Plans And Expeditions

__________ POV Ashton __________

I might have gone a bit overboard. Seeing Netero's spawn disrespect me like that made me flip.

But the people in the room seem to understand my predicament. Either that or they just don't want to argue with me...

Smokey also barged in to check what was happening. I guess quite a few people were alerted by my hiccup. He seemed quite shocked to see me.

"Ashton? What is someone like you doing here?"

"Well, I obviously came to visit. How have you been?" I decided that starting a casual conversation might be a good way to calm the zodiacs down a bit.

"Oh, I've recovered from my injuries. Today a few good news came too! Knov's disciple survived the meteor." Yep, that's what the explosion was considered.

Due to the size of the crater, it's said that a large rock fell from space, somehow undetected, and crashed somewhere in the middle of it.

"That's joyous news! The events of that day were already tragic enough. How is she holding up?" I continued the conversation casually.

"Oh, she's fine. She only survived because she was carrying an injured girl away from the palace. Since all the Royal Guards were disposed of, we were just cleaning up the scraps anyway..." Smokey was quite depressed over this matter.

I guess his disciples both died in the incident. One might be my fault, but hey, I'm not about to actually tell him that.

Either way, my conversation seems to have given the Zodiacs some time to process what just happened.

My overreaction doesn't seem to bother Cheadle all that much, well not in a bad way... Why does she almost have stars in her eyes when looking at me?

I'm starting to think this lady might be willing to help me with my little expedition.

You see, the association has a few tricks up its sleeves. For one, I need an alibi.

The governments funding me will give up on me if they learn that I went on a 'suicide' mission, and that would make me lose my cash cow.

So I need to be as transparent as possible and a good relationship with the chairman of the association to gain an 'out on a mission' status.

The chairman may need to respond to the V5, which is the alliance of the stronger governments.

But the chairman doesn't need to mention every single detail of a mission. At least Netero never even bothered to do something like that.

They are bound to insist when it comes to my whereabouts. They are already mad enough that the location of my laboratory is unknown.

Simply saying that I am researching something won't work either.

They won't be able to contact me on the continent, and I usually respond to their calls, if only to laugh at them crying about budgets.

Of course, my phone number is not traceable. At least on paper, but I do pick my phone apart regularly to prevent any spyware from appearing on it.

There is also something else in their possession. That is the information on the last expedition.

It's not exactly public and getting it from the V5 would be hard considering my relationship with them.

And showing curiosity in the dark continent would defeat the purpose of the alibi. Even those pigs aren't that stupid.

Overall, I need a cover and information. Which is something the association can provide.

Still, from their story, I gathered quite a few things. Two of the zodiac were undercover and looking to recruit people for a secret expedition.

The expedition is planned out by Beyond Netero, who is also my good friend's Issac Netero's son.

Who also happens to be the black-bearded nuisance that had the gall to insult both me and his father.

He's very lucky, most people would be dead by now. But he gets a pass at life for being of Netero's blood.

The plan was not overly complicated.

They had snuck in quite a few temporary hunters to organize this expedition properly. Meanwhile trying to convince other present hunters to join the expedition.

Meaning no one at this table can be trusted. With a few exceptions, like the chairman, who would have to be the best actor around to fake those emotions.

There is also the large man in traditional clothing and white ponytails. I think I called him ' Dragon Ponytails' at the election.

He seems a wee bit too old to do something so stupid. He also looks positively pissed off at the situation.

He was one of the few people that could somewhat resist reeling back at the residual murderous intent they felt earlier.

"So... I guess this isn't the best time to ask for a favour..." I need to play my cards right. Be as transparent as possible.

Lying won't be a good choice, I'll lose all of their trust if they find the truth eventually. And that would completely undo all of my effort to raise their opinion of me.

They definitely won't like the idea of a second expedition. I need to sugarcoat it properly before spoon-feeding it to them.

Cheadle perked up at my disappointed tone.

"Did something happen Ashton?" She seemed curious, even a bit concerned.

I released a tired sigh, which isn't really difficult to pull off considering how full the last few months have been. Constant planning and fighting, and to think it all started with me visiting a nest of ants.

Oh well, it could've been much worse. Netero decided to kill himself, the king turned out to be a bit too much for me to handle, I learned of Ziggs fate. It's vexing how much has happened in such a short time.

I've spent most of my life uneventfully. The first part of it was mostly uneventful, with me learning how to use Nen and mostly lazing around and relaxing with the beings of my home.

When I eventually reached Lake Mobius, things were a lot more eventful. Conflicts were more prevalent. But it can't really be compared to the last few months.

I will have to relax a bit before actually heading for my home. I'll use that to spend more time with Pitou, further training her and befriending her.

"Well... I also have been planning to head for the Dark Continent for a bit..." Cheadle's eyes widened in shock, I could see a hint of a smile on Beyond's face.


Haha, poor Cheadle. Hope you liked the chapter!

For my new fanfic look up 'Ant King in MHA' on the search bar.(cuz I can't link it)

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