"That is quite an impressive profession..." Why are people so easily impressed by this fact? It's just energy. And a lot of bombs.

I remember my first attempts at building a bomb. I'm sure I would've died without my 'Abyss' Hatsu.

Oh, the memories. Netero was always annoyed at me moving my laboratory. That and I also always forgot to tell him about a nuclear explosion happening in my kitchen.

"Not as impressive as yours, it seems you've also contributed more to society than I have." Exchanging pleasantries is always easy when you're a good liar.

She blushed a bit. A response I wasn't really expecting from a casual comment. I guess she takes her position seriously.

"As for my relationship with Netero. I guess I was his friend. What about you?" I don't really feel like explaining every single detail about my bumpy friendship with Netero.

"Oh, I used to spar with him a lot... Like with the rest of the Zodiacs, my strength was recognised by him..." Oh yeah, I forgot that he is basically recognized as the strongest human alive.

Getting recognized by him must be a pretty big deal.

"That's quite impressive! I never got around to sparring with him..." That was a bald-faced lie. Almost every single one of our fights was a spar. Especially since neither one of us was ever serious.

She looked quite happy at the recognition. Although her expression wasn't giving much away. It's a bit hard for her to hide the twitch of a smile threatening to reach her lips.

"Thank you... What is your impression of the candidates?" I guess she realises I have some type of status for Linne to be speaking like that to me.

Otherwise, I can't see why she'd be all that interested in my opinion.

"I can't say all that much. I only know you and Linne. But the blond guy to my left is a bit shady." I said.

Directly referring to the other contestant that took a seat to my left at around the same time as Cheadle. I think he used to be the Vice-Chairman.

But he's being quite rude by listening in on my conversation. Looking at him, I could see some sweat on his brow and a wry smile on his lips.

Hmm, he does look a bit familiar...

__________ POV Pariston Hill__________

Why is this monster here?!

I remember it clearly...

Netero said he'd go visit his friends a few years back. Me, Morel and Knov were curious, so we decided to tag along.

After all, Netero always had the most interesting Adventures.

But we just went to an inhabited mountain range. And inside a random cave, we found an elevator that only went down.

Netero acted like such a thing was completely normal. Both Knov and Morel were just as confused as I was.

We stood in the elevator for around ten minutes. The speed of it was great, but it seems that his friend lived very deep underground.

The elevator eventually stopped its descent, and the doors finally slid open. Looking into the room, I could see a pristine room. White floor, ceiling and walls. The room was unbelievably large.

I could see countless jars on shelves. Various chemicals and body parts in them. I found the sight interesting, but Morel and Knov found it quite disturbing.

I still remember seeing the man working on some strange machine.

Netero greeted him with great excitement. But the scientist looked at Netero with confusion. But as his eyes passed over us, that confusion turned to rage.

'Who the fuck did you bring here?!' Were all of the words he had said. After that, he rushed us.

He had instantly transformed from a calm and collected scientist into a bloodthirsty fighter. Something that I only found surprising at the time.

But what actually scared me was the fact that Netero didn't even have a chance to respond before he was blasted into a wall.

Morel, Knov and I immediately prepared for combat. But it was for nothing, he managed to down all three of us in less than a second.

He used a single explosion to do so, it came from his palms. I presume that is his Hatsu.

After that, he just pressed a button that made the lights flash red and left with another elevator. Only taking a few notebooks with him.

Netero finally came around, 'Oh, I guess I forgot that the location was a secret...'

A robotic voice reverberated from the walls.'Self Destruction Sequence Engaged~' was all I heard before panicking.

All four of us broke through the elevator doors and quickly broke the top of the elevator that brought us in. Netero quickly using his Hatsu to throw all of us up the shaft.

We weren't fast enough apparently, As Knov was forced to use his Hatsu to let us all escape, by the skin of our teeth I might add.

We could see the fire barreling upwards towards us right as we entered Knov's Hatsu. It left me a bit scared of deep underground places...

And it also made me hate scientist clothes... Still, why exactly would someone like him be here?


Hope you liked the chapter!

If u want to support me just look up VeganMaster on Patr_eon. The page is called VeganCult tho(totally not suspicious). (totally not copy/pasted from the last chap)
