Formal Investigation

__________ POV Ashton__________

The Princess and I decided to open the door. I was obviously in front, more of a precaution than anything, I wouldn't want to need to heal her again.

Kurapika was waiting around awkwardly. He was together with three other people that eyed me suspiciously, I guess they are also this girl's bodyguards.

"H-hey Ashton, sorry again for attacking you..." He really needs to get over that.

"Don't sweat the small stuff kid." At this point, with all that's been happening in the last few months, him attacking me is just water under the bridge.

"Ok..." He looked a bit confused. I guess people don't usually let you off so quickly after you attack them? Well, I am a bit too tired to worry about all that.

"So... How's it going? There shouldn't be much to investigate, the guy was strangling her, I spun his head around a bit, and now we're here." I said in a simple tone. The bodyguards looked at his body on the ground.

His neck was twisted at an unnatural angle, he had a surprised look on his face, meaning he barely had any time to register what had happened.

Overall, he didn't look like he was having much fun. The bodyguards likely suspect me to have also attacked the princess, but they don't really have any evidence.

And the princess herself seems to have taken a liking to me, so any accusation of the sort won't stick.

"We still need to look around the room for a bit." I just shrugged, we all looked at Momoze for a bit.

"Ok... You guys can enter..."

The investigation was boring, and it also didn't really go anywhere. They had no way of knowing which of her siblings put the bodyguard up to that.

Or if it was a personal decision. If I knew this was so complicated I would've interrogated him before killing him.

"So... Are you guys done? I'm sure the princess would appreciate getting her beauty sleep. Not that she needs any." My compliment seems to have landed, although it only caused a bit of a blush.

Her reactions are quite amusing to watch. And I can dish out compliments like there's no tomorrow, so this will probably be something she has to get used to.

I remember doing the same with Linne, her reactions were sometimes more violent though.

The bodyguards looked a bit concerned, and I guess I know why. A random guy appears and gets the princess of a country to be infatuated with him.

Obviously, they wouldn't trust me. Doing so would be failing at their jobs.

And yes, I can tell she is in love with me, or at least she believes she is. I just happened to be the closest source of comfort in a rough moment.

Her feelings aren't quite developed enough to be called love. And I can barely say that I know her, besides her name and a few personality traits.

"Y-yes... I believe we are done for today..." Said Momoze as she glanced at me for a bit.

The bodyguards left, Kurapika was also about to leave, but I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Meet me later..." I slipped a piece of paper in his pocket as he continued on his way.

I guess he knows how to be inconspicuous because he chooses to walk away instead of questioning me like a dullard.

After all of the guards left the room and collected the body, only the princess and I were left inside.

"So... Should we go back to sleep...?" She asked with a bit of a blush. Damn, she's a bit bolder than Linne used to be.

"Umm, I'm not sure that's appropriate. I would like to make a proposal, however..." She seemed to deflate considerably at the first half of my sentence. But the second seemed to give her some hope.

She nodded her head, signalling me to continue.

"If you can secure me a room near yours, I will make sure to protect you." She perked up instantly.

"YES*cough*... I mean, of course... I can arrange that..." Yeeah, you're not fooling anyone at this point. Pretending not to be excited only works when you don't slip up at the very first word...

"W-wait... Actually... All of the rooms near this one belong to my siblings..." Oh... I guess the princes have separate living quarters?

I did pass by a few guards, but going invisible is quite easy for me, so I didn't really think much of it.

"B-but you can live with me! I-I mean, a room in the servant's quarters just opened up!" Well, her room is basically bigger than your average house, so I guess her servant's also live there.

Although her actual bedroom should've been a bit better guarded if you ask me.

"How about I bring my own bed and sleep in your room?" I still want to sleep in a good room.

She seemed to ponder my suggestion for a bit. We've already dozed off in the same bed, so I guess she's not that embarrassed about it anymore.

"Ok then... But how are you going to get a spare be-" She stopped when she saw me rip space open and take out a golden kingsized bed.

I need to spend all that government funding on something after all. I am also an extremely generous person, always leaving tips to the workers.

She blinked a few times as she looked at the bed.

"I-I guess that solves that? H-how does that work?" Finally! Someone actually caring that I ripped space open right in front of them.

Hopefully, she can appreciate the amount of hard work that went into creating this blasted Hatsu.

"Well~" I started explaining how exactly I allowed my aura to take the properties of the space around me and tear itself open, allowing me to store things outside of our known reality.

I gave her a simplified version of course, but she seemed to be impressed nonetheless... Wait...

"I-I see..." Why are her eyes glazed over?

Damn it all, why is the only human that can follow my explanations dead? (Netero)

Well... I guess they were easy for him to follow since he wasn't listening 90% of the time. But still...

"We should get some sleep." I said with a smile on my face, she seemed to like the idea, going to her bed and laying on it.

I could feel her gaze on me a few times, but I decided to ignore it for now. I still have a meeting with Kurapika to attend.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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