The First Prince

__________ POV Ashton__________

My fight with the 8 men proved to be quite an enjoyable pastime. Too bad it was relatively short.

That can't be helped though, the Zoldyck fighting style is something that ends fights rather swiftly.

The fight itself lasted around 20 seconds. In that time Kurapika also took down the servants fighting him, leaving only Benjamin, who was likely stronger than his servants.

Camilla's servants also managed to kill one of their opponents, two of their own died in the process.

Now it was a one vs one and Camilla's servant was losing ground quickly. I don't care about their lives, but the circumstances make us allies, so I guess I can help a bit.

I just kicked a chair in that man's direction, it smashed into his back and took away his balance as he started stumbling forward towards his enemy.

Camilla's servant took that chance and stabbed the man's heart with his machete. He looked at me thankfully, but I decided to ignore him. Instead, giving more attention to my newly found relative.

Kurapika was moving around the prince skillfully, doing the large man easily by using his rather low stature and superior speed.

I clapped my hands, Kurapika looked at me a bit, and the first prince was also surprised to see all of his henchmen dead on the ground.

"Prince... Would you grant me this dance?" I asked mockingly. My request managed to get a laugh out of Camilla.

Momoze and their Aunt were too busy processing the number of corpses littering the living room. I guess things went down quite fast for the two of them.

"Disrespectful fool! I will show you the might of the strongest prince of the Kakin Empire!" Benjamin said with anger and resolution.

Spare me the bravado kid, I'm likely older than your 'grand empire'. I mean, the Kakin Empire is a relatively new country, so that's not a surprise.

Kurapika shrugged and walked back to the table, not even putting the first prince in his eyes. And, he is right not to do so, he's killed powerful Nen users in the past(Phantom Troupe).

Benjamin can't be considered strong, he is likely comparable to members of the Troupe. Who are decent, but not absurdly powerful.

Chrollo might be the only exception, as he is quite strong. His ability to steal Hatsu's is also decent. I'm sure he's tinkered with it since I've last seen it.

But Benjamin can't hold a candle to my old disciple. Comparing the two is unfair, there is quite a difference in talent to be had.

I slowly walked towards him, using 'Rythm Echo' walking in a pattern that allowed me to leave an afterimage behind me with every step. He looked at me seriously. Then smirked.

"Hah, not even a Nen user? How did someone like you take down my men?" His bravado is getting quite annoying, but he is in for a rude awakening.

Using Nen against an opponent of his level would be appropriate, but I don't feel like giving him the honour. So I will show him how useless his meagre Nen abilities are by defeating him only using my body.

He enhanced his fist as he tried to punch my side. I stepped backwards, he failed to stop his punch in time, getting confused by my afterimage and losing his balance.

I chose to punish him for his mistake, my leg whipping around and kicking his face into the ground.

He growled as he slid backwards, avoiding an axe kick to the back of his head. He jumped up, attempting an uppercut, an extremely predictable move, he only managed to hit the air as I took a step out of his range.

What took me by surprise and almost hit me was a strange Nen palm extending from his fist, I twisted my body and avoided it at the last second, but it left me a bit open.

The prince took another swing at me, this time he managed to land a hit.

But it was a lot less impactful, as I jumped backwards just as he was hitting me, making his fist only slightly wrinkle my suit.

As I was sliding backwards my arm whipped around and cut him in a few different spots, ruining his sleeve and cutting into his hand muscles.

He looked beyond annoyed, I guess he's a decent enough fighter to notice that he didn't deal any damage.

But Momoze wasn't, as a distinctive shriek could be heard from her side of the room.

Benjamin looked seriously at me, waiting for me to make a move. I guess he wants to be the one on the defensive this time? Fine by me. But he will regret that choice.

I dashed towards him, my speed without using any Nen is only a bit slower than him. He had ample time to react.

But he didn't expect me to come to a stop right outside his range and to start circling him. Leaving after images with every forward movement. Benjamin looked around in a panic, trying his best to discern where I truly am. Eventually, he regained his bearings and calmed down.

I took a step into his range, breaking his concentration as I kept using 'Rhythm Echo' and kept creating after images.

He turned around, expecting me to strike from his back, he swung his arms around in an attempt to keep me at bay. But it didn't work quite well.

All of the afterimages disappeared as I stabbed my claws into his side. He reacted quickly, instinctively he used his Nen to protect himself, stopping my attack from reaching his heart.

But it still damaged his lung quite badly, as his ribcage also cracked and further worsened his injury.

I took a step back as he once again tried to punch me. Another palm if Nen hit the ground in my previous location.

The Princ gritted his teeth and clutched his side, hate was evident in his eyes as he gazed upon me.

"It was an enjoyable experience, my prince," I said, taking a bow as he looked at me, acting all confused.

"Huh? We've barely just begun you, disgraceful peasant!" He shouted with indignation. All of his composure was gone as he felt the pain in his lung.

"Well... My patience is about done..." I said as murderous intent radiated off of me. Startling the tall man causing him to take a step back.

I simply took out a little throwing knife, looked at it for a second. I used En to look at the trajectory and made sure that no one else would be hit.

I used Shu, covering it in Nen and threw it at him at speeds he couldn't even react to.

The knife pierced through him went through the wall behind him and continued. It eventually stopped after going through a few more steel walls.

Benjamin looked down at his chest, the place where his heart should've been was now replaced by a small knife-sized hole.

He looked at me in shock as he stumbled forwards, falling to the ground with a loud thud.

Well... That takes care of that.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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