Panic and Fight

__________ POV Ashton__________

The standoff was a bit strained. We didn't have much room for a proper fight where we are now. So this will definitely cause some damage to the area.

"What a mess you've gotten yourself in Chrollo... To think you'd have the gall to assassinate a king." I said whilst shaking my head.

He gritted his teeth, looking at me with hate. His book instantly appeared in his hand, I guess he doesn't want to talk anymore?

Then Kurapika won't really get to hear more about his clan's massacre. I doubt he'd listen to much in the chaos of a fight.

He's got quite the gall, I can at least acknowledge that. To think he dares to raise his hand at his teacher.

I dashed forward, a blade quickly met my path, the swordsman of the Troupe was quick to extend his En in the room and defend.

"So eager~So Weak~" I appeared behind him and kicked his side, putting in just a little amount of Nen as my leg hit his guard, crushing several of his ribs and sending him flying through a wall.

Threads gathered around me in familiar patterns, seems like Machi is a bit mad. She effectively immobilised me, making sure her strings cut off my escape paths.

Well, I could break them, but where's the fun in that?

"Illumi, Kalluto, both of you should stand on the side... Neither of you has anything to do with this..."

One opening appeared on the web as the tall blond man winded up his punch and rushed me with gritted teeth.

Too bad, this is a team fight. Can't have all of them focus on me.

__________ POV Narration__________

Phinks was struck into the head with a ball and chain. Kurapika entering the fight with force as his chains tangled around with Machi's threads.

Phinks was sent tumbling to the ground, he had managed to protect his head with Nen at the last moment but was still rendered unconscious by the brunt force of Kurapika's chain.

Feitan was quick to intercept Kurapika, and he proved to be his match, as the two entered a scuffle and kept each other occupied, at least for now.

The short man dodged around the small room as Kurpika twirled his chain around and whipped it towards Fetan.

Kurapika's chain broke open the wall to the hallway in seconds, as Feitan also dodged outside, taking his fight out in the hallway.

The breaking of the wall also revealed that Nobunaga had been sent through a few more walls than expected.

Cheadle also entered the bout. Engaging Bonolenov and Shizuku. As the Chairman of the Association enhanced her body with Nen and fought them without any issue.

Her Hatsu was related to healing, but it also helped her boost her physical performance greatly. Leading to her singling out two powerful Nen users by herself.

Every time she got even slightly grazed, she would heal up instantly, as her Hatsu made sure that she was full of stamina and endurance at all times.

That left the Old Scientist to fight against his former student and Machi. They were eyeing each other up cautiously.

In the last few seconds, the three were caught in a stalemate, as neither was willing to make the first move. Ashton out of pride, them out of fear.

Eventually, after seeing the sorry state of their group and the Zoldyck brothers not really helping. They were forced to act, only if to help the rest of the members.

Machi quickly tried to entrap Ashton, but the scientist didn't feel up to it this time. Grabbing the threads around him without any fear and pulling with force.

He managed to drag Machi around and smash her into the wall, as she had failed to disconnect herself from the threads in time.

The pink-haired girl smashed into the wall at great speeds, her back bending the cold metal wall as blood came out of her mouth in seconds.

Ashton didn't waste any more time, he dashed towards Chrollo, he didn't showcase his full speed, but he was still fast enough to prove troublesome.

Chrollo quickly acted, teleporting Nobunaga back to him, as the swordsman had barely recovered from his tumble. Still holding his side.

But he didn't let off. His katana sliding out of its scabbard as his sword cut into Ashton's path. His appearance was sudden, and a sneak attack like this would've worked on most people.

But Ashton wasn't really a normal person. He stopped his body, only his previous momentum keeping him forwards as he became completely still.

Nobunaga's blade passed through Ashton. Much to the excitement of the swordsman, but his happiness was short-lived, as he realised that he had felt no resistance almost instantly.

Ashton instantly resumed his movement after the blade passed him, his hand shooting up to meet Nobunaga as his finger dug themselves into his throat.

Nanoseconds away from severing away his windpipe, but Chrollo managed to teleport his subordinate back to his side in time.

The scientist looked at the two of them with a smile. The rubble around them gave him an idea.

He kicked a piece of rubble towards them, Nobunaga, as injured as he was, still intercepted it without any fear. Cutting it in half as it passed by the two and raised dust into the air.

Chrollo almost instantly used Gyo, but he was too late, as Ashton's hand was already into Nobunaga's chest. The swordsman dropping his sword in shock.

The katana didn't even get to hit the ground, as Ashton kicked the blade. Making it turning into the air until it faced someone else, and kicked its handle.

Shizuku was about to swing her vacuum towards Cheadle once more, but her instincts instantly flared up, as a blade almost reached her side in seconds.

Bonolenov managed to deflect it, only gaining a slight cut to his gloved arm. Thankfully for them, Ashton hadn't put any Nen into the blade.

But that action had distracted them, and their standstill with Cheadle broke, giving her an opportunity to punch Shizuku's chest and send her flying through a wall.

Chrollo might've been able to teleport her to him, but his vision and attention were obstructed by Ashton flinging Nobunaga's lifeless body towards him.

He caught it with both hands. Looking at the body with empty eyes. He raised his gaze at Ashton, his hatred was unveiled as he placed one of his hands on Nobunaga's body and cloned it.

'Gallery Fake' was a move that Chrollo used in his fight against Hisoka at Heaven's Arena. It allowed him to copy the things he touched.

He proceeded to make a few copies of Nobunaga's body.

Ashton just looked at him with a smile. As he started to hum a melodic tune.

The showdown between Teacher and Student was bound to end with one of them losing their life...


Hope you liked the chapter!

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