Search For The Student

__________ POV Ashton__________

The Phantom Troupe seems to be looking for something. Machia and her group have been wandering around the 4th tier for an hour now.

I think I'll need to go and just speak to them at this point. My patience is quite limited after all...

I'll keep following them for a few minutes. If they continue to just walk around aimlessly I will just talk to them.

I think I also found out where Cheadle is located. She's a 'Disease Hunter' so, logically, she would be in a medical ward.

It's hard to tell which though, the only ones that actually have doctors in them are the ones above the third tier. So I'll just check those later I guess.

Yep, the lower tiers don't even have any type of surveillance or medical staff. But there are still quite a few doctors on the ship, they are all just hanging about in the first tiers.

This is beyond stupid, but I guess there's no need to provide healthcare for people that will die anyway.

Oh well, I guess it's time to see what the Phantom Troupe is doing on this ship.

I walked in front of the three. They didn't really notice me at first, this place is quite crowded, and I do blend in quite well.

But eventually, the pink-haired Machi finally noticed me. Her eyes widened, she looked at me with actual fear.

That wasn't really the expected reaction, but ok. I mean, Machi never seemed to be the type to actually fear someone.

But I guess I do have that effect on people...

The other two both finally noticed me after seeing Machi's frightened reaction. I smiled a bit and waved my hand at them, taking two steps forward to speak to them.

I didn't expect the boxing mummy to actually try and hit me. Maybe it was out of reflex or something like that? Well, his form is at least decent.

But his frightened state left him a bit open. I grabbed his arm with my hand and lifted him over my head and slammed him into the ground.

Machi was quick to try and surround my body in Nen strings, whilst the other lady silently pulled out a strange vacuum cleaner. With which she proceeded to try and whack me over the head.

The civilians around us all started fleeing in different directions, trying to avoid the random fight that just started for no good reason.

Now, letting off my En in this place might be a bit too much, so I'll do this a bit more smoothly. Letting off explosions isn't exactly ideal here either.

I just used Ken, her vacuum cleaner was stopped by a powerful barrier whilst Machi's strings were not able to come close to my skin at all.

"What's with all of this aggression?" I asked in a calm tone. I guess I should've expected something of this nature, they were all on edge even before seeing me.

Still, attacking me is probably the strangest thing they could do, I thought they'd get the hint from the warehouse incident...

I guess I'll need to teach Chrollo how to discipline his followers properly. This is completely unacceptable behaviour.

None of the three responded, well, only two of them are still conscious, so I'll forgive the mummy.

"You do know I have no intention of fighting you right?" I said with a raised eyebrow as my patience once again started slipping away.

The two were still just as rigid. I released a sigh.

I immediately released my murderous intent. Even if they are Chrollo's friends, they still need to learn about not overstepping their bounds.

"Say... Can the two of you stop acting like idiots? I will really have to kill you if you keep this up."

I could see their fear being amplified by quite a bit. Both tremblingly raised their arms.

Machia undoing the strings from around my body and the other lady making her vacuum cleaner disappear.

"Good. Now that this little misunderstanding is over... Will you guys kindly tell me where little Chrollo is? I have quite a few things to talk about with him..." My tone lost its previous deadly intentions.

There's no need to further complicate things with another misunderstanding.

"W-we don't know his actual location... But he should be searching around the 5th tier somewhere..." Machi said with a shaky voice.

Not really all that useful, but I guess it's better than nothing. At least now I know for sure that he's here.

"Well then, this was a nice conversation! I'd say that you should take your friend to the medical ward, but there aren't any actual doctors in this tier... So I'll just wish you good luck!"

After saying that I just left, they are quite clearly not too comfortable around me.

Now, I could've just asked Machi about the intentions of the Troupe, but she could barely put a few words together.

Chrollo should at least be willing to speak to me for more than a few sentences.

So I descended another tier and reached the 5th one. This isn't exactly going to be instant, but I can at least look around quickly.

I did the best possible thing in this situation. My body quickly grew another head, then another set of arms, then they separated from my main body as a torso, which also instantly grew legs.

If others were to see this, it would look like I just split myself into two identical twins. I call this 'Cell Splitter'.

It's quite literally creating clones with the same appearance as me. And whilst they are handsome, they aren't exactly all that useful in fights, none of them can use Nen.

But they can keep multiplying on their own. The clone I just created started splitting itself into twenty more. And yes, I can keep splitting myself for a long time.

The Nen required is quite negligible, to the point where I can't even feel the drain in any way. It was the same before my Nen reserves doubled too. So nothing new there...

Now, I will just send every single one of them to look for Chrollo. Once they find him I will get a signal, I will be able to transfer my conscience to the one that found him.

This ability may sound powerful, but there are quite a few conditions to it.

Like how I need to be within 10 kilometres of the clones in order for them to not turn into globs of melting flesh... And yes, they dispel that way.

These aren't Nen constructs. They are actual living organisms that work like a hivemind. I obviously need to use my scarlet eyes to pull this off.

Now... Off to find my little disciple. I hope he will be pleased to see me... He better be.


Hope you liked the chapter.

Another one might come later tonight(maybe dunno)

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